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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Moi aussi j'ai hâte de pouvoir suivre The Voice en France, c'est mieux que de devoir se casser la tête à essayer de comprendre l'italien. Mika aux côtés de Garou, ça me fait rire à chaque fois que j'y pense. Pensez-vous que la nouvelle va se rendre jusqu'au Québec ou est-ce un fol espoir ?
  2. I definitely don't have the same taste than most people because I don't like Ariana's voice. She sounds fake and I don't like that. I love Mika because his voice is different than what we hear most of the time. But the duet was cute because they were cute together. The music background was too loud, we could hear Mika "correctly" but Ariana's singing was lost by trying to put too much effect in it (Am I clear ? I think my english is really bad here ) So who's fault it is ? Not really clear between Mika, Ariana or the technicians.. Beside that, I understand to point of everybody here. Yes Mika's voice doesn't mix very well with other singers most of the time.
  3. And it's now or never because Mika is going to be stuck in Italia for a while and Ariana's going to release her next single.
  4. Maybe they never had the occasion before ? Or maybe because Ariana is promoting her new album and the last single is Popular (even if it's not really HER single but you get it). I don't know...
  5. I never thought that they would release Popular as Ariana's new single. The song is already released as Mika's single, Ariana's fans already know the song. The music video is already out. I'm not surprised at all that she's working on an other music video and that she is going to release a new single. It's logic, it would be repetitive.
  6. MIKA official @mikasounds 12m Super early and not so bright morning in Toulouse. Heading to LA for a quick but intense trip MIKA official @mikasounds 8m Want to hang with me at @1027KIISFM on Wednesday? I'll be performing #Popular Song! Here's how 2b there #NextUp----> ow.ly/pi2ep
  7. Mika is funny in XFactor, a great judge. I was crying because I was laughing too much yesterday, watching the "Willy willy willy" video. But I don't like that kind of tv show, I'm from the same place as guylaine and cath but I never watch reality show here (oui, même La Voix et Occupation Double) and even Mika will not make me watch a reality show. It's, most of the time, boring and.. predictable ? XFactor uses the same strategy, a lot of "cut and paste" to make the public love the contestant they want. Mika can't do anything about that. This is exactly what I think too. I can't blame them
  8. :excite: I still have last year's show when Mika played Origin of Love on my DVR Now I'll have both of them for sure :boing:
  9. How long it is ? I'm waiting to come back where I was when I lost my connexion, after 22 min. EDIT: Only one more question and it was over.
  10. I have the same problem, I can't see his tweets. It started on September 7th, I didn't see all the tweets he sent on this day. I tought I was the only one ! The only tweet I can see on my timeline since this day is this one. It's very annoying.
  11. Comme un soleil mal luné is on TOOL deluxe french version. With L'amour dans le mauvais temps and Karen. Right now we have a few songs that could be on the next album... Hia Leah, Century Man, Ma Jeunesse, Live your life. And I'm sure he has others songs in his pocket.
  12. C'est un joli sport, j'ai une petite-cousine qui en fait aussi ! Je n'ai jamais été la voir, mais j'aimerais bien un jour (si la famille pouvait bien s'entendre ça serait déjà plus simple..) Ma cousine Jade Bravo pour ton travail, c'est beaucoup de jeunes qui s'amuseront grâce à toi.
  13. A lil bit off subject but it's wierd that half of the juges of The Voice FRANCE are not from France. Garou is from Canada.
  14. Not very happy, this mean that he'll not start his next album and we'll not see him touring in early 2014. I wish it's for money, we all know that he didn't sell a lot of CD this year... TOOL is almost one year old now. At least I'll understand the interviews in french. In one of the videos that LeiRe shared, they say that it's only for one season and Louis Bertignac will come back next year. (thank god...)
  15. You did an amazing job, don't worry We are happy for you and we are grateful that you delivered our gift to Mika. You were an ambassador for the MFC, be proud and don't listen to nasty people.
  16. Happy Birthday Mika I wish you a wonderful year and everything you want, you deserve it Stay the same, we love you just the way you are. Can't wait to see you again... (and, please, no botox, you don't need it )
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