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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Yeah, good point. But when you are in Canada, the south american continent is... very very far away. At this point, going to France or Mexico is almost the same. Mika, come back soon. We need you.
  2. I found this on twitter http://instagram.com/p/YEeQOsF5HJ/# https://twitter.com/alejandrofanz/status/323273779461644290/photo/1/large
  3. Il fait des vagues partout où il passe, je ne suis pas tellement surprise, mais je suis vraiment contente moi aussi ! J'aurais aimé qu'il fasse des entrevues à son passage à Montréal (je veux dire, à part celle téléphonique à la radio). Est-ce que vous savez pourquoi les 3 stations de radio était là ? Elles ont bien du faire autre chose que planter leur drapeau autours du Théâtre Corona.
  4. Ouais ahah sur le coup aussi je trouvais ça très drôle. Comme s'il ne pouvait pas s'en acheter 4 caisses s'il le voulait. C'est toujours plus joli quand ça vient d'ailleurs.
  5. You are so right. I'm sure Mika would have loved that joke. Answering more false things and then tell the man he had the wrong information. This interview is, you're right, a total disaster. Poor Mika.
  6. Recording Ma jeunesse OMG that would be awesome. Great review, it looks a very different gig than the Montreal one !
  7. He was wearing these shoes in Montreal: white with black spikes (hope it's the good word) I wonder how much shoes he has. In one week, he wears more different shoes than I had in my whole life.
  8. To be true, Mika was saying that it was wierd because he was speaking french, but that his songs are in english. He didn't make a wierd face like that when he forgot Rain's lyrics.
  9. LOOOOL awkward moment when he tries to make her saying "Merde" but she doesn't want to say the word.
  10. Just noticed that they have the wrong song title. The second song was Toy Boy. And they said that these 3 songs are from his first album but it's not true, Toy Boy in on TBWKTM.
  11. Oh god, he's lucky to not have to queue, he would never have survived. It was freezing outside and he's here with a little jacket.
  12. I have like.. 15 vids from the show. My memory is bad too. Thanks I completly miss this album ! I found myself in the pics too (before the show), I forgot to send mines but I'll do it tonight.
  13. I can't believe it, I'm really the only one that took videos from this gig ? That makes me feel like I'm very bad.
  14. He gave us this song almost as a welcome gift. I can't believe he spent time during his tour (which is crazily busy !) to write and compose this song. This is so sweet. I don't think Doriand did everything, it was Mika's idea and when he wants to do something, he does it. He just needs help because he doesn't know every expressions in french. To do a french album is almost a logical sequence. It's sure I would buy it but I would like more an english album. And I needs bouncy songs too.
  15. It means drunk. In Quebec we would say "saoul" but in France they say "bourré". Mika doesn't know that but it doesn't matter, everyone understood.
  16. In Montreal they told us that if you can change the lens of your camera, it's "professional" and you couldn't use it. If it's a compact one, it's ok.
  17. "It's a change, I speak French tonight ! In fact, it's really different in French. First because my muscians are English, they don't speak French.. so if they have an expression like this *lost face*, it's completly fair. Secondly because I have no idea what I'm gonna say. I'm talking in French, I'm singing in English. *wierd face* It makes a mess. (not sure how to translate that, "Ça fout tout en l'air") But there're some lyrics that we can understand in every language." And then he starts singing LYWID.
  18. Je vous souhaite une super tournée ! Nous on va espérer qu'il revienne vite par chez nous. Je ne dirais pas non à un festival cet été, mais je ne vais pas rêver trop fort.
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