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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Mmmh the remix in Relax was obvious but in Stardust I needed to listen to it again. I'm still not sure if everything is "fake" or just parts of it. Or if it's really live with a bad synchronisation. In Relax we can really easily hear the difference between live and "added" parts. I agree with the theory of the sound added after, it's just not Mika that would act like he's singing. That just wouldn't fit at all. I love those version, Stardust is just amazing and Relax reminds me the earlier Mika but I think I would like more to hear the original sound.
  2. I don't know what is the title of the songs and if you have them in your list but : [YOUTUBE]cNdzXZWpd5c[/YOUTUBE] There is 2 songs in my vid.
  3. I don't think it's about Mika's new fans exactly, but much more with a new generation who doesn't realise how serious are some words, even if it's on the internet.
  4. We are two then because I didn't get that Coop was not a nickname until you said it. Product placement doesn't work on me. But the car's part was even more obvious than the Franklin & Marshall placement in Underwater.
  5. Ok this is like my 4th listening and I can't stop laughing. I just realised that when Mika is driving, he moves the wheel from right to left but the car still goes straight. I love this vid, very funny and creepy. Mika looks awesome and I love how he is a double face. It's kinda scary. I wish it'll put Mika on the map in the US. And maybe in Canada too !
  6. That would be cool if it can makes its way to Montreal. I don't think so but it sounds great ! I would LOVE to hear that on radio.
  7. I have no idea. Are you sure it's not a fan vid ? I'm confused, this version is horrible. I really think it's a Ariana's fan that try to be POPULAR too.
  8. I want to add that it makes me sad that some people are leaving. I wish you'll find your way back here someday. Even if I'm not close to anyone and even if I don't agree with everything people say. I think Christine is right when she said that it's easier to keep your old fans than make new ones.
  9. I had a dream about Mika last week. It was very wierd. It was in the middle of the day and he was suppose to do a gig somewhere in the evening. I don't know why, but he was stuck in an empty building, waiting for his bodyguard? It was a little bit dark inside, but not so much. My friend and I just enter in the building and I don't know why, we knew he'll be here but it was ok, normal and he came to us, saying hi. We had a chat in this empty building. I was very impressed, didn't talk so much. During the conversation, my friend asked me to go somewhere but I told her I didn't want to (I wanted to stay here with Mika). After a few minutes, his bodyguard enters and he left. My friend and I left too and I was jumping outside, overexcited. It was a strange dream but I woke up very happy for the rest of the day.
  10. This thread makes me so sad. I don't agree with his decision but we can't do anything so I'll wait as I always did. It's only a few months... I won't yell at him my disagreement because he don't care and I don't get why I should stop to follow him because of his decision. We don't even know why he did it, maybe he just didn't have de choice. Or maybe he had good reasons. In one year from now, I'll still be a Mikafan because I love his music and I wish he'll come back to Montreal this summer or next year. And buy his next album in 2.. 3... or 4 years. If he even release a new album. Not because I'm licking his boots, because I love his music.
  11. I didn't know that ! (you see that I'm not following La Voix at all) That could be even better if he can do something else at the same time !
  12. Let's do the only thing we can really do.. Wait and see. In a way, it's only 5 months. Not 5 days unfortunatly, but at least it's not 5 years. MAYBE it'll be not so disgusting, he is very good at surprising us. MAYBE that'll be disgusting and he'll lose fans and credibility in Italia. Does it mean it'll be the same for every country around the world ? I don't think so, I have no idea who are the judge in other countries (and I don't care). Yes he's not going to make new songs and new tours during this... maybe that's why he's touring right now and writing a lot. I don't think it's the best thing he could do right now but maybe we can try to not dramatise this like it's the end of Mika ? You can have your opinion, I just try to lower the tension...
  13. OMG we have Mika in Montreal. That would worth the look, even if this place looks creepy. Do someone know if it's the old one or if there's one in Paris and one in Montreal ?
  14. Are you sure ? In Philadelphia, according to the reports on the MFC, the only new song he played was Hia Leah.
  15. I thought the same thing ! For a moment I was not sure if I was looking at the right video.
  16. I'll wait that the news is confirmed (or denied I wish) before start to debate on this information. I didn't forget the big discussion about eurovision.
  17. Is it possible to have the vid from this review on youtube ? http://fr.canoe.ca/divertissement/musique/nouvelles/2013/04/06/20717666-qmi.html# I would be soooo happy.
  18. I like Karen too but I like Ma jeunesse more than Karen because the message behind the lyrics is a little stronger in my opinion. Both are still incredible songs.
  19. You are right, it was the same for me. I was like.. ????? Who are you talking about. When you listen to my video, you hear that it takes like.. 1 ou 2 seconds before people understand that he talks about his youth. And then everybody start to scream.
  20. Ohh I saw your pic on twitter ! You are very lucky The concert review tread is already open for this gig ! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27995
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