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Lunari last won the day on October 27 2016

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About Lunari

  • Birthday 06/20/1978


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    Looking up at the stars

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  1. I probably wouldn't have remembered the song if I hadn't been at that gig.
  2. While I wouldn't put something like this past Mika, he was heckled for Boum Boum Boum rather than EMD, so I don't think this explanation quite works
  3. I don't know if skipping a song or two actually makes a show that much shorter, since he talks a lot in between and repeats choruses many times while engaging with the audience, so most songs end up being much longer live than their studio versions are. The show in Wolverhampton definitely didn't feel short to me (it lasted about 2 hours). But I do think @krysady's theory about trying to protect his voice has merit: when he came out after the show, he didn't speak and he only communicated with hand gestures (as he's done quite a few times in the past when he also wanted to protect his voice more than usual).
  4. That's a very good point and something I would love to see as well. I mean, maybe he thought he covered the new songs by adding Yo Yo and Feels Like Fire, but I really don't think the Yo Yo remix is a good representation of his more recent music.
  5. Yeah, he could have definitely done Bougez without the cage, and I really like your laser lights idea. I have to admit that OOL was also a great opener though, and the crowd reacted very well to it. Yep, only 16 songs, unfortunately. I kind of understand why he does older songs though: I had a place where I could see most of the crowd, and I definitely got the impression that their response to older hits like Lollipop was much more enthusiastic than to newer songs (like Feels Like Fire or Yo Yo). When he did Elle me dit, he almost apologized for it, saying that this was the only French song he would do (and then he had a long talk in English in the middle of the song, basically explaining the meaning of the lyrics). As much as we would all like to hear all the new French songs, I don't think the general UK audience would be as impressed by them.
  6. I was wondering if maybe they couldn't fit the birdcage through the door, like they couldn't fit the piano, so maybe that's why he didn't do Bougez.
  7. Happy Birthday


    Galaxy Cupcakes Recipe - Frugal Mom Eh!

    1. Prisca


      Happy Birthday! :yay:

    2. Lunari
  8. I wasn't in London this time, so I can't comment on that, but I've been to many other events with Mika and waited for him after the event. I've absolutely seen him "run away" when the crowd was too pushy (he didn't literally run, but you know what I mean ). The only times when he actually stayed for a while and talked to fans were when people were either respectful and/or there were barriers to prevent us from physically getting too close to him. And sometimes he doesn't come out to meet fans at all, which has almost been a rule after gigs in Italy, where crowds are often big and pushy. (This years' gig in Verona was an exception, of course, since it was a special one-off. Plus, there were barriers.) As for him going into the crowd, I'm sure that's something he enjoys on some level, but I think it's also one of the "challenges" he sets for himself, as he likes to push himself to do things that he finds a little uncomfortable. One event I remember vividly is a taping for CasaMika that was done in Rimini in 2016, where he spent some time dancing in the crowd of fans. He left really quickly after the taping, and later he said in an interview that he had never had as many people touch his butt as he did that day (and he said it sort of jokingly, but you could definitely tell he was actually put off by it). I really find it appalling that anyone would think it was okay to touch him that way on purpose.
  9. You may well be right, and I'm sure the whole thing is more complicated than we will ever know. But I do think the whole thing was handled badly, so it's not surprising that a lot of fans blame Mika: he/his team communicated this news in a very impersonal way, and it was also announced very late (less than 3 weeks before the tour was supposed to start). Remember how many times he apologized when he got sick and had to cancel those shows in the US this spring, even though everyone kept telling him that it was okay and he should take care of his health first? You could really see how much he regretted those cancellations, which is very different from how this latest announcement comes across. I mean, I'm sure in reality he feels just as regretful and devastated now (if not even more) -- but the tone of the announcement paints a very different picture: "Sorry, I had to cancel these shows because they wouldn't be the way I wanted them to be. But hey, I'll see you in Verona to celebrate the end of the summer!" Again, I'm not saying that's how Mika really feels, but this is what fans see.
  10. Yes, maybe. But if that's the case, it's a problem of his own doing and he should learn not to take on so many projects at the same time. I still think doing "The Rite of Spring" tour now and forgetting the "Magic Piano" tour altogether would be a better solution, since we don't really know if and when that tour will happen anyway.
  11. I interpreted it this way too, but what I don't get is: if he can keep the gig in Verona and just turn it into a "normal" concert, why not do that with the other gigs too? It's not the perfect solution, but still a lot better than cancelling the whole tour. I'm sure most fans would have understood and there would be much less anger and annoyance in the fandom.
  12. Thanks everyone, I managed to request a refund. I also wish we were given a better explanation for the cancellation. I know we don't know the whole story (and probably never will), and I'm sure Mika and his team didn't make this decision lightly. Still, if he really did it because production and logistical issues prevented him from making this show what he wanted it to be ... then I'm sorry, this explanation is not good enough for me. Maybe I could understand it for the big arena shows, but for the theatre shows, all he had to do was show up with his piano and sing some songs he has rarely or never done before, and everyone would have been more than happy. And somehow he can still do Arena di Verona, despite the production issues? I had tickets for most of the shows on this tour. If it ends up taking place in 2023, I probably won't be able to go (it's almost impossible for me to get vacation time in the spring, and I have a major surgery scheduled for summer/autumn), so this was going to be my last Mika tour for some time. I'll still go to Verona, and losing some money I paid for non-refundable plane and train tickets is not the worst thing in the world. I'm also lucky enough to have seen Mika many times, so I can't complain too much (and I feel for people who haven't had that possibility and now had their only chance to see him taken away). But all good things come to an end, and I think the days when I could take a couple of weeks of vacation and follow Mika from city to city might now be in the past.
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