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Everything posted by yang

  1. I was so close, wasn't I? For the first mika gig that was a little too much for me to handle for sure! So glad I didn't faint! Well, to be honest, base on my experience, you are not a bully to me in the forum or in the chat, and in person you are super nice! But I do feel (no offense) sometimes you sounds a little superior and a little scary . This is just my opinion. And, fan is actually short for " fanaticism", which is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or with an obsessive enthusiasm(I should not cite wiki, but you get my point), and that's exactly what I thought the meaning of being a fan. Maybe it's culture or personal difference, but please imagine my surprise when I see on a Mika Fan Club, some fans are actually critizing him, and how scary that will be to me. That is just so hard to understand in many levels. Now you said you like the imperfection of him, I think I may understand a little bit.
  2. First of all, for whatever reason, call you these words are not acceptable, no matter under what circumstance! And, I've met you in person once in NYC, which you may not remember , but you are really nice in person, and very beautiful (at least, based on my perspective) ! I still remember how smooth your skin looks like (yeah maybe I'm a little creepy for noticing these things ) ! As for the attitude to MIKA, I think the reason of the difference between us, is that the old fans know him better. In a way of speaking, you love him on earth. Me, and some other newer fans, really don't have the lucky to know him that well, and we love him over the moon. It never feels good when someone is trying to drag us down to earth. Also, to be honest, we are a little jealous that you get to see him more, and even know his partner well. And it kinda hurts to us that you are much closer to him, yet you kept saying the not so good side in his character, like being closer to him is not a good idea. We would love to be in your place, and you seems to us that you are not enjoying the position. I think I understand, that if you are more close to a person, he is more real and you can see the flaws more clearly. On the other said, we could really appreciate that you can understand us, or at least try to, why we still treat him as a perfect image and become upset when we see other people not doing that. And, since we still dont and wont have the chance to know him as well as you do, please don't drag us down to earth when we are over the moon, which is really not a good experience to us. I know you prefer to argue, yet not everyone love to argue with other people and face confrontation. You may not understand, but please at least accept and respect that.
  3. Yeah I think that's why everything is happening, cuz in the forum one can not hear the tone nor see facial expression. So the words are everything and people can be misunderstood. The smillies may help but sometimes it over exaggerate things too. That's why some words need to be careful to use, a lot swear words or serious words ( in my case "monster", or later "mean" "bully" . Again, I'm very sorry ) could really become harsh to other people. And both sides got hurt for no good reason. I don't have the honor to meet you in person, Ingie, but I've always admire your work as a member of subtitle team. I've met Christine once on NYC, which I think she may not remember . I think she is really really nice in person, and everyone I know agree with that. But in the forum we are actually scared of her too, to be honest . And I was actually wondering why there is such a big gap between the imagine of her in person and the imagine of her in the forum. I think now I know why, when you cant see the facial expressions nor hear the tone, every piece of words sound very serious even we don't mean to, and the meaning is exaggerated too and sounds dramatic. So glad we figure this out, Ingie. There is an old Chinese proverb "Out of blows friendship grows". I wish we can meet in person someday, during a mika gig either in Italy, US, or somewhere else that we can explore together.
  4. I know there are worse words out there. I was being called "bitch", "slut", "Your mom is a wh**e, and begging other people to buy her" during middle school, I attempted to suicide once, just jump down my balcony at fifth floor and everything would be over. I may got lucky that few of the bullies went physical to me. But yeah I know how terrible and insulting how words can be. However, it doesn't mean that the harsh words that are less horrible should be said either, "Oh you think I'm being mean, I could be meaner!" "You think this is harsh, it could be harsher,you big baby!". The logic is simply not right. The words that hurt people less still hurt. I was so shocked when Ingie first said "I do not want to know what you'll do when someone is genuinely nasty about him". What had just happened? Did I say something wrong? We were talking about Ben Stiller's attitude, why suddenly she began to use "You" and made a direct comment on me? So I said I didn't understand, you made me felt that I would be a monster( when someone is nasty about him). So yeah, I am not the one to escalate this thing. Even someone don't think that's not a bad comment, not as bad as "bitch","bulls**t", or something else. It is a still an unpleasant comment to me. Even it is not a terrible comment, it is still judging people, and became personal when there is no reason to be. I think the difference here, is that when things went ugly, I would check myself first, to see if I did something wrong. That is why I talked to other MFCers to ask for a third party opinion yesterday, and that caused my action to stand out to Ingie to tell her she is being mean to me. Maybe based on someone's opinion I am the one overacting, and maybe I am. Howevever, apparently the other side of this argument is not doing the same thing. Instead, it's just " oh, that's nothing, I could do worse to you".
  5. Wow, interesting, first she said "then I do not want to know what you'll do when someone is genuinely nasty about him", then she said "what the actual hell", and called me stop being "so dramatic", and you feel ok, that's not harsh, because she is "just being straight". Well, I felt being hurt, both times, so I said it out, and responded. And all of the sudden I'm the bad guy. Also, I'm not accusing her being bully because she does not agree with me, I accuse her that because a lot MFCers felt being hurt and she apparently does not think so or know that. If I hurt her feelings, I appologize. And I dont talk about mika as a poor helpless gigantic baby, it's just as a fan I wish him to be more respected and loved, I know in the world sometimes that's not the thing but I dont see why what is wrong I wished that way. I know some fans like to treat mika down to earth, some fans like to stay over the moon. It doesnt matter, what really confuses me is that the former somehow always feels the need to drag the latter down. Like if we didn't, we should not talk anymore. Another thing that I've learnt over the years, cause I used to speak straightly over the years and hurted a lot people, is that no matter what your intentions is, if you hurt other people, you need to say sorry or at least stop doing that. If you live in a place that people just saying harsher things and you feel fine, it doesn't mean other people feels fine too, what is that so hard to understand? Also, if you are soo ok with being straight forward, why you are not ok I am being straight forward and saying my mind out? It's so interesting the double standard here. Apparently, we all have our standard, what is rude/mean, what is not. Maybe this is the reason we argue. But since you all ready know there are fans scared of you, being hurt by you, why kept doing that? That's not straight forward, that is just bad. Again, if I was mean to Ingie, I appologize.
  6. Seriously, I don't get where the temper and anger come from. If you are angry because I don't and won't agree with you, it just doesn't make any sense. As I said, different people have different opinion. You have your opinion, I have mine. Someone agree with me, someone agree with you. One more thing, I've looked at some of your posts, and talked to some other MFCers, apparently you have a habit of posting mean post, and being mean to other MFCers, and if they responded to that, you called them oversenstitive or something similar. Maybe you didn't know or didn't mean to, but I am going to point it out to you that what you said was very harsh. Even YOU dont think so, it doesn't mean it's not. And, you can not force other people to agree with you. Stop being a bully! If you still don't understand. I'm not going to reply to your post anymore, based on the history, it's obviously not a good idea to argue with you.
  7. I don't know they are your videos! Thank you for uploading these! I laughed so hard when he pointed out that someone was brushing his teeth while watching his gig
  8. It's just different people having different opinions about a video, and based on what I heard from other MFCers, I'm not the only one feels that there is something unpleasant the way Ben Stiller talked about mika. Why do you react like I'm a monster? It's so not worth a fight.
  9. more from tanzzl He spoke a lot Mandarin, well at least he tried
  10. http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/flag/China.gifThe Second day of China Tour 2016 !! Shenzhen ! 深圳 ! ======== REPORT ======== tiibet ======== VIDEO ======== MFCer Zel youtuber tanzzl shared these videos. rachelstyles My Interpretation Grace Kelly Boum Boum Boum Happy Ending + acapella at the end Relax, Take It Easy Good Guys We Are Golden Underwater Talk About You Origin of Love Elle Me Dit Big Girl Lollipop tiibet Mika - Boum Boum Boum @ A8 Live in Shenzhen, China ======== PHOTO ======== tiibet ======== MEDIA ======== Official photos #17 Split Works #12
  11. I hope you are right, I really hate the idea that he disrespect mika.
  12. He seems really insincere. He was just randomly saying good things. It's like when you ask for recommendation letters, the last thing you want them to say is that you are a nice person.
  13. I think Shenzhen gig is sold out in the last few minutes
  14. So I just checked, the gig at February 26 , Shanghai is sold out. https://yoopay.cn/event/MIKASHday2
  15. I think the gig in Shanghai is sold out or almost sold out, cuz I always see people in baidu mika forum trying to buy second-hand tickets.
  16. yang


    Hi Amy, so you can actually order Songbook 1 from amazon.com now, and it's only around $10
  17. How to download it? my wifi is sloooww, so I want to download it to watch it
  18. This is soo good, I've only been watching for 15 mins and I just cant stop smiling, especially when mika said "no danger on my side" and made that face~~
  19. Thank you sooooo much! This is the best thing happen to me today, even I've already have a wonderful day! But this definitely tops them all!
  20. That is really annoying, the way he gave the answer
  21. So I just see the chat, and I asked him "will tencent stream your performance this time in China?" He said:"No, but someone else will do that!!". yay!!
  22. This is sooo good! I'll definitely join the one in Saturday! "I'm like a doll, if you push a button in my back my hair will pop", lol...
  23. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds 16h16 hours ago monkeying around good fortune @ 국립현대미술관 서울관 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art,… https://www.instagram.com/p/BBjovt1TiNc/ MIKA official ‏@mikasounds 16h16 hours ago @ Gyeongbokgung https://www.instagram.com/p/BBjoGRMTiMj/ MIKA official ‏@mikasounds 16h16 hours ago Amazing afternoon walk! @ Gyeongbokgung https://www.instagram.com/p/BBjn8a6ziMV/
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