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Everything posted by yang

  1. Oh MK, just saw this post, big hug ! I've known about your lost of lozzas for a while but I never knew it's so important to you. I'll keep an eye in Chinese website, maybe there'a some luck.
  2. Can somebody transcript what he said in the beginning of OMS? I couldnt hear them completely..
  3. Haha yeah that make sense, it will be weird if mika is grabbing Lucas' butt..
  4. I'm going home~

    1. frenchfan84


      Yeah ! Have a good trip my friend ;-)

  5. They wont let me register unless I enter my phone number and date of birth
  6. Several interesting things: he learnt traditional Chinese music in college, he actually got praised by school for writing a melody of Chinese lute. Besides yoga and rope jumping, he also does boxing as an exercise!
  7. It says in the article that the tickets of his concert in Shanghai went to over $300 dollars in the black market. I'll try to translate them later, it's a little blurry but I can read most of them
  8. I was denied to the link, just curious, who won?
  9. Apparently HK media and Karen all think that it's a great honor to have MIKA as a special guest at her concert in Milan.
  10. Should I buy the DVD only version or the 2CD+DVD version? But it seems that the 2CD+DVD version is not blue ray..
  11. Ordered the blue ray right away! So glad it's released in US too! No shipping fee and I will received it within two days of release !!
  12. so what did he say before "my balls hurt"?
  13. mika balls hurt.. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUyMTcyOTkyOA==.html
  14. mikainstagramCe soir mes pensées vont vers une étoile très spéciale qui brille dans le ciel. Cette étoile s’appelle Maurine, elle a 11 ans et j’ai rencontré cette petite guerrière lors d’un voyage en Camargue au printemps dernier avec l’association Imagine for Margo. Le cancer a malheureusement gagné la bataille ce matin. Je lui ai parlé la semaine dernière. On savait qu’il n’y avait plus rien à faire. Maurine l’avait bien compris mais elle était si résistante, avait une force, un courage et des mots incroyables, pensant encore à l’avenir et surtout celui de son petit frère qu’elle aimait tant. Maurine était drôle et généreuse, elle parlait de tout avec esprit et humour. Je pense aussi à ses parents, à sa maman à qui j’ai parlé, avec beaucoup de tristesse, mais aussi émerveillée face à l’énergie et la force incroyable de son enfant. Maurine, merci d’avoir croisé et illuminé nos chemins. So sad
  15. Yeah that will be 10:30am here, perfect timing! Will it be in English?
  16. The gig at February 25, Shanghai is sold out too
  17. I do not know if this belongs here. Anyway, TOOL is used for the advertisement for Sumsung Galaxy S7 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUwMzE0NzkwNA==.html
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