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Everything posted by Jaela

  1. Hm, maybe it wasn't as big in the UK, but here you couldn't escape it on the radio hahaha. I don't like a lot of songs from her older albums, but her last 2 albums are really good imo. Those are a bit less heavy on the electropop, which also generally isn't my thing. But she's a great vocalist and idk, i just like her vibe hahaha. Last thing i'll leave you with to underline my point and conclude my pitch 😆. I do NOT like Olivia Rodrigo, but i think she made this song a whole lot better and put some more real and raw emotion into it
  2. You haven't? I'm sure you know this song though! You could hardly escape it back in the day hahaha. It's a pity that she remained so underrated though, she makes great music, but just like with Mika she seems to exist mostly in a niche. I'll leave you with this one as well, a collab with Kylie Minogue! She and Mika also have that in common 😂
  3. I know them from Silver Lining, it became a big hit over here bc it was used in a Renault commercial! To my surprise, when I listened to Tove Lo's new album a while ago, I saw that they had a feature on her album too. I had totally forgotten about them! But I like these two songs I've heard of them, so maybe I should check them out more 😁
  4. None of this is my business and I do not wish to get dragged into some petty argument among older fans (which you could be solving privately rather than posting it all over MFC and Instagram, by the way, is what I would do if I were a responsible adult with years of life experience ) but I do want to say that I think it's out of place to equate your experience to sexual harassment. Being the victim of sexual harassment is extremely traumatic and it means someone is actively trying to harm you. I do not think that the ladies who made a snippy comment about you had the intention to harm or traumatize you at all, they simply made a comment without thinking much about how it could come across to you. That happens to all of us sometimes, because we're humans and sometimes we make mistakes or don't communicate well with eachother. From what I understand after reading the previous posts on this thread it seems those women have already apologised to you and expressed that they did not have bad intentions, so surely you should be able to solve this matter easily among eachother. As I said, none of this is my business and I won't tell you how you should be feeling about all of this, but I would be happy if you could reconsider the specific sentence i quoted and realise that it can come across as very invalidating to those fans (teenagers, by the way) who became victims of sexual harassment at a Mika concert. Your feelings are valid, but you need to see things in perspective. Other than that I wish you all the best and please don't feel discouraged to go to Mika concerts and socialize in the future! We're with so many fans, there are surely plenty of others with whom you'll get along just fine
  5. Yeah that would work if X Factor was broadcasted on Rai, but Sky is a paid channel as far as I know so no one can access that without a subscription
  6. Thank you so much both of you! This is really helpful 😄 @PYZ_Moustache @Kumazzz
  7. Hello! I have a question, I have a friend who would really like to watch this year's X Factor, but she's from Sweden so she doesn't really know how to do it. We've both asked around on Twitter already, but so far no responses have come up. I was wondering if any of you here know a way? How did you all access the episodes from abroad last year? I'd be happy if someone could help us out 😊
  8. I listened to it already with a vpn and honestly... I'm not a fan 😅. It's really just that part they sing in the Grace Kelly challenge on repeat, with a lot of autotune and robotic noises. The snippet he posted on Insta is pretty much the same as the whole thing. I'm sure the popularity of the Grace Kelly challenge influenced this remix choice, perhaps they're hoping to keep the trend going this way or something, but i doubt it will work. It doesn't resemble the original song which people love at all, it's a distortion if anything, in my opinion 😬
  9. I suppose you would find it more fitting to show things which relate more to the theme of the movie. Like oh, i don't know, images of trans women, right? 😉
  10. Huh, all of Mika's words are making this far more confusing 😂. I think he said at the start of his performance for Indeed that he had to write a song from someone else's perspective for the movie, right? It would make sense to me that he went back to the time when he was an adolescent to relate to the boy in the movie (considering they played his song during the scene with the boy i guess it was his perspective, though surely they cut a lot in the editing cause it was only a few seconds!). So that's how i see the music video too, as his younger self who was still trying to find his place in the world, tried to break through in the music industry despite many setbacks and people rejecting him... it could have made him ask himself "who's gonna love me now?" And maybe it's also him looking back to his younger self and worrying now that he's older that he's "out of fashion", I can imagine that maybe after the pandemic he had doubts about if his comeback would be well received! Though I'm sure with all the love he received at all the festivals and after Eurovision those worries have vanished 😁. In any case I think it's a very sweet video, it warms my heart that he shares such intimate footage with us 🥺. For me it matches perfectly with the lyrics, I love the calm atmosphere and the contrast between work mode Mika and playful Mika in the videos
  11. Going to drop this here as well, lest we forget why we have MFC Pride in the first place, cause we all know that transphobic comments on this forum were the catalysator to organise this. We managed to turn a bad event into something nice which brings us all together, but sadly these so called "terfs" continue to pose a danger to the whole LGBTQ+ community. I received these comments in response to me opposing homophobia under Disney's recap of Disney Pride... it is a lot. Do let me know if this is "not the place" (cause when is it ever the place to bring up uncomfortable issues?), but I want to put it somewhere, because it angers me. I guess i'm also leaving it here because i know that the intended crowd will be reading it. Terf ideologies contribute directly to endangering not only trans people, but also everyone else in the community. And yes, that includes Mika, you can see the comments he is receiving now in response to his appearance at Disney Pride! I want people to not forget this, and please please if you have people around you who make such comments about trans people or about anyone else, call them out and say something about it! Be a good ally, don't be silent, you're helping the whole community if you decide to speak up.
  12. Or what about Mika offering a massage to us? He does get very far with his hands after all 😌😌
  13. Noo it's great really! Can i do Stuck In The Middle? That one really resonates with me, the idea of people pulling on you from all sides to try and change and mold you into something "acceptable" while you search for someone to simply accept you and love you as you are
  14. Will share on Insta and Twitter tomorrow! It's a nice idea 😊. Good thing i went to check if anything was going on this year
  15. Happy Pride Month everyone


    1. Paoletta


      Happy Pride all of this forum

  16. All these years on the forum and the "recent profile visitors" feature will never stop giving me anxiety lmao

    1. Jaela


      Not to mention the people who block you on other social media platforms and then snoop around on your mfc profile, yall are just creepy 😭 

    2. silver


      Mostly it is just people replying to you (like me), I doubt they check your profile.  And you can always switch the feature off.

  17. OM2206 tattoo is also still a possibility 🌚. It's fun, it's mysterious and nobody including the person wearing the tattoo knows what it means sjsjsjs.
  18. Same same. I would love to get one of his lyrics tattooed but I just can't decide which. There are many songs and lines that speak to me, but I feel like if I ever do it I need to be older bc I'm currently still changing so much and I don't want a tattoo that reminds me of bad times in my life or anything. Maybe when I'm 25 or so I'll be "grown" enough and I can settle for something permanent. Anyway, I'm glad 16 year olds aren't allowed to get tattoos because otherwise I'd be walking around with a tattoo saying "if you feel like a freak, turn yourself into a beautiful freak" rn 😅😅
  19. This is so cool i really hope you get to show it to Mika one day! Just so he can then gasp in shock (i can already picture his reaction 🤭) and feel guilty that you "did this to yourself" bc of him 😂. His reactions when people ask him to write something down for a tattoo are always so funny, i don't get the impression that he is a fan of tattoos himself 😂
  20. MFC Pride colouring competition but instead of the tour bus we colour in your arm
  21. Not, Mika, but related! 😁 I really liked this quote by Rufus Wainwright which I found on Instagram 😊
  22. Anyway this is not the Perez hate thread so i'll sush now sjsjsj
  23. He is such an attention [censored] too like he so desperately wants to involve himself in everything. And on Twitter he likes every single tweet that mentions his name! Like that is a grown man with a family to care for... embarassing
  24. I'm a little bit late but i feel like this might be a good moment to address how extremely problematic Perez Hilton is. He made a career out of trying to out lgbt celebrities and somehow thought that was his "right" as a fellow gay man. He would often literally harass them and even said people who stayed in the closet contributed to the stigmatisation of gay people, which is ridiculous. Anyone has the right to come out at their own pace and when they are ready for it, just like Mika did. Perez has even been asked why he didn't out Mika and he said he tried to, but "didn't have to repeat his sexuality everytime". I think the only reason he didn't do it was because he and Mika became friends. And, to be honest, i will always wonder if the reason Mika became friends with him was so that he would not be outed by that trashbag. Cause be honest, how often have we seen them together after 2012? Perez still regularly mentions Mika, but i dont see him reacting to it much and i get the impression that their "friendship" cooled down quite a bit and is largely one sided at this point. Anyway, i could bring up all the other stuff he has done, making mysoginistic comments about women, harassing a teenage girl on Tiktok, etc. but I feel like the witch hunt on gay celebrities alone should be enough reason to keep him away from Pride events like this Stonewall thing. If there is anyone who has created an UNSAFE space for gay people, rather than a safe space, it's him. I also really wish we as Mika fans would stop putting him on a pedestal just because he is the only American media person who still seems to care about Mika. He doesn't deserve our attention, he doesn't deserve anyone's attention. He is past his due date, has been for years and should have been left in 2012 or so in my opinion.
  25. Thank you for the suggestions! I actually only have surface level knowledge of the aids crisis and in general of queer history and what it was like to be lgbt in the past century (which is bad i want to learn more, so I will be checking this out 😊. I wish things like this were discussed more in school also! It's an important part of history and it might also help make people understand why we still have Pride and why there is no such thing as "straight pride" etc. (because somehow people still ask that question every year 🙄) and why it's so important to have a month like this
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