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Everything posted by Jaela

  1. scariest thing on this website has to be that others can see what topics im looking at... 

    if you see me scrolling through old 2007 threads bc im bored mind your business 🤧

  2. So does that mean no one under 15 can go, not even when they're accompanied by an adult? That would be harsh, although I understand those opera people may not want a bunch of screaming kids who can't sit still inside their venue 😅
  3. Hi Liam! Be sure to check out this thread, you may find some friends there
  4. but i seee youuuuuu 👀👀👀👀

    1. Paoletta


      :wub2: beautiful song 


    2. x_adoring_mika_x


      I love that song:wub2:

  5. happy women's day to all the lovely women on the mfc forum 🥰. (and i mean ALL women, except the terfs maybe 🤗🤗)

  6. happy birth

    1. Jaela


      i just want to win in a competition for once in my life please i will be good all year i promise

  7. Thiiis 👏👏. Tbh if he was a woman and his fans were all older men we wouldn't even be having this discussion because everybody would know it's creepy and would disapprove of it
  8. I dont think she is on the forum as a member. Unless as a guest, but i've seen no stalkers in my recent visitors 🙈. She did claim she was defending her friends, those being older people i suppose 😅. But oh well, just a kid being bored i guess, she shut up after i started asking her more questions about who she was, if she is a fan, etc. so yeah 😂
  9. @chanleon I TOLD YOU, i told you they were gonna use me as canon fodder 😭😭 Of all the people that commented on the thread they decided that im the antichrist 😂😂 If it was unclear to anyone i do not hate old people, i do not even hate the weird ones, i just dislike their behaviour 🤧
  10. This is a good point, i hadn't really thought about it like that before! And this too! I really do feel a responsibility for this now that i'm getting a little older, to guide the younger fans away from the creepy people, to teach them what is or isn't okay, etc. I think in general younger people keep eachother in check a little more. Like, friends of mine have been asked before to move a certain sexually tinted conversation to the dms, and i too try to *subtly* point out when i think a friend is saying a little too much (but very subtly cause i have no issue calling out strangers, but with friends it feels a little harder somehow, i dont want to hurt their feelings 😅). I think older people do this less, probably? They might think it's better to ignore or that it would be impolite or nosy to comment on someone's behaviour, but i think it can be a good thing too. And obviously it's a little harder for a young person to comment on the behaviour of an older person bc of the age gap and the power imbalance, so there could be a role for older people there i think 😌 Lastly, don't worry about this! 👇. It's all about context and i'm sure everybody will understand the difference between commenting 😍😍😍😍 on a casual Mika photo, a photo of his dogs, etc. vs on a photo of him with a bare chest or whatever. (and even then, the emojis on its own aren't so much the probably, although we young people consider them "cringe", it's more about the stuff they usually write before ending it with a row of heart eye emojis 😅)
  11. well at least you're not an ageist 🙏. i know what it's like, i've been ok boomered before. and im 22! age discrimination is no joke 😪
  12. Hey I have not said a word so far, don't make me canon fodder again now sjsjs. But it has been really interesting to read all of this and i'm glad someone finally started talking about this! I would say it is not even so much about protecting as it is about respecting. Like, as with all internet interactions: if you wouldnt say it to someone in person, why would you say it at all? Or maybe some people would say their sexual fantasies to his face, we have after all already had a person buying him a gay kamasutra book, so oh well :'). I think it's important at least that it's being discussed cause certain behaviours are definitely a little too normalized. I know a 15 year old who deactivated her insta fanpage because older people kept commenting weird things under her uploads (which were just regular photos of Mika) and they wouldn't listen to her when she asked them to stop. And just the other week a distressed 14 year old who had seen things she didn't want to and shouldn't have seen came into my dms and kept asking me why these people do that and why they think that's normal? I didn't have the answers, but i think this shows that the issue is quite real. You need only browse the posts he is tagged in on both insta and twitter for a little while to stumble upon something... odd. And it's definitely some more "prominent" fans who do that too, although obviously they're keeping quiet now. Which is a little sad, cause i would love to hear their perspective and their explanation as to why they think their comments are okay! To round it up obviously everybody is free to say whatever they want *cough* but it helps a lot when people know that the stuff they say won't generate likes, laughs and 😍😍😍 emojis, but rather some raised eyebrows and weird looks. So yeah that's why i think it's good that people who would maybe normally stay quiet are speaking out more publicly now and express that this type of thirsty behaviour is inappropriate and uncomfortable. I hope this made sense ha peace out have a gr8 afternoon all xx
  13. Are we talking about this yet? Do we think this will be our Mika? It seems so out of the blue that'd he'd drop a new song on Friday on a Canadian tv show... but idk
  14. Mika et la famille de Patricia Paquin à Sucré Salé cette semaine Par Audrée Laurin 24 août 2020 • 12:36 La semaine dernière, on apprenait que la saison de Sucré Salé était prolongée de trois semaines pour célébrer les gagnants du Gala Artis à compter du 7 septembre prochain. D’ici là, on continue de suivre l’animateur Patrice Bélanger et ses chroniqueurs au gré d’entrevues toujours aussi ens Ce lundi, la semaine sera d’ailleurs lancée avec l’animateur Pierre-Yves Lord, mais aussi la chanteuse Suzie Villeneuve, qui a fait un retour sur scène remarqué à La Voix. Sur le plan international, Varda Étienne ira à la rencontre de la distribution du nouveau film de Marvel, Les Nouveaux Mutants, à l’affiche ce jeudi. Mardi, Patrice Bélanger n’aura d’autre choix que de céder son rôle d’animateur à Alexandre Barrette. Les deux humoristes et amies de longue date Silvi Tourigny et Cathy Gauthier seront à la recherche de sensations fortes à La Ronde. On voyagera aussi grâce à la globe-trotter Lydianne St-Onge. Claude Meunier recevra Patrice Bélanger chez lui, ce mercredi, le temps de replonger dans des souvenirs marquants de la vedette. Annie-Soleil Proteau sera aussi de l’émission, tout comme Michèle Richard. Le jeudi, l’animateur ira à la rencontre de Sophie Cadieux dans sa Pat-Mobile pour revisiter des endroits qui lui sont chers. On en apprendra également plus sur la nouveauté culinaire L’avant-match des foodies, animée par les grands complices Martin Juneau et Patrick Marsolais. Le slameur Grand Corps Malade viendra compléter le rendez-vous. Sucré Salé terminera sa semaine en grand avec Mika et sa toute nouvelle chanson dévoilée en primeur à l’émission. Élise Guilbault répondra également aux questions de Patrice Bélanger, alors que les téléspectateurs auront aussi droit de visiter la maison de campagne de Patricia Paquin en compagnie de son conjoint Louis-François Marcotte et leurs enfants, Gabriel et Florence. Bonne semaine! https://hollywoodpq.com/mika-et-la-famille-de-patricia-paquin-a-sucre-sale-cette-semaine/
  15. We could probably try getting it trending an hour before the gig or so? I know i will NOT be tweeting during the concert (this is just gonna be my and my headphones and no one else 🤣), but it would be nice to hype the event one last time before the start 😊. And donations are always a good idea 💸
  16. I got my tickets for the concert (thanks to a friend bc i dont have a credit card!) but it makes me sad to see that there are too many fans who can't buy a ticket because the payment options are so limited I wish i could buy one for all of them, after all it helps charity too!!
  17. Did they really copy the whole article just like that? A+ for effort i guess 😂
  18. small round of applaus for me managing to succesfully copy paste a whole article this time hehe 😇
  19. Mika © EPA Mika geeft benefietconcert voor Beiroet Mika geeft op zaterdag 19 september zijn I Love Beirut-benefietconcert in Italië naar aanleiding van de ramp in Beiroet zo’n twee weken geleden. Tickets zijn vanaf maandag 24 augustus verkrijgbaar via TicketMaster en de show is live te volgen via YouTube. Showredactie 21-08-20, 07:39 De in Libanon geboren zanger Mika schreef eerder in een emotionele brief dat hij diep getroffen is door de omvang van de verwoesting door de explosie in de haven van Beiroet en de impact ervan op de inwoners van de stad. ,,Na jaren van burgeroorlog, financiële crisis en politieke onrust komt het nieuws van deze tragische explosie ongelooflijk hard binnen. Hoewel ik ver weg ben, breekt mijn hart als ik denk aan de families die hun huis, hun levensonderhoud en hun dierbaren verloren zijn door deze ramp. Ik wilde iets doen om te helpen”, laat de Grace Kelly-zanger weten. De opbrengst van het concert wordt verdeeld onder het Rode Kruis Libanon en Save the Children Libanon. Daarnaast kunnen mensen ook extra donaties doen via een speciale GoFundMe-campagne. ,,Ik twijfel er niet aan dat de stad zal herstellen en het unieke leven van deze magische stad weer wordt hervat”, denkt Mika. ,,Beiroet is mijn geboorteplaats, maakt deel uit van mij en zal altijd in mijn hart zijn.” https://www.ad.nl/show/mika-geeft-benefietconcert-voor-beiroet~ac2b9297/
  20. things i love doing: lying to the bbc about having a tv license

    1. Jaela


      bish im on vpn, ofcourse i don't :') 

    2. WeirdChild


      If we do that in the UK, they start sending threatening letters 

    3. Jaela


      omg i dont remember whose postal code i filled in when i made an account (and if it belongs to real person??), but imagine if they start sending letters to that address ajsjsjs omg rip 😭

  21. I just said im tired and i might go to sleep and my friend replied "oh i thought rodents were most active at night" .... the way im getting DRAGGED here ladies and gentlemen

    1. Jaela


      Anyway happy Mika day!!

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