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About Lalli

  • Birthday 11/27/1990

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    I work with kids with Specific Learning Disorders and I love it.
    I like listening to music and coloring mandalas.
    Of course I'm in love with Mika's music :)

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  1. I work with kids, so probably this isn't helpful with adults. Usually we use videogames for numeric facts (multiplication like 2x2, or sums like 5+5...), lines with numbers for consequences and teach them some strategies using schemes. They always have to use a calculator, but they can improve their automatic skills a little bit. What's your job?
  2. Thank you I'll read these articles. I've never heard about these research.
  3. I've read the whole conversation and I can share my experience I'm a psychologist, I have a Master degree course in Specific Learning Disabilities. I work with kids from 8 to 18, to help them improve their abilities (reading, calculating, writing...) and help families with compensatory tools and dispensatory measures at school. SLD are not a consequence of trauma or PTSD. They are neurobiological disorders, from birth. That's different from mutism, which it could be a consequence of a traumatic event. In my opinion, from what he has said, Mika is dyslexic and maybe he's also disortographic. Now he probably has found right strategies to avoid his difficulties in his job and in his everyday life as an adult brain matures, even if SLD are "for life".
  4. Hi Julie, welcome here! Hope you'll have a lot of fun!
  5. Ciao Chiara,welcome here! I'm from Italy and I'm 25 too! If you need something feel free to ask me!
  6. Hi Serena! Welcome I've been to Greece two times and I loved it! Have fun here
  7. HI Yuki! Welcome here Have you been to one of his Japan gig?
  8. Awesome, I've seen some videos on YouTube! Yes I saw him in Milan two times and I was at the magical symphonic concert in Como On July I'm going to see him in Genoa, can't wait!
  9. Hi Asia, welcome here! You're going to Prague, awesome!
  10. Hi Kyo, nice to meet you! Did you attend one of his Japan show?
  11. Hi! Welcome here Oh you were at the gigs in Japan, how lucky!
  12. Hi Emna! You have a really nice name! In Italy we have the name Emma (with double m), it's similar Have fun here
  13. Hi Stars, welcome here! Glad to know another French fan, I'm Italian but I'd love to learn French! You can also add me on Twitter if you want
  14. Ahah yes I understand! If you come to Italy one day let me know I wish I could go to his gigs outside my country but unfortunately it's very difficult for me because of money and stuff!
  15. Hi Jefferson! Hope you have so much fun here, everyone is so nice! I'd love to come to Philippines, I've never been there, so far away from Italy! I love Mika and this forum because I have the chance to know people from different countries
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