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Amy hudsone

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Everything posted by Amy hudsone

  1. Andy did few months ago an interview promoting his documentary "Andi" kind of biography, he keeps on working and promoting his project in greece, best luck, if anyone is interested, here is the link:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amy hudsone

      Amy hudsone

      Yes, especially at the begining !!! unfortunatly we can't understand what they are saying, but I'm so glad to see him working on his career.

    3. Loo


      Yes, it does so mainly in Western Europe.

      It's easier to see the shyness on redheads, the neck quickly reddens under the emotions!

    4. Mikasister


      I've seen him playing football. He plays as porter soccer in a greek local team.

  2. I've just watched Beyonce's super Bowl show:cloud:, what a performer :tears:!!!! Can we have such a big performance by MIKA one day. (OK, no pressure on the boy, just waiting for the new album)

    1. Ewa12


      That was one of the best half time show I ever saw. Absolutely perfect :cloud:  I'm sure Mika would make a great performance as well. Maybe one day... :wink2:  Now can't wait for the new album!! ( And the Voice next Saturday :thumb_yello:)

    2. Amy hudsone

      Amy hudsone

      Yeeeeess!! :thumb_yello: It was fascinating, she killed it !!


      Sure, it reminds me his performance in Rock in Rio, I got the same feeling of excitement :cloud:

    3. Ewa12


      Oh yes, this performance was amazing! I loved his live version of Promiseland! What an energy!! :wub2: btw Beyonce performed at Rock in Rio also! I love her live performances :cloud:

  3. Lot of singers prepare to release new albums in 2018, we already had some first singles: Maroon5, kylie minogue, enrique iglesias, waiting for MIKA, fingers crossed:mf_rosetinted:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dominika


      @Mikasister @giraffeandy I don't want to rush him. Better he takes his time to make somethig really good. But you know, I just can't wait to hear something new, that's all... I hope that he'll present a new song during The Voice

    3. giraffeandy


      @Dominika I know, hopefully it'll happen but I want to be rather surprised than dissapointed and frustrated when there won't be any new music soon...

    4. Amy hudsone

      Amy hudsone

      You're right girls, but still keeping hope, in fact, this is the first album that I'm waiting for from MIKA, since I became a fan 2 years ago only, so I'm still having patience.

  4. http://www.ladn.eu/news-business/actualites-annonceurs/annonceur-mika-au-centre-de-la-nouvelle-campagne-de-pilot/ Mika, nouvel ambassadeur de Pilot LE 16/01/2018 https://lareclame.fr/nouveaumondeddb/realisations/campagne-anniversaire-100-ans-perfect-match-pilot-mika Campagne anniversaire 100 ans : Perfect Match Pilot & Mika - PILOT - agence Nouveau Monde Comment booster la notoriété de la marque PILOT en Europe à l’occasion de son centenaire ? Développer son influence et sa visibilité grâce à un partenariat artistique exceptionnel qui valorise l’image de Pilot, 2e marque mondiale d’instrument d’écriture créative et contemporaine. La stratégie POWER LINK : Nous avons créé un lien puissant entre la marque, MIKA, un des artistes les plus talentueux du moment et les consommateurs. Un lien affinitaire (valeurs et cibles), humain, artistiquement créatif. MIKA, et sa sœur Yasmine (Aka DAWACK) ont participé au côté de l’agence à l’ensemble du processus créatif qui a conduit à la création d’une collection capsule de stylos, boîtes et packs collector ainsi qu’à la campagne publicitaire.
  5. can't get enough, each time i discover the meaning of MIKA's lyrics I get surprised, it's stunning, so deep meaning and truthful, it makes you love the song more than ever :cloud:

    1. giraffeandy


      Exactly! I remember that when I was younger and started to listen to Mika I didn't think about the lyrics (the hidden meanings etc.) and later I was really surprised that there's always a true story or experience behind each song. Unfortunately I think it's how most of the people see his songs, just superficial, but there's so much more than only nice tunes... What song (or better its meaning) did you discover now? :wink2:

    2. Amy hudsone

      Amy hudsone

      Yes exactly, I remember the first time i looked for the meaning of "toy boy" i was amased, it's just genius and sad, it makes me cry, he's honest in every single word, it's magic, how he projects his life through his songs, i got obssessed with this song for a very long time, and these days, i discovered the meaning of "Tah dah" and "stardust", i'm not a native english speaker, so when I heard a song even hundreds of times I don't pay attention to the meaning. I'm so pleased :cloud:

    3. Dominika


      Agree with you two! The lyrics and their meaning, hidden or not, are the primary reason why I fell for Mika :wub2:

  6. You can watch it here: http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-mika-rend-hommage-a-france-gall-lemission-cest-vie/
  7. Yes it's already there thank you, I love her reaction "Oh!!! he's hansome" hhhh those only words that she keeps on repeating
  8. Thanks @Boucarilla and @krysady Soooo proud of him he deserves it
  9. I'm sorry but what does it mean to " receive the keys of a city"
  10. I don't know where I should put this interview of Ed sheeran but here he mentions MIKA as one of the successful anglophone singers in france to have played in Stade de France. http://www.leparisien.fr/culture-loisirs/musique/ed-sheeran-quand-je-vois-ces-chiffres-je-me-dis-que-ce-n-est-pas-reel-07-01-2018-7486662.php Vous allez notamment donner deux concerts (déjà complets) au Stade de France, les 6 et 7 juin...Oui, je suis tellement excité ! Pour moi, la France est le marché le plus difficile à pénétrer car le public y écoute beaucoup de musique française. Quand je remplis le stade de Wembley (Angleterre), ou un autre stade en Amérique ou au Japon, c'est le pied total, mais remplir un Stade en France, c'est différent. Mes concerts des 6 et 7 juin seront probablement le moment phare de mon année 2018. Et je ne dis pas ça parce que je parle à un journal français... En dehors des vieux groupes, il n'y a que Coldplay, One Direction, Mika et moi qui avons réussi, en étant des artistes anglo-saxons, à remplir le Stade de France.
  11. I understand what you mean, we all want to see Mika performing in front of an interactive public, but that's the point, there is différent types of audiences, and the reactions change, so he should be able to deal with all situations, private concerts, of 30 min only, are part of his job and from insta videos there was a beautiful atmosphere
  12. wow that sounds exciting, i guess this is the first time in other countries except italy, no?
  13. Je pense que Mika avait déjà dit dans un interview qu'il y a une différence d'âge de 13 ans entre lui et son frère. Fortuné donc doit être né en Angleterre
  14. Oui avec une description plus précise, il y a une similitude entre les deux programmes http://www.programme-television.org/news-tv/Gare-au-Garou-France-2-Un-nouveau-programme-musical-des-le-4-janvier-4550207 Garou débarque sur France 2. Dès le 4 janvier prochain, la Deux proposera une émission de divertissement musical présenté par celui qui était encore il y a quelques saisons l'un des coach de The Voice, le télé-crochet du concurrent TF1. L'émission sera intitulée Gare au Garou et produite par DMLS TV. Le concept de l'émission sera de laisser carte blanche à Garou et ses invités pour fêter le début de l'année en musique. Il sera accompagné d'un chef d'orchestre et d'un piano. C'est une soirée placée sous le signe de la musique et du rire où des chanteurs invitent les téléspectateurs à partager des moments rares, sincères, émouvants ou hilarants", explique le communiqué de presse de la chaîne publique. "La joyeuse bande délire sur ses titres culte, échange ses chansons, interprète tous les tubes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui et improvise autour de défis musicaux", poursuit-il.
  15. Yes, he said that he was influenced by his program "casa mika" while writing, so his album gonna be too
  16. he says that it's a single from his new album We have to wait for the coming months to see what he's preparing, and how he is gonna promote the new album
  17. Hello everybody, Bonsoir Enjoying the images in that thread that I'm discovering for the first time, I'm surprised by those one, I mean mika's shirt here and the word written in Arabic , Have you ever talked about it somewhere else, where did you get this from? And can I have a hole pic of his shirt?
  18. OMG !!! I can't remember how much times I played this video, I'm in love, he's so cute I'm right now completely addicted Thank you so much Eriko for sharing
  19. pourquoi jusqu'à 10:45 ? je regarde l'émission depuis une heure pour ne pas rater son passage et je m'ennuie
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