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Everything posted by Boucarilla

  1. Euh 20 euros?!!!! Là c'est vraiment abusé, elles sont moins chères que ça à la base!
  2. Bah oui ce pauvre thread est plutôt abandonné, remettons un peu de vie!! Et parler en français de temps en temps c'est bien aussi! Bienvenue Miriam!
  3. Well, thank you very much for your answer, very interesting, I think he is hypersensitive like 20% of the population... It's not a default, even a quality, but it can be a handicap sometimes...
  4. Tonight I feel like listening this song, so great for the beginning of the week-end!


    Happy weekend to all! :wink2:

    1. Dominika


      Could it be a coincidence that two people mention the same song today? I don't think so!

      So Feels Like Love is official song for Friday! :lmfao:

    2. Boucarilla


      No indeed it isn't, this the song of today yes! :lmfao:

    3. Maria :)

      Maria :)

      Oh thank you @Boucarilla !:hug:

      I have totally forgot this song ! 

      Have a good week-end too ! 

  5. Ok thank you yes I saw the news but I didn't understand the link, I thought of him first when I read this... I believe it was a joke but really it's not...
  6. Hey! Sorry for the delay but it takes a long time... The password is still The Voice Enjoy!
  7. Interesting all this, but here in Europe, it's strange indeed to ask which blood type he is...
  8. Yes he's very talented, I already saw his videos on Facebook, great job!
  9. Someone for the translation? I believe that he has also lost these keys no?
  10. Wow congrats @Mikasister! I'm really happy for you, I know what it is...
  11. Yes we can pray for it!
  12. Oh I love this video and he is soooooooooo cute!!! The girl is a bit crazy I love her too! Thank you!
  13. My cover of Donna, which Mika sang with Massimo Ranieri in Stasera CasaMika...


    I love this song!!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Boucarilla


      Oui c'est vrai, je pense à toi à chaque fois que j'en vois une! :lmfao:

    3. Maria :)

      Maria :)

      Ah bon je te l'avais déjà dit ?! Haha :lmfao:

      Je vais dormir bisous 

    4. Boucarilla


      Et oui!


  14. And I remember too that he is anxious generally, he said it in Le Divan, I don't know if it's better with the years but he is maybe just anxious and it's pretty normal for the writing of a new album, you have doubts and a lot of questions...
  15. Yes maybe, that's true, even me I thought the same sometimes, some of candidates have not to be in this level in this competition, notes out of tune are not accepted here! Great you make meditation! I think he's opened (with energy) so maybe some days he can receive some...
  16. Wow thank you Eriko, I have never seen it! Very interesting, he's pregnant! Ok so that's usual, no need to worry about that...
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