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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. I was sitting in the balcony so my videos are not the best quality. But you can watch them all on my YouTube channel. Here a few links. Mika telling a story about Micheal Hutchence's dancing when he was 13 yo
  2. I wonder if the photobook was the signed one. 35 GBP it's around 40 EUR. Did anybody buy it to know if it's signed?
  3. It looks so sweet! Flowers are gorgeous! And I think the rope gives a character to the whole project Now I see why you were looking for Club Apocalypso photos And I wrote my letter to Mika today. So it looks like we are ready
  4. It's from The Voice semi-finals if I remember well. He was promoting Ice Cream single in June 2019. 1559462275129.mp4
  5. Maybe Mika was there during his staying in Netherlands? It's Airwork Inflatables. He is interesting in this sort of things. Maybe an idea for a new show after inflatable heart and rainbow?
  6. And I must say that the flowers bouquet is made in a very professional way 👍👍👍👍👍 I love it! It's colorful and big !!!!!❤️
  7. And don't forget to take a flag of your country for the fan action! I just made a few Polish and French ones.
  8. What a beautiful piece of art! The cake looks fabulous!!!! You are really a very talented person. Bravo!!!!
  9. If you think they are resistant enough to survive, why not?
  10. Definitely tfl doesn't like Mika and wants to make his fans' life harder . Again..
  11. A beautiful cake. And Mika was surprised by the rainbow inside 🤣
  12. Have a great time together! I am packing by backpack for my morning train tomorrow. See you at the gig!
  13. So actually he kept the French setlist just switching Moi Andy et Pari with Good Guys.
  14. Yes, to show it at the moment when Mika sitting in the cage is looking at the audience It would make him make a pause little longer before "bougez... plus".
  15. It's just the center part close to the stage. At least your ears don't hurt so much as during festivals. Well. Maybe except Grenoble where the venue looks like not the best for gigs.
  16. Depending where was standing the person recording the video. When you are at the first row in the center, sound is very poor. You almost don't hear Mika. I think it's a sort of dead zone between speakers. When you are more in the back the sound is correct.
  17. In the 7th episode Camille saved Lamba Pomme. He faced Teeo in a battle. Camille decided to keep Teeo. https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice-comeback/videos/the-voice-comeback-episode-4-93635040.html So in her team we have now 3 talents: Eleen, Juliet and Teeo.
  18. I posted on Twitter. You can add your comments below. I didn't mention all songs we love - not enough space.
  19. Well, actually the second part. The beginning is in French. Here is just a short part from Mikafanclubtoo. YouCut_20240329_233736039.mp4
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