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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Well, now people buy mp3 versions of music. So the criteria had to go down. What counts now is the streaming. Hopefully there are old fashion fans like us who NEED to have a hard copy of the album And here we come back to what Mika said about his new album. There is no point to work hard on the full album if the streaming is connected to separate songs more than to albums. The market has changed. Even if we don't like it - this is how it is.
  2. I am staying in Geneva till Saturday morning. Some time ago I was talking with Michelle Blondet - she was thinking about a picnic on Friday. So let's wait and we will see
  3. In this recent interview for Alouette he sais it was one month and a half. They played Yo-Yo during the US tour so the song was ready. Maybe it was not the final version - and that's why they played it after the show? Again - in this Alouette interview Mika sais that the idea of the finished album doesn't existe anymore. "It was like this in the past. But the world has changed. In the past the album has been finished 10 months before. We worked on the artwork. It was expected as it were a movie. It's not like this anymore". Then he repeated the story of the Yo-yo creation (one month and a half back). "This is how it works nowadays. And we have to accept the changes. It is very dynamic. If you hear a new song it means it's really fresh. It's going to be like this for the album. The album has being created in front of you. Song by song. This is how it is."
  4. Alouette Radio. Interview with Mika from today. https://www.alouette.fr/mika-en-interview-dans-le-16-20
  5. TRANSLATION: About Yo-Yo - Mika created this song two months ago with Renaud Rebillaud , who is making music for Kendji, Louan, Sliman. MIKA: It's a gesture of freedom. I created it two month ago. I produced it and mixed at once. I was about going on the stage in Coachella. At the same time I was in a middle of the outfits creation, I was working on Eurovision project. The mixer was in Los Angeles, Renaud Rebillaud was in Paris. We were fighting about the mixing. I said: Hold on a second. I go on the Coachella stage and I'll be back in one hour. This is a single in which I really found the sense of pop music. This feeling that you have more power. Pure pop and melancholy. The voice line is not very demonstrative but there is this BeeGees sound or Bronsky Beat. When I was 16 I used go out at night to Soho in London where are night clubs. And I was dancing . During the day I was a soprano in the opera and at night I was dancing to Bronsky Beat in a middle of hundreds of people. This mix of melancholy and bursts of laughter is very important in a pop music. After the song the journalist translates the lyrics into French. It' exuberant - he sais. MIKA: Of course. All my lyrics are... take for example Relax lyrics. It's a very deep sadness. It's good to talk about sad things. But you have to leave some space for hope. It doesn't mean to become smooth. It means to have a little bit of optimism. Question: Recording this sort of music, does it help you to evacuate bad vibes, sadness? MIKA: To metabolize, to transform. You know, people often say: don't change. Stay as you are. But why not to change? You have to change. Actually if you stay the same, if you don't change, problems start to come, I think. Question: Mika told you as well that he will release a French music before his English project. Yes, Mika is working on his album written completely in French. MIKA: This is a challenge for a foreigner who tries to sing in French in an imperfect way I speak French - I will sing the same way in French. I will write with my own musical culture and I will put it in a French album. It was very important to not become someone else. I wrote a lot of lyrics in French by myself. I always write my lyrics in English and I never wrote in French. This time I wrote only a little part with Doriand and with a young girl of 21 yo. We din't say anything to my music company. We did it in my living room and in Renaud's house. This relationship with France, this idea of francophonie - it's an idea I need to deepen, develop - to show what it means not to be French but to adore France. Journalist: A French album. English album in 2023. Mika will perform at about 12 festivals - as well at Francofolies in La Rochelle.
  6. Two videos RTL from Twitter. 2022-05-25-125602204.mp4
  7. The second part (someone who listened it live said it was only 5 minutes in all.
  8. And a short backstage in RTL 102.5 Mika explains the yo-yo meaning And he looks.......................... https://play.rtl.it/backstage/1/mika-il-backstage-di-mika-ospite-a-rtl-1025-martedi-24-maggio-2022/?fbclid=IwAR0zXp_ftkJ0eP4DjqRPkql8uByi9gHRnJECBJ-MeFoGvDelcr1Zo6pA990
  9. Well, actually it's not important for me. The show was great and I don't want to spend my time on searching for any additional information. Who wants to believe it was a live singing, great. Who wants to believe it was full playback, ok. Does it change anything? I took a big pleasure watching the 3 evenings and some rehearsals - for which I want to thank here a lot.
  10. I don't know if I well understood the RTL interview. But it seems that the great video maker will not come to Europe (some immigration problems) and Mika will direct the video! He didn't want to mention his name as the situation has changed. But we know already who it was, as Mika mentioned it in another interview some time ago. The guy wanted to direct via Zoom but Mika didn't agree. So they completely changed the script and Mika for the first time will direct the shooting. Well, he added that it will be a team work. He didn't want to tell where, in which country they will work.Only that it will happen this Thursday.
  11. Ha ha ha! So many funny stories!!!! Mika is really a dream guest - he can entertain people for hours. I was on the floor laughing when Mika told this story from yesterday late evening in the taxi. He almost fell asleep and on the radio RTL 102.5 presented one of Mika songs. So the presenter shout: MIKA! And Mika in a mask on the backseat: Yes! The driver turned his head but didn't realize what happened Mika: Sorry, I fell asleep
  12. In RTL 102.5 Mika said that they will shoot a video this week. So where will it be done? I haven't finished yet to listen to it. Maybe more info will come. EDIT - the shooting has been scheduled for Thursday.
  13. Mika in RTL 102.5 (24/05/2022) https://play.rtl.it/ospiti/1/mika-ospiti-in-w-l-italia-martedi-24-maggio-2022/
  14. But as I recall during rehearsal of Mika and Laura - she made at least two mistakes in "Fragile". At the live concert everything was perfect.
  15. I found another video from Mika's performance. Here we can clearly heart that Mika is singing live - especially at Happy Ending - he is changing registers and singing different lines of the harmony. Every time I watch this performance I am speechless! And in Domenica In he was telling that when he was asked by the production team how he would like to make this show he said: let's make a huge inflated hear. How big? About 11 meters. And then the gospel choir arrives. And then there are flags. Let's put a flag on every seat in the venue. And let's make people wave flags together. And the production thought: No! What have we done!!!!!!!!!!! Who let that guy in???? They had 7600 flags in the whole venue!!!! Mika wanted to keep at least one flag to take it home. But all of them have been distributed. YouCut_20220523_162506598.mp4
  16. Ha ha ha! So many questions in one post????? Yes, it would be in the UK as well In the cottage Let's wait. This is what we are masters of Morocco maybe - if they have some dates scheduled with the tribal musicians. This green thing on a photo looks like an armchair. I will be at work tomorrow so I will listen the podcast when I'm back home.
  17. Yes, I was wondering if the ceremony can take place in Italy. But it's more propable in France.
  18. And Fortune posted two stories in park of a chateau (I don't know in which country: France? Italy?) where we can see the lucky one and a big beautiful dog. Actually is the same sex marriage allowed in Italy? I am not sure.
  19. No he didn't say a word about the future. Except the Magic Piano tour in September So we have two options for our Missing Thread: Morocco or Fortune's wedding - I don't know when it will be - later in summer maybe?
  20. Here is very well filmed Mika performance during Family final. And duet Mika and Laura
  21. Ha ha ha! He talked about it in Domenica In. Now he finds that it was not a good idea. AT ALL!!!! Seems that the platform goes up to 7-8 meters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And during Eurovision performance he realized that it's really high. And he had to sing surrounded by dancers. And if he falls now it would be a very bad end.
  22. Here is the whole program of Domenica In 22/05/2022 in Replay. Mika starts at 52nd minute. https://www.raiplay.it/video/2022/05/Domenica-In-ddec9e39-2f35-4e88-9523-dc60591b89d5.html
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