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Everything posted by Paoletta

  1. @Mikasister yes... maybe on Xfactor..
  2. @dcdeb Thanks Deb! you are always very kind to me .. even when i write to you in direct instagram .. kiss!!
  3. @krysady yes we probably say that she does not have a beautiful character eh .. it annoys him .. and maybe Mika was playing the game first then he will be bored judging by the face...
  4. ho visto la story di Manuelito e Emma e sono a Roma a cinecittà.. chissà se c'è anche Mika..
  5. Mika è proprio una persona buona, bravo, bellissimo, con una voce stupenda.. ribadisco ha un cuore grande e buono.. son fierissima di essere sua fan.. anche se a volte è burlone mi piace...
  6. Hello.. salut.. hola.. good day.. good week everyone.. 

  8. @mellody yes.. i'm agreeit is very very annoying, it annoys him .. I don't like it at all .. it negatively affects him .. yes I know they work, joke, are friends but exaggerate ..
  9. @Gabry74 ciaoo, gentilmente si sa quando uscirĂ  l'intervista di cui parlava Mika... con Deb... che riguardava un progetto che dovrebbe uscire a luglio?
  10. @krysady hello... yes i'm agree.. maybe if italy win he post .. definitely.. off course...
  11. he probably back home on Tuscany.. or in Egipt.. i think ... in any case we will find out..any way Andy is with him.. maybe back again in Athens... with Andy..
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