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Everything posted by miknikel

  1. Dominika, please, could you give me the recipe for your cutie pie 👨‍🍳
  2. hi Marie . My name is Nicole I leave in french bourgogne. Welcome on the MFC. I've only been there since May and like you I have a lot to learn but it's done because there are nice people Always ready to help you
  3. Je n'oublie pas mais va traduire ça en Anglais ...
  4. Ben si j'aurais su hier j'aurais allé travailler chez Thermomix !
  5. I just voted. Can you make your husband, your children, your mother, your dog, your cat vote …… ?
  6. It's decided. I'm learning how to make pompoms tomorrow. We'll be his cheerleaders
  7. merci Loo. Sylver : you have Reason to ask me questions, because I would like this text to be perceived in the best possible way by every one. So : front of the stage : is because it's where fansusually stand,as close to their idol as possible. Between the public and parent : I mean, the fan situation is hard to describe. He's not just a Spectator, but more than that. Nor does it belong to the artist's family. In french, we say " à mi-chemin", maybe alfway. Idon't know the exact term in English. Thank you Sylver for allowing me to take a few clarifications.
  8. Le même en Français : C'est devant la scène que commence Ce qui pourrait être une romance Elle en a toutes les raisons Mais n'en porte pas le nom Quelques notes de musique Agiter, laisser le charme agir Une chanson pour crier son nom Et nous voilà tous "marron" Pas besoin d'un tas de mots Il est notre héros C'était pour que ça rime Car idole serait plus "in" Quel est cet étrange sentiment A mi-chemin entre public et parent Quelque place qu'on ait en son coeur Elle fait notre bonheur Cette relation est une énigme Mais nous en connaissons l'origine Nous savons que son talent nous unit Et que son sourire nous réunit. Merci Mika. Voilà la version Française pour ceux qui me l'on demandée Amitiés Mikaliennes
  9. I wrote this script for us, Mika Fans. If in English, some things seem a little surprising to you,it's because the rhymes are made in French. I can't rhyme in English.I thank Boucarilla who made us a nice translation. It's in the front of the stage that begins What could be a romance It has all the reasons to be But has not its name A few notes to seduce Shake, let the charm acting A song to scream his name And here we are all "marron" No need of lot of words He is our hero That's why it's rhyming For idol would more "in" What is this strange feeling Half way between the public and parent Whatever place we have in his heart It makes our happiness This relationship is a enigma But we know its origin We know that his talent gathers us And that his smile gathers us. Thank you Mika.
  10. Je referai un essai demain et au pire je retaperai les textes. Merci à vous toutes. Thanks to all of you.
  11. I just noticed that you live  in Genova. I hope you're not concerned by the disaster . In any case, it must be very sad in your town. Courage.

    1. mari62


      Hi! I'm fine, thanks for your words.

      It is very very sad indeed 😢

  12. Yes, Silver. Iwould like the text to be in French and the text in English, but I can't do it
  13. Coucou Alex. Pas moyen de faire de copier coller ni du texte Français ni de l'Anglais. Y aurait-il une procédure particulière au MFC. En tout cas ça fait 5 fois que j'essaie, je transpire comme une vache et je m'énerve toute seule, donc j'y renonce. Tant pis, mais merci encore pour ton aide
  14. Merci Alexandra. Il ne me reste plus qu'à faire un copier coller je ne sais pas encore trop où.
  15. J'ai écrit un petit truc juste pour les fans, j'aimerais le partager avec vous ; ça s'appelle : Un sourire pour nous réunir. C'est devant la scène que commence-------Ce qui pourrait être une romance-------Elle en a toutes les raisons-------Mais n'en porte pas le nom Quelques notes pour séduire-------Agiter, laisser le charme agir-------Une chanson pour crier son nom-------Et nous voilà tous marron Pas besoin d'un tas de mots-------Il est notre héros-------C'était pour que ça rime------Car idole serait plus "in" Quel est cet étrange sentiment-------A mi-chemin entre public et parent-------Quelque place qu'on ait en son cœur-------Elle fait notre bonheur Cette relation est une énigme-------Mais nous en connaissons l'origine-------Nous savons que son talent nous unit-------Et que son sourire nous réunit MERCI MIKA Si quelqu'un se sent de le traduire en Anglais je l'encourage de tout cœur à le faire. Moi, peux pas……...
  16. My sympathy to all italian fans. I hope none of you are concerned about this tragedy. Mercies
  17. As I was telling Loo, personally, he might as well stick his two bike wheels on his nose as glasses, I'd still find him just as cute
  18. And that's what happens when you miss all your plane departures. You have to get back on the bike !
  19. Silver, you who loves dogs, I have to tell you that I'am all sadafter seeing un report about abandoned dogs in summer. Idon't know where you live but do people do that also in your contry ?

    1. silver


      Sadly people abandon dogs all the time here.  But we have lots of dog rescue homes, and most of the dogs do end up with a new family.

    2. miknikel


      It's disgustine to behave like this. If tou can't live with a dog,you should'n take one. It's too easy to say that people haven't babbled to inconvegnients : unless there are special cases, they Don't have excuses

    3. silver


      We waited many years to get our dogs, until we knew we could give them enough attention.  But a lot of people don't think about the welfare of the dog, they just see it as a toy or a substitute baby.  Lots of people get dogs now because they see cute pictures on Instagram.

  20. There, it's more the feet of the alarm clock that he used for comb his hair, but definitely the mixer
  21. thank's Loo for the little option's button. I must confess that you have a new UFO on the MFC. I move to the ear, that is to say that I advance as long as one does not tell me anything, and I land a little where I can. I'm sorry but i work to make progress

    1. Loo


      It's really not a problem, at least you try to progress, it's beneficial!
      Everyone at their own speed, the important thing is to move forward. :wink2:


      There are some who preferred to leave because they did not understand the functioning of the forum, at least you post! :thumb_yello:

  22. You're right Boucarilla. Why Don't we take turns boarding him ?
  23. excuse me Mikasister, I Don't think I posted where I should.
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