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Everything posted by Hero

  1. I just really hope that, out of all the threads on the forum, including the gasmics and the NC, this is the one he never reads!
  2. Where do the queues normally form at this venue? It seems to be directly on the street front, with just a small pavement, which they probably don't want blocked. Do queues usually go down the side alley past the artists entrance? Nice looking chippy next door, that's lunch sorted.
  3. Every year? I remember a very muddy field last year! But yes, where his family are is where he is most likely to be, in that beautiful villa. Bit envious of the Miami sunshine! 🌞🌞
  4. Have you looked online? There are some online sweet shops that sell things like "chocolate speckled eggs". It's not Cadbury brand, but might keep you going.
  5. I didn't see any, but I wasn't looking that closely. It was mostly Cadbury eggs, and some bars with bits in. Like, milkybar with bits of mini egg.
  6. In the supermarket for a "twixtmas" top up, and... yep, there's a display of Easter Eggs.
  7. That sounds good! I was mostly thinking about how they manage people standing or dancing at their seats, whether they're relaxed about it or if they're immediately in your face yelling at you to sit down.
  8. Great! What was security's attitude like during the gig?
  9. It's just as good the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time around...
  10. What a blinder! Bravoooo!!!! I loved it so much! The camaraderie between Mika, LL and Claud is fantastic. The whole programme was joyful, like a warm hug full of life and cheer. Brilliant, beautiful and amazing. And the final song with Mika, the choir, the band, everyone together - it reminded me of what I'm missing from the gigs. Thank you Mika. That performance alone made my Christmas. ❤️❤️❤️
  11. I'll be watching it later on catch up, so will avoid this thread for now in case of spoilers. Enjoy it everyone!
  12. Grr. Which platform? This post is an insta story with no comments enabled.
  13. So sad to see the news from Prague today. My thoughts are with the victims families, and anyone affected by it.
  14. What on earth? An old Tesco Value bar of cooking chocolate, on eBay for... £10000?!!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195704317211?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=195704317211&targetid=1404954646761&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046322&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1404954646761&abcId=9300867&merchantid=6995734&gclid=CjwKCAiAvoqsBhB9EiwA9XTWGffagLfi8F5RSSPPWDBGw2-eCdxVkbnzrL8O1x5SCK21b5FnA3K9yBoCRCAQAvD_BwE
  15. Chewing Nuts! Sorry, not Squirrel Nuts, that seems to be a US candy. The retro UK sweet is called Chewing Nuts. And googling that took me down a rabbit hole of discontinued goodies, oh nom!
  16. WHAT?!... you can't just GO to the NC. You have to be SENT there. It's like prison, or the church. Ok, same thing, bad example. Anyway, I'm tired, I'm not in the mood for cleaning. I prefer to think about chocolate Mika and his delicious feet.
  17. That's reminded me of Squirrel Nuts. The chewy chocolate covered toffee nuggets that ruined our teeth as kids. Back to chocolate Mika... I couldn't, those eyes are too sweet. Maybe just suck on his hat for a bit. It's the right shape.
  18. What are you talking about?? Ida has long blonde hair and Mika... doesn't. See? Totally different.
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