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Everything posted by Hero

  1. I think its meant for nightclubs or, erm, private parties... but yes! One strong gust of wind and everything's on display. ... OK, I meant a strong breeze, but now I've a mental image of the model trotting down the high street with a bad case of wind. Toot, flap, toot, flap... Ahem. Sorry.
  2. Piano scarf for sale: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/63149239/keyboard-scarf?ref=share_v4_lx Piano scarf crochet tutorial: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DP3n9gNryrUU&ved=2ahUKEwji88Ldnsj9AhWySUEAHWVtBBY4ChC4AnoECBkQCQ&usg=AOvVaw0ef3IhUD5TUPzkZkZn2v59
  3. I love this video so much! It's fun, it's cheerful, and it's got so many little details! Very well crafted.
  4. I might be way off base here, but seeing the video with everyone in their apartments keeping themselves entertained, did anyone else think of lockdown?
  5. Fouquet Umm... how is that pronounced? I know what I'm thinking...
  6. OK the live (subtitled "Fun with Filters") was cute. Loved it when he hooked his finger in his mouth, such a cute look. And how gorgeous is Dubai at night?
  7. Ah OK. I need to watch it again then. But what did you expect? He wasn't just going to grab his Jimmy on video! Not this one, anyway.
  8. Kinda gives me the creeps to know that every time you look at someone you're mentally dissecting their face, but occupational hazard I guess...
  9. Me running away from all the "first he said this, then he said that" comments until I can watch it for myself...
  10. But, how were we supposed to know that? All the info said YouTube! What time was it? I had 2 links, one for the live and one for the video. The live link was pulled, and I just had the video link. Thank goodness that still worked. FFS, I was looking forward to that. Oh well. Something to watch later, I hope.
  11. What???? But... but... I didn't see a live! Just the video! It told me the live link had been removed. Please tell me someone recorded it!
  12. Ahhhhh, I love it! Gonna be on repeat to get all the details. Brilliant! And he is looking CUUUUTE! Reminds me a bit of Casa Mika.
  13. Another trip to the vet for poor Martha. Her eyes are sore, weeping, crusted over. Vets taken a swab for the lab to check for any nasties that might be causing it to recur, if there are she can have specific antibiotics rather than the general drops. But it looks like her right eyelids might be starting to catch her eye too. So antibiotics first to clean them up, then another check to see if surgery is needed. Bless her. That was an expensive start to the week. Might not be buying tickets and trains this month!
  14. Guys, guys, calm down. He's just going to stock up on pineapple juice.
  15. Wait, are they both going live?? But, on YouTube? Which channel?
  16. Wow. Wow. Well. It's about damn time. This. I don't doubt it in the slightest. And this, I think, is the kind of justice he'd want, that is done officially, audited and in full view, with the welfare of the children as the focus. Wrong attitude. Not "how can we make things better for the children" or "how can we address these failings and ensure continuous improvement in standards and care for our pupils?". Just "Oh no, waaah, our money!". And she's a parent? Yikes. The whole place needs an entire change of culture from the top down. "But the British intervened" had me howling. Isn't that the international view of Britain anyway? Why is he so surprised? And why does he sound like a petulant child who's had his sweeties taken away and been told to eat his broccoli? Just a shame it took so long to do. Which makes me wonder, what did previous inspections ignore? Maybe some failings there as well. Hopefully they'll realise that this tends to happen where those officials are among the perpetrators of the abuse. And also where they just don't care about the child. Which is the overall feeling I'm getting from these soundbites. Omg this whole thing is blowing me up. I honestly hope it gets closed down permanently.
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