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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Is that Mel or Amira? I can't tell them apart when they're not both in the pic.
  2. Was it? I missed that. I just remember some of them needing to move seats from the right.
  3. Oh I did enjoy Cap Roig last year, good festival and great performance. Tempted! Just don't sit front right or you'll have a blocked view, unless they've fixed that now.
  4. Aww, I just wanna kiss her snoot! She's so cute. ❤ Don't tease her with that ball! Waits for @holdingyourdrink to give a professional opinion of her teeth...
  5. Intriguing! He said in the first episode that he was looking for a new way of playing, and Jay was already doing it. Maybe we're witnessing the birth of Lang Lang: the rap years? 🤔😄
  6. No, he wasn't serious, it was banter. Although apparently it smelt awful - and Mika collects smells so maybe he has a sensitive nose? Anyway, it was a joke between them. I think they were building on the Baileys bit from last week, maybe it was meant to be a running joke in each episode - what's LL drinking this week?? - but some of it got cut for timing? I was paraphrasing the intention... "Shake... shake..." (wiggle wiggle...) I... completely missed that.
  7. I am soooo looking forward to next week! Seeing them working behind the scenes and training the finalists? Yes please! Today's highlights: The whistling teeth 😄 Delicious torture 😱 Sweet potato juice 🤢 My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...
  8. Wow, Mika, are you really offering us your ice cream??? Well, it would be rude to say no...
  9. Haha, of course! Got to look the part. Check out the Before The Show thread for the Philharmonie de Paris concerts. We were coming out of lockdown and desperate for some fun and glamour. Quite a few pictures were shared!
  10. So apparently crocheted food is a thing! Here is a cheese board, with, yes, I believe that is a brie. And the cutest little babybel. Should have had these last year to throw on stage for Yo Yo.
  11. Lol, why did I just gey a YT notification from Vianney's channel saying "Demain, Lundi, le clip!" Bit late on that one. Mika really is affecting him.
  12. Even if that's an acceptable place for the dress, NO ONE is going to want to see me wobbling around in it!
  13. Yes, I've never shopped with them. This randomly appeared on a Google search - it doesn't quite fit the parameters I was looking for!
  14. I think its meant for nightclubs or, erm, private parties... but yes! One strong gust of wind and everything's on display. ... OK, I meant a strong breeze, but now I've a mental image of the model trotting down the high street with a bad case of wind. Toot, flap, toot, flap... Ahem. Sorry.
  15. Piano scarf for sale: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/63149239/keyboard-scarf?ref=share_v4_lx Piano scarf crochet tutorial: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DP3n9gNryrUU&ved=2ahUKEwji88Ldnsj9AhWySUEAHWVtBBY4ChC4AnoECBkQCQ&usg=AOvVaw0ef3IhUD5TUPzkZkZn2v59
  16. I love this video so much! It's fun, it's cheerful, and it's got so many little details! Very well crafted.
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