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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Thank you! I can't open the videos, it says the file can't be located. But I can check your insta, thanks! I know Mika posted a story from one of V's concerts saying how much he loved the whistling. Any idea which song that was?
  2. Same, I'm always wary of duets because it's not pure Mika. But I do like his work with Jack and Danna, maybe it'll fall into that category for me. Sounds like this has an upbeat, laid back pop sound, like a cheeky chappy whistling in the street.
  3. I don't know Vianney at all. Does he have a signature style? Guitar, obviously. Most typical song? (not listening to the Sheeran collab, I know everyone loves him but I just can't get into him for some reason, dunno why). Mind you, I wonder how much the song will be Vianneyfied, and how much Mikafied. Ooooooh exciting!!
  4. Thank you. Yes, I suspect I'll end up with more of it on me than her... I should have taken a photo. The vet put some dyed drops in her eyes, they were bright pink going in, but on draining it turned any eye boogers vivid green, and the rest of it stained her little face bright yellow. Which then transferred to her paws as she washed herself. She looked like she'd been at a rave during Holi!
  5. OK, not an infection. Ears are fine, she must have just scratched herself, so no problem there. But... she's squinting because she's got a little conjunctivitis, but more seriously due to losing weight with her condition, she's lost some of the trans orbital fat under her eyes, and on one the eyelids are starting to turn inwards. It's not too bad at the moment, but if it reaches the point where her fur/lashes are rubbing against her eyes, she'll need surgery. For now I have to put a gel in her eyes twice a day (that'll be fun), and review in 2 weeks time. Just when I thought we were getting back on top of things.
  6. Perfect! That's a winning line. I was thinking "No you can't paint my teeth to match my shirt!" but, it's too contrived.
  7. And, back to the vets we go... she's not opening her eyes properly, just squinting, and had some pinkish discharge from her ear. Guess it could be a bacterial or viral infection. Poor girl, she's not had an easy time.
  8. Just you. I was thinking how relaxed and sexy he looked. Big surprise. He has history of feet on furniture. Sitting on the piano with his bare feet on the keyboard, standing on the piano, using his feet to hit the buzzer on The Voice, standing on and running across the red chairs, jumping on a sofa in his flat while waving a hosepipe around , curling his toes on the corner of the kitchen table (totally adorable). Furniture is just another dimension for him. At least he has the excuse that this was a directed recording.
  9. Wowwwww, thank you Deb! Fantastic! Noo, not a private gig! But a super special exclusive gig only for MFC.
  10. *throws away the smelling salts, and invests in a defibrillator* Just in case.
  11. I think you're the first to see this! The statements on the website and the poster are slightly different. This is the website (their translation into English): --- Thanks to the Ministry of National Education, the Opera Comique and the support of the Ministry of Culture, La Mêlée des Chœurs will shine a light on 7,000 children, who will live an unforgettable experience by singing the national anthems before the 48 matches of Rugby World Cup France 2023. During 2022/2023 school year, these 7,000 students, from 4th grade to high school senior year will learn how to sing the anthems of all 20 countries participating in the tournament. Guided by 300 teachers of National Education, they also will be able to discover the culture, history and language of each of these countries. « I am beyond proud and pleased to be the ambassador of La Mêlée des Chœurs. This new project, born at the occasion of Rugby World Cup 2023, will allow several children from diverse backgrounds to learn music without going through solfege classes. I am always by the side of those who want to share and to stand for diversity. See you in one year in the French stadiums and for the closing ceremony, in which we will all be involved. » Mika, ambassador of La Mêlée des Chœurs --- The final is scheduled for Saturday 28 October, Stade de France, Saint-Denis.
  12. From the private gig in Cannes yesterday.
  13. I thought we had a thread for his feet? I was going to put it there too, but I can't find it.
  14. That's so sad. I hope he's overcome that now. Although I think we all relate, I don't know anyone who looks in a mirror and thinks "mm, yeah!"
  15. Not sure where to put this, but this thread is in the right forum and gets traffic, so here goes! (Mods please move if needed.) I was reading Mika's tweet reply to the lovely Ronke. He mentioned that he had a broken nose. Does he? Do we know the story, how that happened?
  16. @Kumazzz listed the people working on the film soundtrack, it includes: Valentin Couineau (Arrangements, Editing) Is this who you mean?
  17. I love this picture. He's so happy and proud. It just gives good vibes. 🥰😍 If I had a time machine I'd go back and find that medal for him. 🤗
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