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Everything posted by Hero

  1. I know what you mean, but to me 'aye' is like I or eye. That might have been influenced by my geordie nana. Way-aye pet!
  2. So, I just listened to the full playthrough on YT and omg, I'm crying, I'm shaking with emotion and adrenaline, I feel like I've been transported. My god. Mika not only understands and crafts beautiful music, he understands the power of music and imbues his work with it. It's incredible. I know he's not in it for awards, but I really hope he is profesionally and critically acknowledged for this soundtrack. It merits it, and he deserves nothing less. Wow. I'm speechless. Wow.
  3. Coat, pfft, it's a duvet. It just has some extra sewing round the arms.
  4. AHA!! So it was a duvet! I guess travelling in pyjamas got boring.
  5. He actually wrote my reaction in the lyrics. Oh my godddd... ❤❤❤❤❤
  6. Is he wearing a duvet? I like to think he saw Karin's message about covid and wanted to cheer her up. Bless him, thank you Mika for making us laugh and brightening our day. And reviving the glasses thread and birdie t-shirt thread in one swoop.
  7. Sorry, can I just say.. YEEEEEESSSSS!!! I'M SO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!!!!
  8. I know! And seeing him stood in the corner looking soulful and everyone else with their backs to him. Oh no, that's big hug time. Nooo! I hope you feel better soon! I'm sure thats it, friends v promo. Fun v work.
  9. The mikapedia would be helpful with this. . Rossy de Palma? She was on both series of SCM.
  10. I doubt he had a phone. Or a way to pay the taxi. Yeah, I've had a few characters. I had a scally on a bike once ask me for money, who span me a yarn about growing up in care and struggling to find work. Thing is, there were big holes in his story, and at the crucial point, he turned away from me and actually rubbed his fists into his eyes to make them water so it looked like he was crying. It was so blatant. I almost graded his performance.
  11. Was sat waiting at the bus stop to come home after work, scrolling the forum with my headphones in. About 8pm, dark, sat by myself although a couple of other people were stood waiting further along. A shabby guy shuffles up to me, stinking of alcohol, and looms over me until I take my headphones out. He starts in a fake whiny pathetic accent that I've heard all too often round here, usually by people trying to get money out of you, while slurring his words, "scuse me love, if I give you this pound (scrabbling in his dirty ripped jeans) will you ring a taxi for me?" Bit taken aback, mind whirring as to what possible scams it might be, I said "err, no." He looked at me and slurred "why not? I've offered to give you a quid". I was starting to get annoyed and didn't want the discussion about not trusting him/his money, so just said "because I don't want to". There's nothing quite like the self righteous rage of an entitled man with a chip on his shoulder who thinks the world owes him a favour, when a woman refuses to do something he wants. It was quite funny how off base he was with his insults. - I'm what's wrong with this s**tty country. - I'm a rich racist white bitch. (..he was white...) - I'm a fat ugly ginger cow (oh yaaawwn...) - and being ginger is why I don't get any sex. I was sat laughing to myself at most of this, including how he'd suddenly lost the whiny tone in his voice . Realised I wasn't biting so moved onto: - My mother was a fat ginger bitch too, well she must have been to have me... (nope, she was a normal sized blonde, one of the nicest people you could hope to meet, and good job she raised me properly so I know not to respond to that blatant provocation...) - I'm illiterate. (?? Cleverly deduced from a verbal discussion ) - I'm an ugly illiterate selfish racist bitch with no hope because I'm from Hull. (No mate, I just work here... at an educational establishment as part of one of the biggest international communities in the area...) - I'm typical of the lowlives that plague Hull. (Funny, I was just thinking the same about him...) From there it degenerated into the usual F off, f you, and him shouting insults at me as he stomped down the street. Oh no, please, don't go.. I've so enjoyed our conversation, you've really brightened my day, so glad I met you. Do be careful crossing the street, I'd hate for that bus to run you over... etc. So! How was your day?
  12. Am I imagining it, or does he look a little... not quite in the moment? Maybe he's just tired after the party last night. He needs a good sleep, some pasta, and a relaxing weekend in the sunshine with Andy and the girls. Or more champagne. Or both. 😁
  13. Achieve a certain grade, go through clearing, at some point it becomes about meeting financial targets and getting paying bums on seats. Academic smarts and common sense are two different things. We see this in the lecturers too... There might be cultural differences in responses to alarms, but they all have fire training at induction so should know what it means here and how to react. Obviously need a refresher! Lol, no. Just a faulty sensor triggering the alarm in the workshop out back. Fortunately they seem to have fixed it now. (Or have ripped it out... shhh...) Hahahahaha! No chance! It's expected. It does. Always. ❤
  14. Work today should have been called "fun with fire alarms". There was a faulty sensor in the workshop that triggered the alarm 3 TIMES this morning. 3 times of everyone having to evacuate the building. Oh boy. Here's the thing. I work at a university. The first alarm coincided with the changeover of class in our biggest lecture theatre, which holds 500 students. One class nonchalantly leaving the theatre and wandering off to wherever, another class milling around waiting to go in. All while this MASSIVE FRICKING ALARM is ringing through the building. Because our students are so mollycoddled and 'special' they think it couldn't possibly apply to them. Sense the snark. Cue me, as the only member of staff in the hall, trying to herd several hundred reluctant students out of the building in an orderly manner. Although why I was worried about causing them to panic I don't know, this lot wouldn't have run if their arses were on fire . Most of them just glanced at me then carried on chatting or scrolling on their mobiles, or one (bless him) who was actually reading an actual text book. Did I mention the MASSIVE FRICKING ALARM that was ringing through all this? Oh yes. Well you'd think it was the softly tinkling harp strings of a sunny day in the fairy dell by their reaction. So I'm gesturing to the exits and shouting in stages of increasing frustration and decreasing politeness, variations of "that's the fire alarm, can everyone exit the building please?" ... "fire alarm, leave the building please!"... "can we exit the building PLEASE! That is the FIRE! ALARM!" Some people started moving, but others? 3 guys acknowledged me, then walked past me into the men's toilet. Ah yes, that renowned bastion of safety. A few Asian students were just stood watching, until I specifically pointed at them then at the exit and said "You! Out!". Others tried to head back into the theatre to collect their jackets. "No! Out!". It didn't help that the fire doors into the adjoining building, which are supposed to automatically close when the alarm rings, stayed wide open so students were still coming through. Even though the MASSIVE FRICKING ALARM was still ringing. Fortunately at that point a couple of security guys turned up to help, but it still took a lot of shouting and gesturing to get everyone out. The lecturer in the theatre was useless, he actually came out looking for his students to see why his next class hadn't arrived! Err, fire alarm? Oh right! Wandered back into the room to collect his jacket then ducked away down a side corridor! Didn't once think to help move his class to safety. Another lecturer came wandering downstairs into the hall... while the MFA was ringing... glanced at the students being herded to the exit, then started walking through the hall to get to the cafe in the next building! I had to put my arm out to stop her and point her to the exit. While pointedly looking her in the eye and growling "Fire. Alarm." I think she got the message. It didn't stop there. Once outside, students were gathered in the doorway or alongside the building, and had to be told to move away to the gathering point. 👉 Several were stood in the road, fortunately a colleague had joined me and was telling them to move. Because if a fire engine comes screeching round that blind corner, they won't be stopping in time for silly students with NO COMMON SENSE! My god. It was seriously shocking just how dense these people were. The lack of urgency, the ignorance, the blatant disdain... Even the security were shocked, and they've seen things. 😳 Rinse and repeat...
  15. Hi Potato, and welcome! Great to see more UK people here. You've so much Mika goodness to see! Enjoy it.
  16. Mm hmm. So you mean the electric cable under the fridge? Yes I spotted that too. Definitely not compliant with health and safety in the workplace. Oh, it's his jewellery!! I thought it was a fancy pull cord for some plush curtains. Why the backstage would have plush curtains I don't know. We're suffering the same problem!
  17. Yep, I heard that fashions regenerate approximately every 30 years. Which means now its the 90s again. Yikes...
  18. Don't worry. A closer look reveals no spikes in any, err, special areas. They're probably made from a soft material like rubber, so they won't dig holes in the furniture either. I can't imagine those jeans being chucked in the washing machine though.
  19. Well, he doesn't like ice cream, but that didn't stop us waving cones around.
  20. OMG I hadn't zoomed on a clearer focus before. Yep definitely spiky things. I hope he's careful sitting down!
  21. Does this mean for a future fan action we need to bring white coats and stethoscopes? I'd suggest some pill bottles but, you know, security...
  22. He is. But the pose emphasises it, the way he's holding his arm out and twisting slightly. Plus he's holding it in. I think it's the shadow from the designer rips.
  23. Insta story - presumably backstage at The Voice getting ready for filming.
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