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About Svampsoppa

  • Birthday 12/27/2007


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    Thanks everybody! ♥️

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  • Interests
    - countryside
    - talking to myself
    - cycling
    - dada, surrealism

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  1. Hello @Gintare! A beautiful introduction.
  2. Hi @willprest! Nice to meet you! Art history sounds interesting. I've actually learnt accidentally some Italian lately.
  3. Arvostelen (enimmäkseen köykäisiä) imitaatioita ja parodioita omaksi ilokseni 1. "5/10" Imitaattori venytteli sanoja turhanpäiväisesti ja jankutti kummallisesti "Grace Kelly". Herttainen joka tapauksessa. 2. "7/10" En tiedä tarkalleen, mitä tuossa sanotaan, mutta nauratti silti. Parasta on kertojan amerikanenglannin r-kirjaimet. 3. "4/10" Onko tuo "hupiukko" tullut jostain etelänlomalta viuhkoineen? Kappas vaan, Suomi mainittu! 4. 6/10 Taas tämä sama ukko itseriittoisena ja pöyhkeänä Mikana. Kamera heiluu, mutta autossa on hyvä laulaa. 5. "9/10" Tämä, oikea Mikan kaksoisolento, osaa laulaa erinomaisesti. Hauska, mutta se lopun pieruhuumori ei uppoa. 5. "7/10" "Whaooo" kuinka leuhka ja suurieleinen ilmestys. Hieno puku ja esitys. 6. "5/10" Hyvä, joku yleisöstä sanoi "ei". En oikein ymmärtänyt, mutta hyvin hän lauloi. Sähköurut on paras asia tässä. 7. "9/10" Paras jäljitelmä, jonka olen kuullut Mikan äänestä. Vähän pöhkö narri tällä kertaa. 8. "5/10" Sellainen terhakka diiva Ranskassa. 9. "6/10" Syvällinen ja asiallinen tarina. Paremmin imitoitu kuin edellinen.
  4. Hi Chiara! Yeah, his songs surely have some magic. Big hugs to you.
  5. They seem to be much more intimate than Finnish coaches. Which is good. Lovely five!
  6. VID_101640211_031023_649.mp4 Monologit tulille. Nämä tallenteet ilmestyivät Youtube-syötteeseeni. Päätin bumpata ja dumpata tätä ketjua roskasisällölläni. Luulenpa, ettei kukaan muukaan tätä videota tekisi. Lähde: https://youtube.com/@Rosel13 Svampsoppa kiittää ja kuittaa (sekä odottelee postipakettia, jonka hänelle soivat jalot sukulaiset. Tuhannet kiitokset heille.
  7. @Péhl Tamás Can you just hear the higher key? wow I noticed it when I tried to play along. But the reason???? Maybe Mika and the band thought (the same as you did) that the higher version sounds better.
  8. Maybe it has some similarities with the melody of Le Coeur Holiday. This song sounds so sweet. It's uplifting and calm at the same time.
  9. It seems like he's quite often mentioned second or third on Spotify. But has that much to do with it who has written the song the most?
  10. @TinyLove_CJ I was thinking your story out loud. And my mother gave me her answer in one second: Freddie Mercury. Hahahahaha.
  11. I had slightly same notions. At first I thought that the album cover looks quite empty. Life In Cartoon Motion and The Boy Who Know Too Much have a million of details and very strong colors that captures attention. But then I realized that the abstract appearance is a way more open to interpretations. I am curious about the meaning behind the "melting" logo. Spirituality and self-awareness were subjects/things that came first to my mind. I've got feeling that the mainstay is life. And it's of course a big subject. His life experience has naturally broadened his perspective of thinking and feeling. It's great to see how Mika's mother has still a big influence (probably some kind changed too) to his work. The strongest feel that conveys for me from this art is a peace of mind. The colors are soft and gentle. I like these elements of nature including clouds, flowers, sun, sky and beach/ground. So beautiful point! That book has deep philosophical cogitation, but it can be taken very frivolously.
  12. MIKA - Lauluvaljak Festival, Estonia Part 2 - Trim.mp4 Another funny Finland reference. Estonian interview, Lauluvaljak Festival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDbQIom_EyY (Nostattelen täällä kansallistunnettani mukavilla videonpätkillä.)
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