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Female First.co.uk (11-07-2007): Mika's teacher torment


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Mika's teacher torment

11th July 2007 08:30:02


Mika was bullied by his teacher when he was at school.


The 'Grace Kelly' singer, who was ridiculed by fellow pupils throughout his childhood, claims he was shocked when his "nasty" teacher began picking on him.


He told Seven magazine: "The bullying was out of control. I was even picked on by one of my teachers, a female teacher.


"I don't know why she did it. I didn't provoke her. I wasn't the first and I imagine I wasn't the last she picked on. She was just a nasty piece of work. I wasn't brave. I was not a fighter in the classroom. I lost I was lame. I admit it. I saw myself more as the slow and stubborn turtle who quietly got on with what he was doing, knowing I would one day win the race."


The 23-year-old flamboyant star believes the bullying he suffered as a child caused his dyslexia to spiral out of control.


He said: "They used to throw things at me and call me a f***ing poof. I stopped talking and then I stopped reading and writing. That was baaad. I couldn't even write the name of my school. It was weird because at seven I could sight-read, then all my problems with dyslexia started. To this day I cannot sight-read. I cannot spell properly. My verbal IQ is high but not my written IQ!"

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OMG, That is absolutely terrible!!! I knew he was bullied, but by his TEACHER!!!! No way!! What a ****ing bitch!!! I hope she's been sacked or smacked in the face by someone else she did it too! :naughty:


Poor Mika. I'm glad he's out of it now and can't be hurt by her.

We love you Mika!! :biggrin2::thumb_yello:

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Unfortunately, teachers bully students all the time. I had a teacher like that after I first moved to the USA, and she was awful. I ended up getting stress-induced stomach pains whenever I had to go to school because of her, and I wasn't even the only one in class she was horrid to.


Poor Mika had to deal with bullying from both kids and teachers, though.



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Some teachers are just cows. I had one like that last year. I'm so glad I got put in a different class this year. It wasn't just me she picked on though, it was my friend too. It's like she hated the quiet smart ones. She'd interrogate me everytime I was off, yet if another teacher was there she'd really suck up to me. I absolutely hated it. It was as if she was just like the nasty kids that were there too.

I can't believe that people have to go through this by teachers as well as stupid kids too. Especially Mika.

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Mika's teacher torment

11th July 2007 08:30:02


Mika was bullied by his teacher when he was at school.


The 'Grace Kelly' singer, who was ridiculed by fellow pupils throughout his childhood, claims he was shocked when his "nasty" teacher began picking on him.


He told Seven magazine: "The bullying was out of control. I was even picked on by one of my teachers, a female teacher.


"I don't know why she did it. I didn't provoke her. I wasn't the first and I imagine I wasn't the last she picked on. She was just a nasty piece of work. I wasn't brave. I was not a fighter in the classroom. I lost I was lame. I admit it. I saw myself more as the slow and stubborn turtle who quietly got on with what he was doing, knowing I would one day win the race."


The 23-year-old flamboyant star believes the bullying he suffered as a child caused his dyslexia to spiral out of control.


He said: "They used to throw things at me and call me a f***ing poof. I stopped talking and then I stopped reading and writing. That was baaad. I couldn't even write the name of my school. It was weird because at seven I could sight-read, then all my problems with dyslexia started. To this day I cannot sight-read. I cannot spell properly. My verbal IQ is high but not my written IQ!"


I do hate to hear things like that about people. I know how it can feel when things happen like that. It knocks your self confidence out of the window.


That sort of bullying can do a lot of damage.

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Unfortunately, teachers bully students all the time. I had a teacher like that after I first moved to the USA, and she was awful. I ended up getting stress-induced stomach pains whenever I had to go to school because of her, and I wasn't even the only one in class she was horrid to.


Poor Mika had to deal with bullying from both kids and teachers, though.



me too, at high school. the worst years of my life.

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I do hate to hear things like that about people. I know how it can feel when things happen like that. It knocks your self confidence out of the window.


That sort of bullying can do a lot of damage.

I know that. Feeling less confident because of teachers! Between my 14 and18 years old, I had bad results at school because I didn't believe in myself.

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It´s one thing if pupils are bullying, but teachers? Thats seriously and utterly wrong!! That teacher would be in serious trouble if i knew who she was:furious:


Yes, I totally agree with you!

I mean sometimes pupils are cruel to each other. I don't say that it's Ok, I don't say that I can accept it, I don't say that this problem shouldn't be solved in schools someway, but we all know well that it happens.

But teachers:blink: :boxed::thumbdown: ...??!! I find it very-very distasteful and immoral. I think teachers should help bullied pupils to get back their self-confidence, and they should try to solve the problem, not that they make the situation even worse.

Teachers have a very big responsibility. It's not just a job, they have to have a calling. They have to be professional about their lessons and their knowledge, but also they have to love children and treat them equally good. It must'n (shouldn't) effect their work and calling if one of their pupils is black or gypsy or lebanese, or fat, wearing glasses, being muslim, having spots, wearing strange clothes or anything like that.


Anyway, I don't want it to sound like an agressive revenge, but I honestly hope that Mika's teacher read that article. I wonder how does it feel for her to look back on the past what she had done, and now looking at this brave, famous, talented, intelligent, unique and intelligent star. I suppose it just makes people think.

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i think most of ppl who experience his story will go violent

(ya i admit i watch too much of CSI...cold case...:roftl: )

but he didn't!He use music as remedy but not drugs or violence! well done!

his family must help him get through a lot:thumb_yello:

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At least Mika was intelligent enough to not fight back. He certainly took the high road and gave a good example.


I feel bad for him with the low written IQ, but he had a lot against him. We all still know how intelligent he is, so none of us would think badly of him. :)

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These people who gave Mika a hard time at school will hopefully be very embarrassed now when they realise he is so famous and he has a platform for the whole issue of bullies and bullying.


They can't NOT recognise themselves if they ever read these articles and things. I mean, just the fact he was No. 1 for 5 weeks means he was TOTALLY unavoidable in the UK for at least those 5 weeks, every radio, every shopping mall, they must have heard him over and over!! I wish every time they hear his song they would feel guilty for what they did to him..... :boxed:


Strangely enough, just as I type this I remember something long-forgotten, that I was bullied by a teacher too. She shattered my confidence and I became unable to write English essays, couldn't even start them. My father worked really hard with me to regain my confidence in writing, and eventually I recovered, and did well in my final school exam in that subject. But she had a profoundly negative effect on me.


Now I write so much people are always like Get to the point!! (Brevity is not in my vocabulary!!)

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I hate when older people picked on younger ones especially in school. I know exactly what MIKA went through. I got picked on a lot too. Thank God he turned out so great!!!


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Thanks for posting!

What a F***** Bi***!




I have seen that video footage about where them girls laugh about him because they think he is gay. Even if Mika was gay, does it matter? No!!!


Those people on the video are just childish.

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Aww poor Mika! My brother was picked on by his teacher as well. He really hated him. When other kids threw erasers at the teacher, he blamed my brother. In the middle of the winter he had to take his sweater off and sit in the cold classroom with only his shirt on. One day it all became so bad that the teacher even attempted to throw a table, yes a table, to my brother but another (sweet) teacher stopped him from doing that. My mum took us both out of that school because she was afraid that when I was in the same class with the same teacher, he would do the same things to me. My brother had to the previous year over, because that stupid school burned all his notebooks and tests so there was nothing left and it was necessary that he started over again. I'm glad that I never faced that teacher because I can be quite vicious when I'm angry...:mf_rosetinted:

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i think most of ppl who experience his story will go violent

(ya i admit i watch too much of CSI...cold case...:roftl: )

but he didn't!He use music as remedy but not drugs or violence! well done!

his family must help him get through a lot:thumb_yello:


If you mean just the school bulling thing, I doubt this. I think alot of children have been bullied at some point in their lives; I know I have. But I've made a number of vows to myself, after the things I've witnessed and experienced and maybe some of those are slightly unhealthy, but I'll make sure I never turn out a mess. I'll have a happy enviroment for my kids, if I ever have them.

But if you mean the whole kaboodle, I suppose it depends what kind of person you are:wink2:

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I have seen that video footage about where them girls laugh about him because they think he is gay. Even if Mika was gay, does it matter? No!!!


Those people on the video are just childish.


Where is the video?:shocked:

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