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2007 - MIKA @ Philipshalle, Dusseldorf: 03 NOVEMBER - REVIEWS!


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Mirtilla said she will start a thread dedicated to Simon the Bus Driver... :thumb_yello:


Well, every other "regular" in Mika's life has one, so....why not?

We should also start a thread for Richard the camera man! In fact I think I will do so right now!

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Thanks! Oh seeing all this pic makes me sad... I want to do it one more time... :biggrin2:


I think that the DD gig should be like Groundhog Day: we keep waking up in DD and having to go to the gig again :mf_lustslow: How's that???

Poor Mika though, the state that he'd be in after all that ......

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I think that the DD gig should be like Groundhog Day: we keep waking up in DD and having to go to the gig again :mf_lustslow: How's that???


You're right! :wub2: I dreamed about the gig tonight... it was the first time I dreamed about a gig :shocked:

So, I have to go now... must buy my tickets for a french gig! :biggrin2:

See you soon! :wub2:

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I think that the DD gig should be like Groundhog Day: we keep waking up in DD and having to go to the gig again :mf_lustslow: How's that???

Poor Mika though, the state that he'd be in after all that ......


That would be great lol :)

I've been watching the vids all afternoon just to revive it again and again!!

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Speaking of videos, mine are finally on youtube. Let's hope that after the conversion the quality is still ok, cause they were fantatic in their original format!!


Mika doing his usual "I don't really speak a lot of german" thing :naughty: and a little bit of My Interpretation:


I had to stop cause of all the people (mainly the photographers) getting in my way...


Billy Brown and Holy Johnny:



Topless Grace Kelly!!




How much do you love me:




Stuck in the middle:




Beginning of Missionary Man (ran out of memory!!) At this stage I had already used up 2 gig, LOL! BUMMER!!



Rest of MM (what was left of it by the time I had managed to reach into my pocket for the other card and swap them in the crazed-sardine-style-packed audience):




Ok, I just watched them and the quality has suffered a bit, but it's still quite ok!

Oh and the "bra over the security guy's head" moment was just before he starts singing How Much Do You Love Me.:mf_lustslow:



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Speaking of videos, mine are finally on youtube. Let's hope that after the conversion the quality is still ok, cause they were fantatic in their original format!!


Mika doing his usual "I don't really speak a lot of german" thing :naughty: and a little bit of My Interpretation:


I had to stop cause of all the people (mainly the photographers) getting in my way...


Billy Brown and Holy Johnny:



Topless Grace Kelly!!




How much do you love me:




Stuck in the middle:




Beginning of Missionary Man (ran out of memory!!) At this stage I had already used up 2 gig, LOL! BUMMER!!



Rest of MM (what was left of it by the time I had managed to reach into my pocket for the other card and swap them in the crazed-sardine-style-packed audience):




Ok, I just watched them and the quality has suffered a bit, but it's still quite ok!

Oh and the "bra over the security guy's head" moment was just before he starts singing How Much Do You Love Me.:mf_lustslow:






Kaching A

Kaching A

Kaching A

Kaching A

Kaching A

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I spent more than 2 hours reading!! :lmao:

Oh, you know i´m not good for the reviews, but i have to say:Thanks for being great as usual, old & new MFCer friends!! It was great to be together again :wink2:

About the gig..absolutely amaziiiiiiiiing! All the band were great as usual, Mika was really fantastic, talkative, funny...

RICHARD! I LOVE YOU! You´re one of my favourites now. Gosh, this man is just fantastic :wink2:

I didn´t speak this time with Mika,but i had the chance to be with Luke, Cherisse,Mikey (YAYA!!) & the incredible Sara

Can´t wait for my time in London!!! :punk:

Pics & videos coming soon (but i see blue sent the link of my holy johnny video ;))

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Sariflor, thank you for excellent videos in such good quality!:thumb_yello:


I can't understand how you could hold your camera so steady and keep Mika in focus all the time in such crowding, but you obviously did.


So sweet how he touch his hear when he is a little embarressed speaking German.:wub2:


And I love how he let Cherisse have a solo in SITM!:wub2:

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I can't understand how you could hold your camera so steady and keep Mika in focus all the time in such crowding, but you obviously did.


So sweet how he touch his hear when he is a little embarressed speaking German.:wub2:


Hehe, believe me, it was hard! Also cause I had to keep avoiding the hands of the ppl infront of me, as they were getting all excited and waving their arms, knocking me, etc!!

At the end of Grace Kelly though I didn't do very well at all, you can see the camera shaking and moving so much!!

I learned a lot from my first filming experience (in Barcelona),where my videos turned out quite crappy cause I forgot to check the camera and I kept cutting Mika's head off the image :roftl: .


Poor Mika... seeing again how he told us that he didn't cancel, at the beginning of the "how much do you love me" video made me feel like HUGGING him and saay thank you and poor Mika and everything !!!


You know Violetsky, I thought the same thing when I watched the videos today...In the excitement of the moment I didn't realise how affected Mika (and his voice!) was, but hearing it today it really made me feel bad that he went ahead with the concert and gave us such an incredible night.

He must have felt like sh!t and still he went out and gave it his everything. I find that very touching, but somehow it worries me as well. I don't want him to ruin his voice or his health just because he feels the pressure not to cancel gigs. If he's sick, he's sick.

I would totally understand that.

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WooooooooooooooooW!!!! Lucky girl! :biggrin2:

What a pity that we were not there :(


thanks everybody for you good feeling;

i'm in a cyberspace,no connexion at home,so i just stop to say thanks to all of us in dusseldorf(and a special thanks to petra for the booking);

i hope i'll see you soon at luxembourg,bruxelles,or london!

have a mikalistick evening!!:thumb_yello:

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Part 1

It all started around 11.30 when I landed in Dusseldorf, to a text from Queenie saying “this airport seems very easy, I will wait for you and Em at the meeting point”.

That sounded straight forward enough, so out I went and looked for the meeting point….when I noticed (or so I thought) that there were many different meeting points, namely one outside each “baggage reclaim exit”, and off I went looking for the girls, up and down, checking the “several” meeting points every time, and no sightings of them….until I finally realised that in my sleep deprived state I had confused some weird looking things (believe me, they DID look like meeting points!) with the actual meeting p, and when I finally found the REAL m.p. I saw that Queenie was in fact sitting there, happily chatting to someone who was obviously Em, and that was the reason why she had not replied to my text asking her at “which of the several” meeting points she was waiting.

Anyway, after the introductions (not Mika style, but the real type) between Em and myself we went off to get a cab so that we could meet the rest of the gang (or some or them) at the hostel.

We had a funny moment in the cab when we were trying to find the address, and then off we went into the DD traffic…..it was VERY busy so it took us a while, but all in all it was all right and we made it to the hostel quite soon.

We checked in, met up with a few of the other girls, the Zivi at reception was quite useful and told us everything we needed to know but he didn’t seem to have much of a sense of humour and he told Mirtilla and Queenie off for shouting and jumping when they met, HAHAHA!! That was funny.

He also thought that we were Tokyo Hotel fans!!! But we quickly told him off for even thinking so, and promptly explained that we were there to see Mika. Not that he knew of Mika, but hey, he does now.

Soooooooo we ended up going to the venue, where a couple of the French girls were waiting already, and after what seemed like a Girl Scouts expedition led by our newly appointed leader Blue, we got to the Phillipshalle around 2 pm if I’m not mistaken.

There were another 3 or 4 ppl waiting there besides our French contingent, who then went off to the hostel to leave their stuff, etc….while we kept the queue.

A short while after that we realised that we were only covering 50% of the gates, as there was another massive gate, so a few of us went off to the other side to queue there.

After this, it was all pretty much a “wait wait wait” game until they FINALLY opened the gates around 7 I think…..to make us run inside to make us into yet ANOTHER queue, where we luckily ended up at the front again (over my dead body was anyone getting ahead of me after queuing at the front for so many hours!!)

Again, lots of waiting, and people were getting really stupid now and pushing really hard, so the security guys kept keeping us back and not letting us in…which meant that in the end we were allowed in just a tiny bit later than the rest, which was enough to make us lose the front row.

The girls who were at the other gate, on the left, managed to get to the front. I was sooo upset cause by the time I got to the front it was total mayhem, and I could not see anyone I recognised, but people were running in like maniacs so I had like a split second to make a decision over where to go ,and I just picked a spot at the center, just to the front-right side of the catwalk, and stayed there.

It was second row so it was good, but the problem is that I had lost my fellow MFC’ers somewhere and by the time I spotted them it was impossible to go and join them.

Well, I could have done, like so many others did next to me, letting their friends in from the back, but I refuse to do something so unfair. I think it’s wrong if you are letting someone in like that, who will stand in front of others who have been queuing there, so I decided that I’d rather stay alone there than do this to other people.

Anyway, that was quite a long and distressful wait, because there were some serious bullies next to me who were ignoring being told off by the other people around us and just pushed and were HORRIBLE, which made me think for a couple of minutes “I will just go out and stand at the back, I can’t stand this”.

I am serious, it was that horrible. Luckily, after a couple of minutes I managed to relax and thought hell, after all these hours of queuing, I am NOT giving in!! So I just stayed there and tried to keep my mind focused on nicer things.

Yelle came and went, she was good, I think that she seems very nice and she has fun on stage. She sure knows how to manage the crowd, and she is very sweet and her performance is fun.

I actually quite enjoyed them, as much as I’m not so much into support bands because I am often too anxious to see the main act.

Oh sometime around this time, I think it was before Yelle, I got really worried cause I caught a glimpse of Starrats being taken out by one of the security guys and her face horrified me.

They took her on a stretcher and I was SO worried about her!! But then luckily she managed to get back just on time to see Mika. Phew!!!

And then Mika came out…Of course first we heard the famous 9-5 song, and then darkness….some music starting….band members running onto the stage….that spoken bit “you’ve chosen to be here bla bla”……and Mika jumps in to the sound of Relax!!!

All hell broke lose, people started going mad, and Mika shone like the star that he is.

I always find that on his first song he’s very different to when he does the rest. He always seems to be super-concentrated, a bit distant, like he’s trying to warm up himself. Weird, it’s a feeling and hard to express, but basically it feels like he also needs to get into it, and that Relax is like that “gateway” to the connection with the audience and all that. It always feels to me like he doesn’t really completely enjoy that first song, that he starts to relax (excuse the pun!!) after he’s sung Relax.

Anyway, I can’t really recall the exact order of songs, just that he did his usual “local language speeches” and apologised for his German, which he didn’t need to as to me it sounded like he could pronounce the cues which he was reading from his keyboard very well, hehehe!!

He joked a lot, and he also seemed to be having a great time.

He connected with the audience very well, and also the whole band seemed to have tons of fun and play around with each other…I don’t know, they all just seemed to get along sooo well and there was a lot of camaraderie IMO.

It looks like all the time that they are spending on the bus together has really made them bond, LOL!

All in all, Mika seemed to be in a great mood despite being sick, and he genuinely seemed happy to be there.

He was so proud when he said that his doctor had told him to cancel but he “was there”. I wasn’t too happy to hear that, although my selfish part was obviously desperately wanting him not to cancel, but it just felt a bit wrong to me that if he was really sick, he still felt the need to perform.

In any case he gave us the performance of his life.

It was like he was trying to make up for his not perfect voice by being extra special otherwise…….

Ok, part 2 soon!

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