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But you surely don`t go to gay bars in order to sexually harrass the gay men, do you?


good to know:thumb_yello: ...one of my gay friends was contacted in the gay bar by straight girl...it was unforgettable for him...unfortunately...:cool:

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:lmfao: That reminds me.. the show Queer as Folk showcases gay men and it's mostly straight women that watch it.. why is it that I love gay men so much?! :crybaby:


Well, you have to answer yourself. Though there were talkings about this in this thread before..


I think it`s ok that you or other straight girls like gay boys as long as you don`t idealise them. There are idiots among them too, believe me.

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Well, you have to answer yourself. Though there were talkings about this in this thread before..


I think it`s ok that you or other straight girls like gay boys as long as you don`t idealise them. There are idiots among them too, believe me.


I don't like all of them of course :bleh: There was a major b*tch at a Mika concert once that physically shoved my out of my spot in the front row after cutting me in line when I had waited since 10 in the morning in the freezing cold. I just don't understand myself sometimes :boxed:

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I don't like all of them of course :bleh: There was a major b*tch at a Mika concert once that physically shoved my out of my spot in the front row after cutting me in line when I had waited since 10 in the morning in the freezing cold. I just don't understand myself sometimes :boxed:


Does the major b*tch have a name? :naughty: I`m unbearably curious. Is he on MFC?

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Does the major b*tch have a name? :naughty: I`m unbearably curious. Is he on MFC?


I'm was too much of a wimp to ask or say anything to him.. I just cried :blush-anim-cl: After that he started being nice to us.. maybe because he felt guilty? :blink: I don't think he's on the MFC.. I hope not anyways.

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good to know:thumb_yello: ...one of my gay friends was contacted in the gay bar by straight girl...it was unforgettable for him...unfortunately...:cool:


Well, one thing is to be contacted and another to be harrassed.

Sime time ago I was alone on the beach in Tel Aviv, sitting in one beach cafe, and this guy just sat at my table and started with sexual offers in the most disgusting way. I told him I am a lesbian, and he started even more. So I threw on him some nasty insults in a very angry way and he walked away. But my mood for that afternoon was destroyed. I would castrate these kind of creatures, or would eliminate them like some creepy insect, really.

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Well, one thing is to be contacted and another to be harrassed.

Sime time ago I was alone on the beach in Tel Aviv, sitting in one beach cafe, and this guy just sat at my table and started with sexual offers in the most disgusting way. I told him I am a lesbian, and he started even more. So I threw on him some nasty insults in a very angry way and he walked away. But my mood for that afternoon was destroyed. I would castrate these kind of creatures, or would eliminate them like some creepy insect, really.


Some people are just so disgusting and RUDE! Ugh :thumbdown:

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I'm was too much of a wimp to ask or say anything to him.. I just cried :blush-anim-cl: After that he started being nice to us.. maybe because he felt guilty? :blink: I don't think he's on the MFC.. I hope not anyways.


I hope too.


Crying doesn`t help, girl. You must fight for your rights - though it sound so propagandistic. Next time try holding your fist up and screaming (-: He will call you "hysterical" or something like that but only because it his his only argument!


Maybe he started to be nice because he already got what he wanted. Too late for being sorry.

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I hope too.


Crying doesn`t help, girl. You must fight for your rights - though it sound so propagandistic. Next time try holding your fist up and screaming (-: He will call you "hysterical" or something like that but only because it his his only argument!


Maybe he started to be nice because he already got what he wanted. Too late for being sorry.


I felt so stupid for crying too, lol. I really wish I could do better at controlling myself. You're probably right, there was no reason for him to be mean to us after that :naughty:

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Haha that's so strange :lol3:


It was quite bizarre!


That makes me want to go even more! :lmfao:


Now I can laugh about it but at the time it was really uncomfortable!


Some heterosexual men simply ADORE lesbians.


So much different from that: "Some heterosexual women simply ADORE gay men".


So much to the difference between women and men as such :boat:


Ah he had no idea where he was, didn't speak English or Dutch.. I think he just thought it was a normal café.


(I'm not really a faghag but I do enjoy some gay men erm.. cuddling.)

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I felt so stupid for crying too, lol. I really wish I could do better at controlling myself. You're probably right, there was no reason for him to be mean to us after that :naughty:


I mean.. crying is alright. Even heroes cry. But it`s better to leave the crying for later, at home, than on the battle field. Well, queuing for a concert is kind of a battle field in a way.. And the first row.. it`s like the first row in the fight. Not only when Mika starts to take people up on the stage during Lollipop.

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I mean.. crying is alright. Even heroes cry. But it`s better to leave the crying for later, at home, than on the battle field. Well, queuing for a concert is kind of a battle field in a way.. And the first row.. it`s like the first row in the fight. Not only when Mika starts to take people up on the stage during Lollipop.


It was really intense! :naughty: Some guy actually started yelling at the beginning of Any Other World because the crowd was pushing so much and he was getting hurt, the poor thing.

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Some time ago there was this discussion about transgender people, transsexuals.., and today I accidently found some definitions, I thought I`d share:



The term ―sexual orientation‖ describes a person’s enduring physical, romantic, emotional and/or spiritual attraction to another person. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.


The umbrella term ―transgender‖ (sometimes shortened to ―trans‖) encompasses people who experience and/or express their gender differently from conventional or cultural expectations — either in terms of expressing a gender that does not match the sex listed on their original birth certificate (i.e., designated sex at birth) or physically altering their sex. The term includes transsexuals, cross-dressers and other gender-variant people; not all people who consider themselves or who may be considered by others as transgender will undergo a gender transition. (Transgender people should not be referred to as ―transgendered.‖2)


The term ―transsexual‖ refers to a person who has changed, or is in the process of changing, his or her physical sex to conform to his or her internal sense of gender identity. The term can also be used to describe people who, without undergoing medical treatment, identify and live their lives full-time as a member of the gender different from their designated sex at birth. In contrast to the term ―transgender,‖ ―transsexual‖ is not an umbrella term, and many people who identify as transgender do not identify as transsexual. Those transitioning from male to female are often referred to as ―MTFs‖ or ―transwomen‖ and those transitioning from female to male are frequently called ―FTMs‖ or ―transmen.‖


The term ―cross-dresser‖ refers to people who wear the clothing and/or accessories considered by society to correspond to the ―opposite‖ sex. Unlike transsexuals, cross-dressers typically do not seek to change their physical characteristics and/or manner of expression permanently or desire to live full-time as a gender different than their birth sex. (Cross-dressers are sometimes termed ―transvestites,‖ but this term is considered derogatory and should not be used.)


The term ―intersex‖ refers to a person who is born with sex chromosomes, external genitalia or an internal reproductive system that is not considered ―standard‖ for either male or female. (Intersex people are sometimes termed ―hermaphrodites,‖ but this term can be considered stigmatizing, outdated or misleading and should not be used.)

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Well, one thing is to be contacted and another to be harrassed.

Sime time ago I was alone on the beach in Tel Aviv, sitting in one beach cafe, and this guy just sat at my table and started with sexual offers in the most disgusting way. I told him I am a lesbian, and he started even more. So I threw on him some nasty insults in a very angry way and he walked away. But my mood for that afternoon was destroyed. I would castrate these kind of creatures, or would eliminate them like some creepy insect, really.


I thought contact as body contact - touching, caress or somtehing like that...but typical between men and women...very similar to your experience at the beach...so you can understand this feeling very well...

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I thought contact as body contact - touching, caress or somtehing like that...but typical between men and women...very similar to your experience at the beach...so you can understand this feeling very well...


Ah, alright. So it was traumatic for him, too bad. He should have slapped her or something. If a man did that to me I would slap him. Though it sounds weird: to slap a woman. But we are equal so also the punishments should be equal, no?

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Forgive me if this is a stupid question but I cannot imagine it: do you come in touch with gay men where you live, in Egypt? Or you just mean ..pop stars?


It's not stupid at all :thumb_yello:

It's mainly celebrities.. We don't really have a lot of homosexuals here.. Or at least not publicly.. But then there are foreigners..

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It's not stupid at all :thumb_yello:

It's mainly celebrities.. We don't really have a lot of homosexuals here.. Or at least not publicly.. But then there are foreigners..


I see. But you surely have homosexuals there only they are hiding. No wonder as homosexuality is considered a crime in Egypt, isn`t it? They can put you in a prison for it.

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If you are interested you can watch this video about asexuality, very interesting:



Very interesting video REBEKA!...thanks a lot for post...as you know, I am married...I have lovely daughter and the best husband (for me of course)....I am straight... I live tranquil life (maybe ordinary life)…BUT...without sex - no without love…it is very difficult to explain, you know:wink2:…I don’t have any bad experience with sex in past…I have only one main reason for my decision…SEX means nothing for me…I don’t need this activity…I am looking for another way how I can feel heart which is waiting for me…I am looking for somebody who has something on the brain…who can listen to other and wants to listen to other…who loves talking about everything…and who is no waiting for SEX at the end…well, it is my interpretation for meaning of ASEXUAL problems…

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I see. But you surely have homosexuals there only they are hiding. No wonder as homosexuality is considered a crime in Egypt, isn`t it? They can put you in a prison for it.


I honestly have no idea because I've never come across any cases.. But apart from that it's not very socially acceptable since Egypt is a very religious country.

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