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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl

Mika’s Fat Club

As most of you probably know I’m quite a big girl but I have had enough. This year (hopefully with your help) I want to be thinner.

You might say ‘oh be big and proud’ well don’t get me wrong I am proud of who I am but I’m fed up. No one knows what it’s like to big unless they are or have been big and it’s a nightmare (for me anyway).

I can’t cut or paint my toe nails properly my boobs get in the way (thank god for beauticians lol), I can’t stand for long cos my feet hurt (not good queuing and standing at concerts), daily ridicule or nasty looks (whether intentional or not), I get hot and I can never find nice clothes or a bra to fit nicely.

So if you are big girl and want to loose weight I propose that we do it together.

You don’t need to say how much you weigh but I thought that every week we could see how everyone is doing. I personally have about 9 stone to loose to be at the right weight for my height (I’m a short arse) which I imagine is going to take a long time, but if I could get down a few dress sizes this year it would be amazing.

Let the transformation begin!

Lollipop girl here I come!:thumb_yello:


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I'm in Jems, it's easy to portray people as fat and cheerful, not me! I hate it too.

Big Girl you are beautiful my a5s! Fine if you feel like that, but I do not.

I hope we can discuss all our trials here and I am sure there will be many.

I eat when I am fed up and going by my weight I have been fed up since about 1992 that would be about right, but time for a change.


We will succeed or fail very publicly here though, so I hope comments will be constructive!

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I'm going to do the Cambridge. I know some people don't agree with this , but being a foodie is a bit like being an alchoholic, I imagine, but you can give up alcohol altogether, but you have to eat. So if I limit what I have to eat, making no choice available, I think this will work best for me. But we will see...


You can help me with my hair. :shocked:

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Ironically enough, that's my goal for the next semester at school. I'm always too tired to work out. This time around I only have 1 to 2 classes a day since I'm transferring and I'm giving myself an easy semester for once so I'm going to have quite a bit of free time and nothing to do. I must hit the gym.


Sad thing is, I cannot go without chocolate so there's my downfall right there. :mf_rosetinted: If anyone invents a calorie sugar free chocolate that tastes the same pass some over. kthx.

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I'm going to do the Cambridge. I know some people don't agree with this , but being a foodie is a bit like being an alchoholic, I imagine, but you can give up alcohol altogether, but you have to eat. So if I limit what I have to eat, making no choice available, I think this will work best for me. But we will see...


You can help me with my hair. :shocked:


LOL I'll be there to sort your hair don't worry:naughty:

I'm gonna do the drink lots of water and don't eat crap diet:biggrin2:

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If anyone invents a calorie sugar free chocolate that tastes the same pass some over. kthx.







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Ironically enough, that's my goal for the next semester at school. I'm always too tired to work out. This time around I only have 1 to 2 classes a day since I'm transferring and I'm giving myself an easy semester for once so I'm going to have quite a bit of free time and nothing to do. I must hit the gym.


Sad thing is, I cannot go without chocolate so there's my downfall right there. :mf_rosetinted: If anyone invents a calorie sugar free chocolate that tastes the same pass some over. kthx.


erm the only thing i know that tastes of chocolate is chocolate :roftl: Maybe instead of having it every day cut down to every other and then every couple etc.

I personally am going to do the kylie thing- ie see a nice lump of choccie cake- say to myself would kylie eat this, urm no and not eat it well I can try!

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I personally am going to do the kylie thing- ie see a nice lump of choccie cake- say to myself would kylie eat this, urm no and not eat it well I can try!


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


Actually, it's too late ! You fool, we fools !


It's the hidden message in the singles ! If you were a 'big girl', you'd better do the Kylie thing as long as you want the 'happy ending', whilst thinking about the happy ending, you should succeed in the Kylie thing and be the 'lollipop' girl ! Damn it, i stayed the same since I started buying the gorgus singles !! :chair: I want some fizzy water now !!

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erm the only thing i know that tastes of chocolate is chocolate :roftl: Maybe instead of having it every day cut down to every other and then every couple etc.

I personally am going to do the kylie thing- ie see a nice lump of choccie cake- say to myself would kylie eat this, urm no and not eat it well I can try!


I dunnoooo. Chocolate is my favorite drug of choice. :roftl: It pretty much knows my name and can call me to it in 08240824 different languages.

Pretty smart chocolate I know.

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:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


Actually, it's too late ! You fool, we fools !


It's the hidden message in the singles ! If you were a 'big girl', you'd better do the Kylie thing as long as you want the 'happy ending', whilst thinking about the happy ending, you should succeed in the Kylie thing and be the 'lollipop' girl ! Damn it, i stayed the same since I started buying the gorgus singles !! :chair: I want some fizzy water now !!


Cool I hope his next song is called 'don't eat that chocolate, you don't really want it':mf_rosetinted:

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I dunnoooo. Chocolate is my favorite drug of choice. :roftl: It pretty much knows my name and can call me to it in 08240824 different languages.

Pretty smart chocolate I know.


The sad thing is that you have hit the nail on the head here. Chocolate and even food in general can be a drug of choice that we self medicate with.

I don't really want to get into the psychology here (not that I am an expert) but I can clearly remember the day when I realised that I was choosing food over difficult decisions/thoughts.


My thought process went like this.


"Shall I tackle something that I had not been looking forward to and would have emotional repercussions, or shall I go to Marks and Spencers and buy something nice to eat?"


You can guess what I did and have never looked back since, sad to say.

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The sad thing is that you have hit the nail on the head here. Chocolate and even food in general can be a drug of choice that we self medicate with.

I don't really want to get into the psychology here (not that I am an expert) but I can clearly remember the day when I realised that I was choosing food over difficult decisions/thoughts.


My thought process went like this.


"Shall I tackle something that I had not been looking forward to and would have emotional repercussions, or shall I go to Marks and Spencers and buy something nice to eat?"


You can guess what I did and have never looked back since, sad to say.


I tend to be a stressful/upset/bored eater. Maybe I can turn that around to be a stressful/upset/bored exerciser. : P Would be better. The thing that I have a problem with with diets is that I don't like a lot of veggies. You can name just about any veggie and I won't like it. I die a little inside when I see salads because they look soooo delicious but I just can't eat them. I've heard that our taste buds change every 7 years. It makes sense in a way because I've picked up liking oranges this year and I used to dislike them, so I need to try some new things. I recently tried sushi the other day and well that's another story. I hope those that were sitting around me were entertained hearing me freak out a little. I know my parents were. :lmfao:

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I'm in Jems, it's easy to portray people as fat and cheerful, not me! I hate it too.

Big Girl you are beautiful my a5s! Fine if you feel like that, but I do not.

I hope we can discuss all our trials here and I am sure there will be many.

I eat when I am fed up and going by my weight I have been fed up since about 1992 that would be about right, but time for a change.


We will succeed or fail very publicly here though, so I hope comments will be constructive!


I hate it too.

But to me, it seems people who are larger are often nicer - i dont know why - but i am rarely proven wrong.

Does fat come with a side order of maternal instinct?

I would love to loose the weight too, the diets never work with me, comfort food is my life lol But i would go to the gym for instance, if i had someone to go with. I used to go with a larger girl a few years go, but she wasnt motivated in going and i didnt want to go on my own, so i stopped after a few months - i lost 4stone in 3 months (then put on 6 in the last few years).

So im in :P

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I like your idea about becoming an exerciser instead of eater in times of stress. We just have to figure out how to do it.


The veg and fruit thing, this is where I really annoy myself, because I really, really love fruit and veg and if I don't eat them for a couple of days I get real cravings. But I also like rubbish food too. If I could only stick to fruit and veg......

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I tend to be a stressful/upset/bored eater. Maybe I can turn that around to be a stressful/upset/bored exerciser. : P Would be better. The thing that I have a problem with with diets is that I don't like a lot of veggies. You can name just about any veggie and I won't like it. I die a little inside when I see salads because they look soooo delicious but I just can't eat them. I've heard that our taste buds change every 7 years. It makes sense in a way because I've picked up liking oranges this year and I used to dislike them, so I need to try some new things. I recently tried sushi the other day and well that's another story. I hope those that were sitting around me were entertained hearing me freak out a little. I know my parents were. :lmfao:


Bold 1:

Same here, i do however know people who exercise with it - they are all skinny, i both hate them and am consider by them.


Bold 2:

So has my family - satsumas (sp?)

However, i am sat eating clementines as we speak, but only because my local shop had them all reduced - 10p for 1kg :D

But now i am getting my 5 a day, were as before it was maybe 2 a week.

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I hate it too.

But to me, it seems people who are larger are often nicer - i dont know why - but i am rarely proven wrong.

Does fat come with a side order of maternal instinct?

I would love to loose the weight too, the diets never work with me, comfort food is my life lol But i would go to the gym for instance, if i had someone to go with. I used to go with a larger girl a few years go, but she wasnt motivated in going and i didnt want to go on my own, so i stopped after a few months - i lost 4stone in 3 months (then put on 6 in the last few years).

So im in :P


I'm going to Hatfield gym but it's probably too far for you?

As for the maternal instinct, I think that as a fat person/outsider/freak (to quote Meeks) you develop an empathy for others, just like he has said in many interviews.

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well i don't really like fruit. I have to be in the mood. It's so much easier to have a bag of crisps than peel an orange. I need to retrain my brain I think.


Ergh! Dont!

Last night...i was bad last night. Babs could probably vouch for my being in an 'interesting' mood, i ended up going off and distracting myself by sittting and watching tv and movies (history boys and stepmom) till 5am, eating:

6 satsumas

1/2 chocolate orange

4 packets of crisps

2x 3rds of a bottle of baileys (well, the cheap version)

1 lindt chocolate santa

1 tube of milky way buttons

2 slices of toast

1ltr of diet coke

2 lollipops

How bad is that!

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