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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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OK, lets all have a big group hug and vow to do something about this unhappiness in 2008.

I'm free most days so if anyone needs anything organising for our potential weigh-in, let me know if I can be of any use :)

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I have about 8 stone to lose. I have already lost 4 and a half stone. But, since April my weight loss stopped. I have no idea why, I carried on as I was doing. :(

But, from tomorrow, exercise is going to be number one thing on my list. I stopped going to the gym, but going to start that again... and parking away from work and walking the rest of the way. Just little things.

I found, when I wasn't getting support that is when I started 'cheating', so it always helps to have somewhere to go for support. I belong to a 'fat chicks' forum and a 'fat fighters' yahoo group (Yep, we're all 'Little Britain' fans haha!), but every little bit of support I can get-I will go for!!

We can do it, if we do it together. :thumb_yello:


what are stones??? :boxed:

sorry, i`m from argentina!!

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I like swimming too but for a while was told not to do it, for the way it arched my back. Would you believe we have no leisure centres in Lincoln. Just pools attached to skools! Plus I don't drive so have to rely on hubby if I need to get anywhere.

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hmmm, well at least a lot of people here are motivated to exercise :shocked: Dear god, no way of getting me in a gym... Yeah if I would have a friend to go with that has some weight issues as well...


Wouldn't feel comfortable in these gyms with all the skinny girls :shocked:

I must admit: I hate sports and stuff :naughty:

The only thing I do like what "exercise" concerns is well.. walking, so well, I have to do that a lot from my dietist :naughty:

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I like swimming too but for a while was told not to do it, for the way it arched my back. Would you believe we have no leisure centres in Lincoln. Just pools attached to skools! Plus I don't drive so have to rely on hubby if I need to get anywhere.


I would so swimming, im not a strong swimmer, because i go once a year to a friend's birthday pool party - its about 12ft long and i always have to spend around 30mins remembering how to swim.

Also, i dont suit swiming costumes due to my size and am very self contious.

They should make a swimming session for the larger lady.

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Jemma please add me to this happy band of Mika babes :naughty:

Maybe if we do well in 2008 , we could make a calendar for him in a calander girls styleee :wink2: some motivation needed !

I am in much need of loosing some excess flab too !

I have lost about 3 stone over the last year but still have another 3plus to loose ....

My last Mika weekned in Brighton did help as we seemed to use up much energy and could get no late food ! However the large amounts of alcohol i consumed could not have helped !!

Seriously i do need some help from my Mika mates :naughty:

I wonder how he can help us ! We can make him some 'big girls to lollipops' book for him !!! oh well i'm just thinking creatively !

I am also going to go back to a class in January as i feel it helps me being weighed every week by someone else !


I love heatlhy food i just eat too much of it and drink too much wine !

Life is also so manic with kids, studying at uni and having had an ill hubby for the last year ..... i think 2008 is gonna get a whole lot betta though :biggrin2:

looking forward to loosing some weight in 2008 !!!

MFC = Mika's Fat Club :naughty:


Just let's look to our man for inspiration :wub2:

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hmmm, well at least a lot of people here are motivated to exercise :shocked: Dear god, no way of getting me in a gym... Yeah if I would have a friend to go with that has some weight issues as well...


Wouldn't feel comfortable in these gyms with all the skinny girls :shocked:

I must admit: I hate sports and stuff :naughty:

The only thing I do like what "exercise" concerns is well.. walking, so well, I have to do that a lot from my dietist :naughty:


The one i used to go to, why i had just that kind of friend was great.

The main gym/equiptment area was in an upside down L shape. So you came in at the corner, the smallest part had the bikes, treadmils, rowing machines, and some weights, including an upstairs area for stretches, with gymballs, yoga mats, etc. On the longer part of the L, around the corner, was all of the hardcore equiptment for those muscle building people. There was only ever a maximum of 8 people in the smaller gym part when i went.


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Pinky you sound just like me, I hate the way I look in a cossie too. Bet you're not as bad as you think you are though.

1 pool we had (attached to yet another school) had exactly that, swim sessions for larger sizes, but the darn place shut down to the public!

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Pinky you sound just like me, I hate the way I look in a cossie too. Bet you're not as bad as you think you are though.

1 pool we had (attached to yet another school) had exactly that, swim sessions for larger sizes, but the darn place shut down to the public!


Its not so much the lumps, the bumps, and the clinginess in inappropriate places - well, yes that, but also because i fit under the huge taboo that is self injury and have alot of very visible cuts and scaring as a result.

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Ahhh I see pinky. Well to be honest, I think you would find it rather liberating if you did go swimming. If anyone stares or comments, then just ignore tham. I know it would be hard, but hell, if they have the gall to comment then they are the sort who are not worth bothering yourself with.

You can rise above it and you would be a huge sense of achievement. Go for it gal. Don't live near Lincoln do you? I'd come with you.

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Its not so much the lumps, the bumps, and the clinginess in inappropriate places - well, yes that, but also because i fit under the huge taboo that is self injury and have alot of very visible cuts and scaring as a result.


You could see if your allowed to wear clothes over the top, depending on where you have the scars, so maybe over sized tops, or shorts or tracky bottoms.

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Ahhh I see pinky. Well to be honest, I think you would find it rather liberating if you did go swimming. If anyone stares or comments, then just ignore tham. I know it would be hard, but hell, if they have the gall to comment then they are the sort who are not worth bothering yourself with.

You can rise above it and you would be a huge sense of achievement. Go for it gal. Don't live near Lincoln do you? I'd come with you.


Ha ha - i live in hertfordshire - a long way from lincoln, although i do know some rather dashing guys who live there.

I have tried, but the looks did upset me.

I went on holiday to NY and some people were very rude, so i thought 'thats just NY for you'.

I tried it in my local town and was escorted out of one of the shops for disturbing the customers.

So i think not.

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Wouldn't feel comfortable in these gyms with all the skinny girls :shocked:

The way I got past that when I was going to the gym was, just to think-most of those 'Skinny Girls' might've been like me at one point-that actually spurred me on to continue! But I had to leave because of money issues. Grr. But, this year-I'm determined to go again. My sister has to lose weight for a medical condition, so she has to go to the gym etc, so I will go with her so we can motivate each other.
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doing gym is the best!! you don`t want but you have to find something you like and do it!

for me, swimming! is the best.... it works out all your body and i love because it you dont sweat!!! hahahh

Yeah, but like pink already mentioned...

swimsuits + me = big NONO!


Maybe if I had my own pool at home... perhaps :naughty: No, I think I would quite like the gym (with not many people around, none preferably) but I wouldn't be doing the stuff that's good for me I suppose :biggrin2:


I would do the muscle things, like lifting weigths and stuff hihi, I don't know how that's gonna help... build muscles.. yes... but other than that?:blink: Thing is I just don't know anything about it...


Well, I'm just gonna keep on eating less and healthier (well once the holidays are over...) and when I stop losing weight I shall have no other option then to get my arse of this chair and move :fisch:

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Ahh, that's a shame. Dashing blokes in Lincoln? You're kidding right?

There are always narrow minded people wherever you go pinky. Confidence plays a big part. I don't have much self confidence but I think it comes with age too. Mind me asking how old you are?

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They should make a swimming session for the larger lady.

I second that. I considered joining a 'woman's only' swimming class, but even then I'd feel too flippin' embarrassed. I have bought 3 cossies over this past year-one with a skirt, one with a high back and one which holds everything in, but I still wouldn't attempt the pool this big. :no:
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