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FAME: Who wants it and why?


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So, in the past few weeks I've posted stuff EVERYWHERE...and the common theme has been getting down to the fact that I want to be famous.


Some understood and didn't make me feel bad...others were a bit confused and shall I say "irritated..."


But I explained myself: I want to be an actress/writer. Obviously for both of these professions, a sign of success would be FAME.


I think wanting to be famous can be a "dirty" thing if you don't have good intentions.


I will never do reality TV or anything trashy like that to get it. I know the kind of work I'm in for.


But people ask me why I want others to know me?

*That's all I've ever wanted...To make a difference in someone's life. See, Mika did that for me and so have countless other "famous" people. They put their talent and their love for their craft on display, and often times create refuges for people to collapse into.


FILM: I want to help people get away from life for a few hours and just watch a story... I want to help people sympathize with the characters I play. I love the feeling: Going into a movie theater one way and leaving a different person (even if that feeling only lasts into the night...how wonderful is it?) Movies are my passion and so is writing.


BOOKS: I want people to read my books and be like "Wow! I can relate to this character...for once I don't feel so strange in this world...Here is someone who is like me." That's why I started writing the book I'm working on now: as a means of coping with my life as it is...The character is basically ME in the 1920's- 30's. I felt like since I can't find someone like me to relate to, to tell my story to, I would create someone. Isn't that cool? IT's like a puppet show!



So, I want to be famous and use that fame for good. I know it's typical to use angelina jolie as an example, but I must. She's done great things. But another example is Audrey Hepburn. After she filmed her last movie, she went on to help children all over the world.


With the money gained from fame, I want to change things...I want to pass on the word and use my celebrity to bring awareness to the issues I care about: PETA, FINCA... etc etc...



So my questionS:








I would love to be a published writer, and I am in the process of writing a book, and I have been writing it for years. I do this because I love to write, I have always loved to write. It is a way for me to channel my feelings and deal with them, for lets face it, I basicly write about my own life, well at the moment. But I would never write to become famous. I don't want to be famous really. I want recognition for what I do, of course, everyone want that, but I am so much more than a writer that hasn't been published.


In six months I'm a qualified learning disability nurse, and I already know I do something that matters to other people, thats why I have no reason to want to be famous. I don't need the whole world to see "what a wonderful person" I am, because I mostly do it for my own benefit anyway. It makes me feel good to work with people who have different challenges than me. But my profession doesn't require me to get that side effect that fame is. I need to have the right values and the right attitudes to be good at what I do. Someone who is born to entertain people, either it is acting, singing or writing, sad to say, depend on getting "famous".


I don't think you get a better life if you're famous. Fame has become something dirty because everyone wants to be famous. People will do anything to get their 15 minutes in the spotlight, and I think it crosses over to pathetic many times. People rather be famous than smart. I realise that I probably wouldn't have heard Mika's music if he hadn't become 'famous', and that would have been really sad because I love his music, but I still don't see fame as a positive thing. I would say that most famous people are just like you and me, I don't count the ones that would do anything to be famous, since they mostly don't live like 'normal' people, and being famous is a side effect of them doing what they love to do. All the papparazzi and the following around, all the rumours, all the speculations, all the talk about all these people, it gets really boring and annoying. But that's just me anyway.


My own personal success is the fact that I have managed to do so much positive with my life. Let's just say Mika and me have experienced much of the same things growing up, like probably many of you as well, and I think I have done quite well for myself considering everything I've been through. But I like my life and I love my friends, so that's my personal success.

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So my questionS:








#I can accept the idea of being well known... but famous... as in having people following me around all the time with cameras and stuff... No thanks...



# I think it depends on if you achieve what you want to... if you have sh!tloads of money, a huge house, etc, and don't feel fulfilled, that's not a good thing...


# I think people who use it to better the world and are selfless show the good side of fame... other people (like Paris Hilton) don't do anything and really are only famous cause they go out and get smashed are a waste...


I also don't think famous people who don't do their research on particular issues are worhty of being listened to IMO... for example, Pink acused Australian farmers of cruelty because they take part in the practice of mulesing, then took her comment back because she didn't realise the issues around it... Pamela Anderson practically lived in ugg boots for years, then got angry when she realised that they're made of sheep skin...


# Personal success... being successful in my career... finding someone to fall in love with and marry... stay married (:naughty:)... have children...

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Well, I'm not a photographer yet. I've only taken a couple classes so far. I'm going to be attending an intense 10 month photography school starting this September. The school leads a lot of people into high end jobs and you have enough knowledge to open up your own studio. Some professional photographers like to higher graduates from this school and you also get to choose two and work with them for a day. I would love to work with them and see what their job is like and find what kind of photography I'm interested in.

I've been watching a lot of Americas Next Top Model lately and the photo shoots that they do is amazing! I want to do those type of shoots sometime. Some of their props are insane! I'd get there so early just to play with them so it's not like the model only gets to have all the fun with the props. :naughty::wink2:


I'll admit that when I was younger I wanted to be famous, but it has changed over time. I also wanted to work at a vet and be an astronaut too and well yeah that's changed a lot too. :roftl: That's why I'd just like to be known behind the scenes so I don't have to worry about my private life or have paparazzi surrounding me day and night whenever I step foot out a door... and as a side note with me wanting to be a photographer I would never be a paparazzi. No way. If I ever have to shoot something like a red carpet event for my job then fine, but stalking people and surround their cars uh... definitely not. Talk about invasion of privacy!


With me, I'd just be happy enough with having my photos in a magazine. I've wanted to work for a magazine for a while now. I can see my friends now being annoyed with me being all "you see that add for (insert whatever here) yeah I did that!!! Isn't it cool?!!" :naughty: I think it would also blow my mind if people like my work enough to buy it and have it hanging in their homes too. My friend already has people buying his work and he's not going off to be a photographer, yet. :bleh: So far I've entered four of my photos into a contest and I find out this month if any of them won or will be published.


Anyway enough of that long winded stuff I get that way when I find people who are into photography. I never knew a lot of people wanted to become one so it surprises me every time I find someone. What do you do right now? Are you going to try to become a photographer too?


Thats really interesting!:)And your right papparazzi isn't cool! And you'd have to be a very pushy person to get the photos you want.


Well with me photography is always something I was really interested in. I love the idea of taking a photo that can inspire others or just make you think. I also love just the beauty of photography, the simple photos that mean nothing, but look beautiful,lol.

I'm 17 and in a gap year waiting for college, and I want to go somewhere to study something along the lines of photography.

I used to really want to be a photographer but after I got into photoshop, and the editing side of it, I think I like that better than te actual photography.

Now I want to get into some kind of creative computer arts in college..

But I'm still full of ideas, and no real clue what to do.

So thats me...

It is rare to find others interested in photograpy as a career. Too many people just think of it as a poor job, where you can't make a decent living. But it's art!! So who cares!:mf_rosetinted:

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Thats really interesting!:)And your right papparazzi isn't cool! And you'd have to be a very pushy person to get the photos you want.


Well with me photography is always something I was really interested in. I love the idea of taking a photo that can inspire others or just make you think. I also love just the beauty of photography, the simple photos that mean nothing, but look beautiful,lol.

I'm 17 and in a gap year waiting for college, and I want to go somewhere to study something along the lines of photography.

I used to really want to be a photographer but after I got into photoshop, and the editing side of it, I think I like that better than te actual photography.

Now I want to get into some kind of creative computer arts in college..

But I'm still full of ideas, and no real clue what to do.

So thats me...

It is rare to find others interested in photograpy as a career. Too many people just think of it as a poor job, where you can't make a decent living. But it's art!! So who cares!:mf_rosetinted:


Paparazzi is just taking pictures to sell to tabloids for money... that's not real photography to me. :bleh:


Hah, I realized that as you were posting this I was taking photos of random things. :wink2: *Waits for them to load on computer*


Maybe what you're interested in is graphic design. I came to college to be a graphic designer because I loved editing photos and always got lost in Photoshop for hours on end messing around with it. Then I was introduced to photography. :wub2:


I kind of get what they mean by starving artist. Art supplies are insanely expensive! :shocked:

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Paparazzi is just taking pictures to sell to tabloids for money... that's not real photography to me. :bleh:


Hah, I realized that as you were posting this I was taking photos of random things. *Waits for them to load on computer*


Maybe what you're interested in is graphic design. I came to college to be a graphic designer because I loved editing photos and always got lost in Photoshop for hours on end messing around with it. Then I was introduced to photography. :wub2:


I kind of get what they mean by starving artist. Art supplies are insanely expensive! :shocked:


Cool! I was given a really expensive school camera for a week ages ago, but the pics I got weren't great, kind of boring.

Graphic Design!:D Yeah I was looking at graphic design courses myself. Alot of them seem really cool.

I might go into a television and radio production course. It has aome photography in it, but has more variety as well.

I'm so confused though, I don;t know what I'll end up doing.

I don't mind once it's artistic in some way:wub2:


Yeah art supplies are really expensive!!! And it's typical, because most new artists don't have the money!

Do you notice nearly all art forms are expensive..

:boxed: Oh well:bleh:

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I want to be an actress too. Not necessarily famous. But usually fame comes with it. I just want to play and feel happy. I'm a person who loves the attention and I somehow usually manage to attract all the attention to me. I don't care what people think of me. If I can act, I'm happy.


I don't feel like my life is complete when I'm famous. I think you dream about it now and eventually when you have it, you wish you never had it. But if I can help other people with my fame I would most certainly do.


Fame today has got ups and downs. With good fame you can get lots of things done. Actually, you don't even have to be able to do something to become famous. Downside is the paparazzi.


My own personal success is when I do something and accomplish something and I really support it myself. I'm just gonna follow my heart and do the best I can.

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I want to be an actress too. Not necessarily famous. But usually fame comes with it. I just want to play and feel happy. I'm a person who loves the attention and I somehow usually manage to attract all the attention to me. I don't care what people think of me. If I can act, I'm happy.


I don't feel like my life is complete when I'm famous. I think you dream about it now and eventually when you have it, you wish you never had it. But if I can help other people with my fame I would most certainly do.


Fame today has got ups and downs. With good fame you can get lots of things done. Actually, you don't even have to be able to do something to become famous. Downside is the paparazzi.


My own personal success is when I do something and accomplish something and I really support it myself. I'm just gonna follow my heart and do the best I can.


Thats cool! Acting is a really nice skill. I'd love to be outgoing enough to act, but it's not me really.

My sister loves acting and does drama and all.

It's a great talent:)

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I wouldn't like to be famous either. Filthy rich, yes. I would like to be in a position where I didn't have the possibility of some disaster wiping me out and leaving me homeless. I want the feeling of financial security. That's personal success. I could then focus on more important things.

I would like to be a well-known around the industry but not famous director or script doctor. And there's always fiction writer.

I don't see what fame could bring to me. People treating me like I was special and doing whatever I asked, no matter how stupid it was? You can get that if you are rich and I wouldn't want it anyway. I like knowing who's sincere or not. Fame makes it that much harder to figure it out.

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I would never want to be famous. There is just too many thing that go along with it. I 'might' feel differently if I was a talented person. Like, if I was able to sing well.... perhaps I would desire fame...due to the fact that I do not have a talented bone in my body - I will never know!



I do not think that being 'famous' has ANYTHING to do with feeling like *or making* your life complete in any way, so for me NO Way!



Fame today has gotten So wierd *for lack of a better word* Especially here in America. Seems that everyone treats celebrities like they are Gods, not even human. Like they are untouchable, higher powers then the rest of us... it is scary. It is not a good thing to 'worship' people.... and celebrities are extremely worshipped. Their shizat dosen't stink, we treat them that way.... SO MUCH to the fact that they are starting to BELEIVE it themselves, and that is very apparent! They get away with EVERYTHING ....even murder :mf_rosetinted:



For me my own personal success is being healthy and happy, having enough money to live a comfortable life...and love. What more could you ask for than that? Just because someone is rich or famous DOES not mean that they are happy.... the two do not go hand and hand, as we people sometimes think they do. Look how many people have it and are MISERABLE.

They cannot even go to the grocery store for goodness sakes.

I hope it never gets that way for Mika. I hope that he can continue to enjoy his success the way it has been.


I would never wish the 'Hollywood Celebrity' on ANYONE!

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Would I mind being famous? To the level where a stranger recognises me on the street - that would be great, to know I've reached that person in some way, and they can recognise who I am, I'm sure that would be an indescribably fantastic feeling. To the level where people are taking photos of me doing my shopping ... of course not, nobody would like that. But that is just because I think paparazzi are the lowest of low. It' seems like an absolutely pathetic existance in my opinion. So I would not enjoy that.




No. You could become famous for a number of ridiculous things. And I couldn't imagine becoming famous and then thinking "Wow, this is it, I've made it. My life is now complete." I don't need the world to know what I have done to know that it was worthwhile.




Fame basically comes hand in hand with musicians and actors, and the kind of fame (paparazzi) nowadays is stupid. All the gossip mags are ridiculous, why on earth does anyone care about that stuff? I don't get it.




My own personal success ... well ... that's hard to say ... I wouldn't say I have a 'life goal' or anything, or any way to measure my personal success. But I want to do my best to help animals, dunno how I'd do that. Directly, through educating people, etc. I would be perfectly satisfied to be the only one that knows my level of impact, but acknowledgement would obviously be an added bonus. If I was ever to become famous I would be kind of like Steve Irwin, it's just a by-product of what I do, and I'd only use it to further my work, and never lose track of it.


On the other hand, it would be great to be able to impact someone I've never and will never meet. That idea sounds awesome.


I want to be an actress/writer. Obviously for both of these professions, a sign of success would be FAME.


I think wanting to be famous can be a "dirty" thing if you don't have good intentions.


I will never do reality TV or anything trashy like that to get it. I know the kind of work I'm in for.


But people ask me why I want others to know me?

*That's all I've ever wanted...To make a difference in someone's life. See, Mika did that for me and so have countless other "famous" people. They put their talent and their love for their craft on display, and often times create refuges for people to collapse into.


FILM: I want to help people get away from life for a few hours and just watch a story... I want to help people sympathize with the characters I play. I love the feeling: Going into a movie theater one way and leaving a different person (even if that feeling only lasts into the night...how wonderful is it?) Movies are my passion and so is writing.


BOOKS: I want people to read my books and be like "Wow! I can relate to this character...for once I don't feel so strange in this world...Here is someone who is like me." That's why I started writing the book I'm working on now: as a means of coping with my life as it is...The character is basically ME in the 1920's- 30's. I felt like since I can't find someone like me to relate to, to tell my story to, I would create someone. Isn't that cool? IT's like a puppet show!



So, I want to be famous and use that fame for good. I know it's typical to use angelina jolie as an example, but I must. She's done great things. But another example is Audrey Hepburn. After she filmed her last movie, she went on to help children all over the world.


With the money gained from fame, I want to change things...I want to pass on the word and use my celebrity to bring awareness to the issues I care about: PETA, FINCA... etc etc...



I love what you say about film/books, you're going to do great.


But you don't need to be famous to do good.


I don't think the little publicity projects celebrities do have nearly as much affect as normal people can. You see Angelina adopt a kid, is that gonna make you adopt a kid/care about those kids? Not as much as if someone in your neighbourhood adopted a kid from the same place and wrote an article in the newsletter or something.


P.S. Peta are filthy hypocrites :thumb_yello:


Teehee :) I've had my 15 minutes of fame already.


Do tell?


I also don't think famous people who don't do their research on particular issues are worhty of being listened to IMO... for example, Pink acused Australian farmers of cruelty because they take part in the practice of mulesing, then took her comment back because she didn't realise the issues around it... Pamela Anderson practically lived in ugg boots for years, then got angry when she realised that they're made of sheep skin...


Exactly. This is the thing with people who are famous for something, and then try to use that fame to fix the world. I find it hard to take them seriously at all.


Well with me photography is always something I was really interested in. I love the idea of taking a photo that can inspire others or just make you think. I also love just the beauty of photography, the simple photos that mean nothing, but look beautiful,lol.

I'm 17 and in a gap year waiting for college, and I want to go somewhere to study something along the lines of photography.

I used to really want to be a photographer but after I got into photoshop, and the editing side of it, I think I like that better than te actual photography.

Now I want to get into some kind of creative computer arts in college..

But I'm still full of ideas, and no real clue what to do.

So thats me...

It is rare to find others interested in photograpy as a career. Too many people just think of it as a poor job, where you can't make a decent living. But it's art!! So who cares!


I also love photography and film making. It was a pretty tough decision figuring out what I'd do. I decided I can still take photos and make movies without the proper education stuff. (However both your talk about intensive courses and such is making me want to do that now, lol) I can still take photos and videos of the other things I do, to educate people about them.


I know someone who has a wildlife sanctuary, and with just a video camera she filmed all of what they did there for ... 10 years or so, and a couple years ago she finished putting it all together and the series has been played on abc about 4 times over now, in prime time-ish. It doesn't matter if the people who watch it will never visit her, or donate, but perhaps it changed their ideas a little, perhaps expanded their knowledge base, so maybe if they saw some other similar organisation they would think twice about helping.


She's not famous, nobody is going to see her walking the street and go "OMG! You are that Roo Gully lady! Give me your autograph!", but Steve Irwin, who did the same thing, but is completely mental, did get that fame (correlation? lol). I wouldn't feel any different about the worthiness of my life based on fame. Sure, Steve Irwin helped thousands of animals, Roo Gully lady helped hundreds at most, but I would be just as proud of either life.


Okay, I change what I said before about success. I can measure my success. I would measure having been successful in my life by having impacted someone I don't know (for the better) in someway. The beauty of of that goal is that I'd never be able to know if I accomplished it. So all I can do is try my hardest at it for my whole life :thumb_yello:


(Woah, awesome thread. You just helped me come up with a life goal!)

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I also love photography and film making. It was a pretty tough decision figuring out what I'd do. I decided I can still take photos and make movies without the proper education stuff. (However both your talk about intensive courses and such is making me want to do that now, lol) I can still take photos and videos of the other things I do, to educate people about them.


I know someone who has a wildlife sanctuary, and with just a video camera she filmed all of what they did there for ... 10 years or so, and a couple years ago she finished putting it all together and the series has been played on abc about 4 times over now, in prime time-ish. It doesn't matter if the people who watch it will never visit her, or donate, but perhaps it changed their ideas a little, perhaps expanded their knowledge base, so maybe if they saw some other similar organisation they would think twice about helping.


She's not famous, nobody is going to see her walking the street and go "OMG! You are that Roo Gully lady! Give me your autograph!", but Steve Irwin, who did the same thing, but is completely mental, did get that fame (correlation? lol). I wouldn't feel any different about the worthiness of my life based on fame. Sure, Steve Irwin helped thousands of animals, Roo Gully lady helped hundreds at most, but I would be just as proud of either life.


Okay, I change what I said before about success. I can measure my success. I would measure having been successful in my life by having impacted someone I don't know (for the better) in someway. The beauty of of that goal is that I'd never be able to know if I accomplished it. So all I can do is try my hardest at it for my whole life :thumb_yello:


(Woah, awesome thread. You just helped me come up with a life goal!)


If you really want something, you don't have to go the educational route really. I think photography is an art, and if you want to take photos, you can, and no one can critisise. You don't need loads of paper work or exams to do it either.

Enter competitions and stuff, I'm sure it'd get you the same things evertually.:)

What can seem like a hobby, could be the job of your dreams.:thumb_yello:

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If you really want something, you don't have to go the educational route really. I think photography is an art, and if you want to take photos, you can, and no one can critisise. You don't need loads of paper work or exams to do it either.

Enter competitions and stuff, I'm sure it'd get you the same things evertually.:)

What can seem like a hobby, could be the job of your dreams.:thumb_yello:


Gah, you've really got me thinking about it now. About completely changing career paths if I don't get into vet. Stupid late uni, they said I'd have my letter by mid-January, it is now the seventeenth already! I call that post-mid-January, venturing into late-January. :mad3:

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