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The MFC: What happened here? We need some group therapy


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The MFC is not fun anymore:mf_rosetinted:

I don't feel like fighting to be apart of any special cliques, so I don't. We have alliances here: people who want to make this place like freakin highschool.


Please, I get enough of that.


Firstly, I don't feel like being educated on how my dreaminess is something not good...that "the reality" is bla bla bla. I'm not gonna listen to that crap anymore, because I was happier with the image of Mika I had before it was tainted by some here.


I miss that, so I'm gonna go try and find it again.


I come here, and no matter what the hell I say...There's always someone "telling me off" Unless I'm stating my opinion, often times I'm completely ignored.


So what's the deal? Have I not proven my dedication to this club?

I know that there are others here who have issues. Tell it like it is...I'll listen to you, even if you didn't listen to me.

Bonjour's out:mf_rosetinted:


:blink: :blink: :blink:

I don't get it:blink:

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I don't get the purpose of this thread :blink:

So I don't get it :blink:

What are we supposed to talk about here???


Well I mean it's pretty self explanatory isn't it?

I think we have issues on here... I think people can be really mean...So that's what I meant...


I'm askin if anyone can relate

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I guess I understand what you're saying, but it's just that I don't feel the same way. I'm still a newbie, but this forum has been more welcoming to me than any of the others I became a member of in the last couple of years (after a forum I used to go to closed down). So I'm sorry you feel this way, I hope it'll change soon.


yeah me too. Stick around for a while and you'll see.

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Therapy Session:

ME FIRST:The MFC is not fun anymore:mf_rosetinted:

I don't feel like fighting to be apart of any special cliques, so I don't. We have alliances here: people who want to make this place like freakin highschool.


Please, I get enough of that.


Firstly, I don't feel like being educated on how my dreaminess is something not good...that "the reality" is bla bla bla. I'm not gonna listen to that crap anymore, because I was happier with the image of Mika I had before it was tainted by some here.


I miss that, so I'm gonna go try and find it again.


I come here, and no matter what the hell I say...There's always someone "telling me off" Unless I'm stating my opinion, often times I'm completely ignored.


So what's the deal? Have I not proven my dedication to this club?

I know that there are others here who have issues. Tell it like it is...I'll listen to you, even if you didn't listen to me.

Bonjour's out:mf_rosetinted:


geez i agree! and i know, i say something and ppl take it personally! (not u, srry, im a bitch)



personally i have nothing against you, but i feel the same way, like ppl are holding something against me. lets make a club!:thumb_yello:



The Hated Of The MFC:



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yeah me too. Stick around for a while and you'll see.


I'll stick around. :original:


But on a first glance, this forum doesn't seem to have a lot of issues. But then again, I'm still new.

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geez i agree! and i know, i say something and ppl take it personally! (not u, srry, im a bitch)



personally i have nothing against you, but i feel the same way, like ppl are holding something against me. lets make a club!:thumb_yello:



The Hated Of The MFC:




LOL I've noticed it towards you too doll...

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Well I mean it's pretty self explanatory isn't it?

I think we have issues on here... I think people can be really mean...So that's what I meant...


I'm askin if anyone can relate


every person in the world has issues :blink: It's a part of being a human being :bleh:


And i know everything about mean people i have 14 years of experience with mean people, and i can't find any mean people here :blink:


I think that most of the time the people on here don't know how to say everything the way they want it because English isn't there first language.

And that causes other people to freak because they take everything so literary. :mf_rosetinted:


And I'm having the time of my life here on the MFC :thumb_yello:

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God... THANK YOU Melanie!!!!!


YOU just said everything that I have been thinking!!!!! The Forum has become like High School in the way of cliques~~~~ They are everywhere!

I too have mine I am not gonna deny that* BUT..... I want to be a part of the MFC in everyway.... NOT limited to just a certain clique! It was NOT this bad when I first joined.... it has gotten SO bad!!!! We really do need to feel like ONE again!!!! I HATE WHEN IT GETS ALL CLIQUEY...... :thumbdown:


So what do you suggest we do about it?


How can we change this.... and be MORE united?

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every person in the world has issues :blink: It's a part of being a human being :bleh:


And i know everything about mean people i have 14 years of experience with mean people, and i can't find any mean people here :blink:


I think that most of the time the people on here don't know how to say everything the way they want it because English isn't there first language.

And that causes other people to freak because they take everything so literary. :mf_rosetinted:


And I'm having the time of my life here on the MFC :thumb_yello:


you've had your experience, and I've had mine... it's ok for them to be different you know...but if you wanted to here what I had to say than there it was lol...

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God... THANK YOU Melanie!!!!!


YOU just said everything that I have been thinking!!!!! The Forum has become like High School in the way of cliques~~~~ They are everywhere!

I too have mine I am not gonna deny that* BUT..... I want to be a part of the MFC in everyway.... NOT limited to just a certain clique! It was NOT this bad when I first joined.... it has gotten SO bad!!!! We really do need to feel like ONE again!!!! I HATE WHEN IT GETS ALL CLIQUEY...... :thumbdown:


So what do you suggest we do about it?


How can we change this.... and be MORE united?


i just tried to reunite the PPRC and they rejected me, we have to think of a better plan than my 'give everyone a compliment and make up' project!:roftl:

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I didn't mean that picture in a smartass way, Mel. I meant the whole "therapy is for quitters" thing as a joke, and you thought I was serious, so I found a picture of a guy laughing to let you know it was a joke.


I enjoy posting things in pictures on here.


Sometimes I think it gets on peoples' nerves.



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God... THANK YOU Melanie!!!!!


YOU just said everything that I have been thinking!!!!! The Forum has become like High School in the way of cliques~~~~ They are everywhere!

I too have mine I am not gonna deny that* BUT..... I want to be a part of the MFC in everyway.... NOT limited to just a certain clique! It was NOT this bad when I first joined.... it has gotten SO bad!!!! We really do need to feel like ONE again!!!! I HATE WHEN IT GETS ALL CLIQUEY...... :thumbdown:


So what do you suggest we do about it?


How can we change this.... and be MORE united?


I think people are just too freakin stubborn and really want to let others know that they have issues with them (but don't say it directly...like it's one big secret)


People are really secretive around here... I dunno why, but they are.

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God... THANK YOU Melanie!!!!!


YOU just said everything that I have been thinking!!!!! The Forum has become like High School in the way of cliques~~~~ They are everywhere!

I too have mine I am not gonna deny that* BUT..... I want to be a part of the MFC in everyway.... NOT limited to just a certain clique! It was NOT this bad when I first joined.... it has gotten SO bad!!!! We really do need to feel like ONE again!!!! I HATE WHEN IT GETS ALL CLIQUEY...... :thumbdown:


So what do you suggest we do about it?


How can we change this.... and be MORE united?


I don't know what you mean with this :blink: :blink:

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I didn't mean that picture in a smartass way, Mel. I meant the whole "therapy is for quitters" thing as a joke, and you thought I was serious, so I found a picture of a guy laughing to let you know it was a joke.


I enjoy posting things in pictures on here.


Sometimes I think it gets on peoples' nerves.




u dont get on my nerves! :roftl:

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I didn't mean that picture in a smartass way, Mel. I meant the whole "therapy is for quitters" thing as a joke, and you thought I was serious, so I found a picture of a guy laughing to let you know it was a joke.


I enjoy posting things in pictures on here.


Sometimes I think it gets on peoples' nerves.




LOL no I didn't take it that way hun... tis alright...I just figured I might as well delete the first post because you know it's too heated too quick:wink2:

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