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The No-D Team Thread


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OMG... how did I miss this?


I see people are FREAKING out over this! Last night's convo ROCKED and we were just innocently having a very delcious convo that turned to something much more! All of us that were there last night 'know what it is really all about' I can see how others come in and are :shocked: shocked by this subject!


I'm gonna shut up before I say anything......

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Really? Because it's been my experience that at the slightest risque talk, we end up with a nice long argument such as this one on the morality of such talk and the effects it has on the younglings, even though there are usually plenty of younglings in the conversation already. Then of course, there's always someone who drags in the issue of Mika being a person (which, by the way, we are all well aware of; whoever said that lust and respect are mutually exclusive?) which has already been talked to death.


Exactly where is a good time or place on this forum? If you know of a particularly good time, (like when everyone else is asleep, perhaps,) please let me know. And do tell of this place, because it must be hidden quite well for the protected younglings not to find it.


Lastly, context and choice of words? I haven't read this entire thread, but when I was in the conversation, "winky" was being used, and even then very sparingly.


I'm getting sick of the "freedom of speech is true, BUT-" arguments. Don't tell me I have freedom of speech on this forum BUT I have to watch what I say for the younger members. At least be honest. There isn't freedom of speech here. I can live with that if people could just stop being hypocritical and saying there is.


The knitting thread is a perfect example. We all know what's being discussed there but it's not too graphic. That is what we're aiming for.


As far as guidelines go... I sorta agree that guidelines need to be set but then where does one draw the line?

I think it's perfectly clear what is and what isn't appropriate behaviour to expose younglings to.


As far as freedom of speech is concerned.. Just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

I think the responsibility to keep this place safe and friendly should be with the users and not just the forum team you know?

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The knitting thread is a perfect example. We all know what's being discussed there but it's not too graphic. That is what we're aiming for.


As far as guidelines go... I sorta agree that guidelines need to be set but then where does one draw the line?

I think it's perfectly clear what is and what isn't appropriate behaviour to expose younglings to.


As far as freedom of speech is concerned.. Just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

I think the responsibility to keep this place safe and friendly should be with the users and not just the forum team you know?

I comprende Di!

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The knitting thread is a perfect example. We all know what's being discussed there but it's not too graphic. That is what we're aiming for.


the knitting thread is lika a soap opera because there's already so much that's been discussed and so many inside jokes that you can't just start in the middle of it :roftl:

and we won't be allowed in there once it's a 16+ thread... we'll have to just talk about it in another thread :bleh:

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there does not HAVE to be any drama in here..... just like all of the other threads, if you do not like it or agree with the subject, don't read or post SIMPLE.... :huglove:


Well, actually that is exactly what I did, Holly... I went into that topic last night ready to read any responses in regards to Melanie's original topic and I found pages upon pages about Mika's penis of all things.


It was very simple to just leave that topic, but I also didn't think that sort of discussion was acceptable for any of the younglings to read. At least not when we are supposed to be responsible adults here....


IMO I think that a lot of the discussions that are had here should be set aside for MSN, yahoo, etc...etc...

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Well, actually that is exactly what I did, Holly... I went into that topic last night ready to read any responses in regards to Melanie's original topic and I found pages upon pages about Mika's penis of all things.


It was very simple to just leave that topic, but I also didn't think that sort of discussion was acceptable for any of the younglings to read. At least not when we are supposed to be responsible adults here....

I'm sorry!!!! :crybaby:

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I want to just sit on the sidelines as I have already posted something in here....but my fingers have a mind of their own.


I am old enough to know right from wrong and in a moral sense of the world, the discussion held previously was wrong.


Am I a bad person because I was having fun, having a great time yesterday? I mostly keep to myself on these forums and haven't created special bonds with people which was what the thread was originally about. Since the thread went OT I realised I had an affinity with a few likeminded people and I think that it's rather ironic this happened, as this is what the thread was originally about! Forming friendships with people that I hadn't really spoken to before.


I actually feel embarrassed and guilty like I have just been caught doing something wrong by one of my peers.

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Well, actually that is exactly what I did, Holly... I went into that topic last night ready to read any responses in regards to Melanie's original topic and I found pages upon pages about Mika's penis of all things.


It was very simple to just leave that topic, but I also didn't think that sort of discussion was acceptable for any of the younglings to read. At least not when we are supposed to be responsible adults here....


In all Honesty, I do no think anything that was said was 'graphic' in the least.... the ONLY part that could be offensive at all would be the subject mater itself.

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I am not a proponent of unfettered freedom of speech. Not on this forum anyway.


I just think if there are going to be rules that they need to be clearly defined. To the people who have to follow them and the people who have to enforce them. Then when something falls outside the guidelines of acceptability it can be dealt with easily and quietly instead of all of this ridiculous drama.


I don't want to spend inordinate amounts of time discussing Mika's body parts, believe me. I rarely participate in anything chickeny, knitty, 16+ threads or anything of the sort and I would not suffer if they were banned from the forum.


But since there was a thread on this EXACT topic active for months I sincerely didn't expect people to come in here shouting out their disgust and trying to make everyone feel like sh*t.


I don't understand what purpose that serves or where anyone even has the authority to do that since there are no rules in place. If there was this thread would never have been started and there wouldn't be plenty of equally questionable threads here already.

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I want to just sit on the sidelines as I have already posted something in here....but my fingers have a mind of their own.


I am old enough to know right from wrong and in a moral sense of the world, the discussion held previously was wrong.


Am I a bad person because I was having fun, having a great time yesterday?


I actually feel embarrassed and guilty like I have just been caught doing something wrong by one of my peers.


For all its worth Aaurora - I'm not judgemental, and there are plenty here like me. Besides, many of us here already like you.

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In all Honesty, I do no think anything that was said was 'graphic' in the least.... the ONLY part that could be offensive at all would be the subject mater itself.


You just hit the nail on the head. The entire subject matter was offensive....


Christine, I agree that rules need to be put in order. Maybe the reaction from the topic last night is a starting point for the mods to start some guidelines? *shrug*

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I am not a proponent of unfettered freedom of speech. Not on this forum anyway.


I just think if there are going to be rules that they need to be clearly defined. To the people who have to follow them and the people who have to enforce them. Then when something falls outside the guidelines of acceptability it can be dealt with easily and quietly instead of all of this ridiculous drama.


I don't want to spend inordinate amounts of time discussing Mika's body parts, believe me. I rarely participate in anything chickeny, knitty, 16+ threads or anything of the sort and I would not suffer if they were banned from the forum.


Setting specific guidelines is a really hard thing to do because like I said, where does one draw the line?

Nipples are ok but when it comes to dinkies it's too much?

I don't think it will work that way because whether something is considered harmful or too risque has a lot to do with the context it was posted in and the choice of words.

For now it seems better to judge things on an individual basis.


I sincerely didn't expect people to come in here shouting out their disgust and trying to make everyone feel like sh*t.


I find that a bit hard to believe when I look at your opening post:


I know I'm going to regret this when it becomes the shame of MFC


I'm not going to be the one closing this thread as I feel the topic can be discussed as long as it's in a playful and more importantly, not too graphic manner.

All I ask you to do is to think before you post. This is not directed to you personally Christine, this is a general remark aimed at every user here.

Take a minute to think and assess whether or not you'd like your 11 year old sister/cousin/daughter/whatever reading it.

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Don't feel like that. If I've said something to make you feel bad, please don't. I just want the younglings to be looked after... :)

I know I know...I am VERY impressionable at my age. Like i was certainly NEVER like this and i'm sure this is NOT my personality! But it wasn't these guys either...i'm feeling a bit..well..er..odd this week and i dunno but i think you caught me in the peek of a mood swing..

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