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Share your (non-chickeny) Mika fantasy


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Ha, I don't have any non-chickeny fantasies about Mika; my fantasies are all chickeny, otherwise well they wouldn't be fantasies would they?




I suppose it depends on your definition of fantasy :boxed:


Nor me Rach, mine were quite clean really they could of been worse as you know!:roftl:

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My current fantasy (i.e todays in Bus. Com. and tutor activities :naughty: ) is for me to win a competition where Mika comes to my school and spends the day with me, messing about when I'm actually meant to be doing coursework. He could also spice up assembly with a few songs, too. (some girl at my school got this, but with FOB last year, but she just missed out lessons while sitting in the music room, whereas I want a class buddy :naughty: )

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Well mine is to get to meet him after a gig, as I still haven't managed it! How sad!


I really hope your fantasy comes true! To me I think it's sad that the more famous he becomes, the more this is going to be a remote fantasy for most people and not something that could actually happen. But it's still achievable!


Well............................ I have a few of them, one is the same as desert Roses to actually meet up with him after gig and give him an hug and have my photo with him, that is my aim for 2008, I just don't know if it will happen, also I sent something to Mika and it would be my dream to see him wearing it sometime, it was a Snowy from Tin Tin badge, and finally something involving melted choc, Mika and me...............:shocked: sorry Chickadee i did try honest!:roftl:


yes, you were very good EW.


I thought of another one, I would like to teach Mika to dance, as we know hes not the best(sorry Mika!), I think it would be so much fun and think how close I would be to him (I'm thinking)......................................sigh


Now this is a very admirable fantasy. As much as I love seeing him jump around, I have to agree with you that he could take some lessons...


I would like him to sing a song just for me, or write one for me. That would be so sweet. I would also like to spend one day with him. You know, like friends. I would love to be his friend

As for those more realistic wishes, I'd like to meet him after one of his gigs.


oh, wouldn't that be lovely, to have a song dedicated to you!


I would love to be there when there is a birth of a new song, I would adore to see him get all chuffed and excited when his talent is flowing and he gives birth to a new song thats a good un. (well I like all his songs that I have heard so far). I would also die a happy woman if he let me help on on some of the lyrics cos I made a good job. (I try to write poetry myself), but I would just love to see how he goes about making a song) I can't read/write music and I play no musical instrument so all I could do would be to give lyric suggestions , and lyrics mean so much to me in a song anyway so it would be just awesome. (I would have to overcome my shyness and my habbit or just staring at his beauty, but I am sure he could help me get over that in a few mins of daft chubby bunny games or something lol.

Then when we are done we could go and have a beer:beer: to celebrate and a good old giggle (MIKA GIGGLE *FAINTS* oh dear) lol.


YES!!! That would be fantastic! I love to see the process behind things and seeing him working on a song (and i'm thinking something that takes longer than Big Girls, I don't want to be there for just 15 mins!) would be wonderful.


Ha, I don't have any non-chickeny fantasies about Mika; my fantasies are all chickeny, otherwise well they wouldn't be fantasies would they?




I suppose it depends on your definition of fantasy


Nice dodge Gat.


My current fantasy (i.e todays in Bus. Com. and tutor activities :naughty: ) is for me to win a competition where Mika comes to my school and spends the day with me, messing about when I'm actually meant to be doing coursework. He could also spice up assembly with a few songs, too. (some girl at my school got this, but with FOB last year, but she just missed out lessons while sitting in the music room, whereas I want a class buddy )


Wouldn't that day go fast!! Instead of dragging on, you'd look around and suddenly realise you'd had a blast but it was over too quick!


We are sitting in the Love Today coffee shop and he is resting his head on MY shoulder.......:)


Nice. Actually that's a question I've always meant to ask... Is that one of his sister's in that clip?

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I just come back from work and I forgot my other one (I know I have a lot!), I work as a Receptionist in a College and my desk is facing the entrance doors I sit there sometimes thinking, what if Mika walked through those doors now and walked over to my desk and told me he was here to see me, when I sit there and think about it at work staring at those doors willing Mika to walk through my stomach actually flips over!:mf_lustslow::wub2::blush-anim-cl:

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I day dreamed last night that he kidnapped me so I could go to the San Francisco gig and he let me play piano for him and then he just let me join the band. While I was on the tour bus I asked if I could go on MFC and he said "sure" so I went on and then he was like "Move over, I want to read your posts" and I was like "No! Please don't!" and then I was really embarrassed :naughty::blush-anim-cl:



I love how I basically thought of all of that, I wasn't actually dreaming :lmao:

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I day dreamed last night that he kidnapped me so I could go to the San Francisco gig and he let me play piano for him and then he just let me join the band. While I was on the tour bus I asked if I could go on MFC and he said "sure" so I went on and then he was like "Move over, I want to read your posts" and I was like "No! Please don't!" and then I was really embarrassed :naughty::blush-anim-cl:



I love how I basically thought of all of that, I wasn't actually dreaming :lmao:


nicce. niccee.

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nicce. niccee.

My fantasy is to go shopping with mika :naughty: that would be the best thing of my LIFE. (sort of heh)

And then I would want to go to Disneyland with him and then go to a masq ball with him and we would dance and it would be so fun!

and then I would love to take a road trip with him, and then walk around in london with him, and look at the stars with him, and play tag and hide and seek and one legged races. and teach him guitar so we could play anyone else but you together, and then go on a farris wheel and carousel and eat cotton candy and bake and I'll teach him how to bake and cook and I could bake and cook him dinner and dessert. and then go back in time so he could be my age, and we would both be 15 and we would do everything together.



I just finished watching Ellen, and it was so sad, at the end she showed the last time Heath was on her show, and he was having so much fun. They were friends and it's just so sad :tears: I'm crying now :tears:

RIP Heath Ledger. <333

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well then, that's good :wink2:


it's raining... :wub2: *sigh* i love the rain. while listenin to some tunes. Juno soundtrack. mika. :wub2:


I know! But I had to wait in the rain for my sister to pick me up....not fun

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My Mika fantasy involves:


  • Me
  • Him
  • A pair of margaritas
  • A pair of lounge chairs
  • A pool
  • Palm trees


We'd sit by the pool, sip our margaritas and just talk. His life has been so different from mine, it would be a real treat to hear his perspectives.




That would be utter bliss. :mf_lustslow:

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I want to go backstage! (Not for chicken! Just to see what goes on...)

I want to go to his house, his bedroom (Again, not for chicken! Just to see the dynamics of his family and see his toys, presents, clothes - all his stuff). :naughty:

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I don't have Mika fantasies, I have MFC ones.


I keep fantasizing about how nice it would be to go to some show with Suzy and Christine and Scut and the apples, and have Mika not show up.


Then we could all go out somewhere without him distracting us and chat and have fun. :mf_rosetinted:


...and I am not even being at all sarcastic.



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I mostly have dreams where I'm trying to strangle people, but no matter how hard I try, I can never pull the noose tight enough.


Not really Mika related...

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