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2008 - Mika @ Guvernment Kool Haus in Toronto, Ontario, 29 Jan REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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So when Lollipop started, Nadja came to get us and lead us to the spot where we would make our entrance on the stage. I took Laura's hand and said : you ready for this ? LET'S GO !!!


So we just went for it ! We entered on the stage, skipping and holding hands. Then we split and each got on "our" side of the stage on which we had decided earlier. I tried dancing and skipping around but quickly realised that the stage was much smaller than in Montréal and that the only way I could avoid bumping in Martin, Saranayde or Mika would be to just jump dance and skip on the same spot lol ! So that's exaclty what I did, all the while pushing balloons in the crowd and waiting for Mika's cue to go do our little routine. Since in Montréal Mary-Lune missed Mika's cue and I had a hard time getting her to go in front I told Laura several times before the gig to look for Mika's cue or mine ! lol ! So when he looked at me to give us the cue everything just went smooth and we got to the front to do our little dance routine. It worked out really well, Laura did a really good job ! Then we went back to our "positions" and had fun for the rest of the song ! Like in Montréal, I was sooooooo out of breath and had no saliva left in my mouth, I repeat it I have now TREMENDOUS respect for what Mika does cause seriously, it's exhausting !!! I honestly don't know how he does it. :boxed:


I tried to enjoy every second of it and take in as much as I could cause I knew it was my last time doing this. I feel so privileged that I got to be onstage with Mika TWICE, I'm the luckiest person on earth and I am soooo thankful !!! There's nothing like being onstage with Mika and the band in a bright pink dress surrounded by balloons and confetti and looking Mika straight in the eyes while shouting : OOOOooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOOooo LOLLIPOP !!!!


Sadly, the show came to an end... Mika and the band went to the front of the catwalk to do their salute, then Mika came to get us Lollipop Girls and Big Girls to do a salute with him on the catwalk (or "stick-about" as he calls it :naughty: )


And then we ran backstage...


(to be continued)

:punk::shocked: ahhhh! thats amazing!! Keep it comin! :flowers2: thanks!!

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So when Lollipop started, Nadja came to get us and lead us to the spot where we would make our entrance on the stage. I took Laura's hand and said : you ready for this ? LET'S GO !!!


So we just went for it ! We entered on the stage, skipping and holding hands. Then we split and each got on "our" side of the stage on which we had decided earlier. I tried dancing and skipping around but quickly realised that the stage was much smaller than in Montréal and that the only way I could avoid bumping in Martin, Saranayde or Mika would be to just jump dance and skip on the same spot lol ! So that's exaclty what I did, all the while pushing balloons in the crowd and waiting for Mika's cue to go do our little routine. Since in Montréal Mary-Lune missed Mika's cue and I had a hard time getting her to go in front I told Laura several times before the gig to look for Mika's cue or mine ! lol ! So when he looked at me to give us the cue everything just went smooth and we got to the front to do our little dance routine. It worked out really well, Laura did a really good job ! Then we went back to our "positions" and had fun for the rest of the song ! Like in Montréal, I was sooooooo out of breath and had no saliva left in my mouth, I repeat it I have now TREMENDOUS respect for what Mika does cause seriously, it's exhausting !!! I honestly don't know how he does it. :boxed:


I tried to enjoy every second of it and take in as much as I could cause I knew it was my last time doing this. I feel so privileged that I got to be onstage with Mika TWICE, I'm the luckiest person on earth and I am soooo thankful !!! There's nothing like being onstage with Mika and the band in a bright pink dress surrounded by balloons and confetti and looking Mika straight in the eyes while shouting : OOOOooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOOooo LOLLIPOP !!!!


Sadly, the show came to an end... Mika and the band went to the front of the catwalk to do their salute, then Mika came to get us Lollipop Girls and Big Girls to do a salute with him on the catwalk (or "stick-about" as he calls it :naughty: )


And then we ran backstage...


(to be continued)


waiting for more :das:

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While going to our dressing room, we went past Mika who just said in an exhausted voice : "good job girls" !


So we got to our dressing room, and changed back into our normal gear. We waited a little while before we could take our costumes back and then after that we just hung out in the room with the Big Girls. We we're just sweating like crazy, thirsty as hell with our hair flat on our heads because of the wigs. I must say we looked pretty dashing :naughty:. We heard the band and the rest of the crew singing happy bday to Mikey in the other room. They sang it like three times lol.



Then Nadja told us that if we wanted to meet him, we would have to wait a while cause he had press to meet and everything and that we would have to stay there cause she wasn't sure we would be allowed backstage again if we left, even though we had our backstage passes on. I was of course willing to wait cause I knew my friends and the other MFCers were waiting for him to come out anyway, it wasn't like they were waiting just for me.


While we were waiting, the owner of the venue, which was super rude, entered into our room and was like : who let you girls in ? So we said that we were part of the show... and he repeated : ok but who let you in ? so we said :the crew and showed him our backstage passes... and he repeated AGAIN : but who let you in ?? AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH I wanted to punch him !!!! He had to be the most annoying man ever. And to top it off, he said : well don't touch anything, don't mess anything.... WTF !!!! the room was already a COMPLETE mess before we got in it ??? All of our stuff was neatly piled on the floor and on the couch cause we had nowhere else to put it because of the mess... but anyways... I just had to rant about that.


We had prepared ourselves to wait quite a while but we didn't have to wait that long cause all of a sudden he appeared in the door...


(to be continued)

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LMAO! hey becks! :naughty:


Well hello stranger!!:naughty:


awww bonsoir becky... how are you? where are you?


Bonsoir Guylaine!!! I am currently sitting on Danie's pull out couch cuz I can't sleep and she has gone to bed :naughty:

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Hey everybody, just letting you know that I posted my review on my myspace (I just got one, so i need some friends! My sites kind of lonely right now!) So anybody who wants to read it can go to the my space (the link is on the left below my pic, obviously) Unless you really want me to post here,but i figure it will take less room this way, right? Anyways! I'm off! talk to you all later!

*does snow day dance in hopes of having no school tomorrow because of the numerous tests and the fact that its late*


ladyGodiva, it won't let me add you cos i don't "know" you... but you could add me. I'm Chickadee on myspace as well as here.:thumb_yello:

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While going to our dressing room, we went past Mika who just said in an exhausted voice : "good job girls" !


So we got to our dressing room, and changed back into our normal gear. We waited a little while before we could take our costumes back and then after that we just hung out in the room with the Big Girls. We we're just sweating like crazy, thirsty as hell with our hair flat on our heads because of the wigs. I must say we looked pretty dashing :naughty:. We heard the band and the rest of the crew singing happy bday to Mikey in the other room. They sang it like three times lol.



Then Nadja told us that if we wanted to meet him, we would have to wait a while cause he had press to meet and everything and that we would have to stay there cause she wasn't sure we would be allowed backstage again if we left, even though we had our backstage passes on. I was of course willing to wait cause I knew my friends and the other MFCers were waiting for him to come out anyway, it wasn't like they were waiting just for me.


While we were waiting, the owner of the venue, which was super rude, entered into our room and was like : who let you girls in ? So we said that we were part of the show... and he repeated : ok but who let you in ? so we said :the crew and showed him our backstage passes... and he repeated AGAIN : but who let you in ?? AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH I wanted to punch him !!!! He had to be the most annoying man ever. And to top it off, he said : well don't touch anything, don't mess anything.... WTF !!!! the room was already a COMPLETE mess before we got in it ??? All of our stuff was neatly piled on the floor and on the couch cause we had nowhere else to put it because of the mess... but anyways... I just had to rant about that.


We had prepared ourselves to wait quite a while but we didn't have to wait that long cause all of a sudden he appeared in the door...


(to be continued)

:groupwave: ahhh! yay!! i cant wait! thanks!! cant wait for the next part!!!

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Well hello stranger!!:naughty:




Bonsoir Guylaine!!! I am currently sitting on Danie's pull out couch cuz I can't sleep and she has gone to bed :naughty:


are you leaving for NY tomorrow too? i hate to think that you are travelling to yet another gig while i'm working away on this stupid shower catalogue!!!!

i'm ready for a different assignment! please! put me out of my misery! (well... it does pay well hehe)

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boy... does she know when to put a "to be continued"

it's like watching friends in a 2 week episode!!!!!!

(like when they went to england!)


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


She's a good story teller...she does that to me on MSN all the time!!

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are you leaving for NY tomorrow too? i hate to think that you are travelling to yet another gig while i'm working away on this stupid shower catalogue!!!!

i'm ready for a different assignment! please! put me out of my misery! (well... it does pay well hehe)


Yes!! We leave at midnight tomorrow!! I can't wait!! I just hope I can sleep on the bus....sleeping on the way to Toronto was not as successful as I had hoped:boxed:

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Yes!! We leave at midnight tomorrow!! I can't wait!! I just hope I can sleep on the bus....sleeping on the way to Toronto was not as successful as I had hoped:boxed:


are you in montreal? we are expecting 30cm of snow tomorrow... that's not good

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are you in montreal? we are expecting 30cm of snow tomorrow... that's not good


That's what I hear....


Yes I am in Montréal. Hopefully it will snow tomorrow morning and be fine but night time.

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He entered the room saying : "good job girls, well done !" and then his face just went : :blink: and with a wtf look on his face said : "what is this room ?!" lllolll !!! He hadn't seen it before and he seemed sorry that we had to stay in that room the whole time lol ! So we told him about the owner telling us not to mess it up and he was like : :boxed: .


We asked if we could take pictures with him and he said of course. He seemed really tired though and his voice was a little raspy. I think jetlag + show in a huge venue the day before + Montréal / Toronto travelling was a lot for our dear mister M. So since he didn't seem to feel well, we tried to do this quick. Laura gave her the scarf she made and he seemed really happy about it. He gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, which was super sweet. He took pictures with the Big Girls and with Laura. We took pictures in the hallway cause the room was just too crappy lol ! :naughty: I spoke french with him, thanked him for the amazing night once again and gave him the letters that Fanny from France had sent me to give to him. Now that I think about it, I left the three letters in the enveloppe they arrived into so they would not get lost, so that means he has my address now... lol... just a random thought....


I felt kinda bad asking for a picture again since I got one the day before and since he looked so tired... but I asked anyway, since it's not everyday you get to be with Mika and have your picture taken. So I said : I know that we took a picture yesterday... but would you mind if we took one today as well ? Am I taking up to much of your time ? (with, I admit, a puppy face... lol !!!) So he said : of course not ! we can take a picture ! So we did and I was totally happy about that, felt so lucky. So I thanked him again and said see you in NYC.


After that I went with Laura to the side of the stage where her mom and sis were waiting for her. They really wanted to meet Mika so I don't know how but Laura managed to go get him... She just went through the door with Mika behind her and said : look what I found !


I waited on the side while they had their moment with him, don't want him to be sick of seing me ! So after that we got out of the venue, we split and I joined everyone who were waiting for MIka in the parking lot by the tour busses...


(to be continued)

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He entered the room saying : "good job girls, well done !" and then his face just went : :blink: and with a wtf look on his face said : "what is this room ?!" lllolll !!! He hadn't seen it before and he seemed sorry that we had to stay in that room the whole time lol ! So we told him about the owner telling us not to mess it up and he was like : :boxed: .


We asked if we could take pictures with him and he said of course. He seemed really tired though and his voice was a little raspy. I think jetlag + show in a huge venue the day before + Montréal / Toronto travelling was a lot for our dear mister M. So since he didn't seem to feel well, we tried to do this quick. Laura gave her the scarf she made and he seemed really happy about it. He gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, which was super sweet. He took pictures with the Big Girls and with Laura. We took pictures in the hallway cause the room was just too crappy lol ! :naughty: I spoke french with him, thanked him for the amazing night once again and gave him the letters that Fanny from France had sent me to give to him. Now that I think about it, I left the three letters in the enveloppe they arrived into so they would not get lost, so that means he has my address now... lol... just a random thought....


I felt kinda bad asking for a picture again since I got one the day before and since he looked so tired... but I asked anyway, since it's not everyday you get to be with Mika and have your picture taken. So I said : I know that we took a picture yesterday... but would you mind if we took one today as well ? Am I taking up to much of your time ? (with, I admit, a puppy face... lol !!!) So he said : of course not ! we can take a picture ! So we did and I was totally happy about that, felt so lucky. So I thanked him again and said see you in NYC.


After that I went with Laura to the side of the stage where her mom and sis were waiting for her. They really wanted to meet Mika so I don't know how but Laura managed to go get him... She just went through the door with Mika behind her and said : look what I found !


I waited on the side while they had their moment with him, don't want him to be sick of seing me ! So after that we got out of the venue, we split and I joined everyone who were waiting for MIka in the parking lot by the tour busses...


(to be continued)

ahh! aww he's so sweet for giving you another picture!! Hes the sweetest person on earth!!! :tears:

thanks!! they're great!! cant wait for the next ones! :yay:

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