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Mika, each time you repeat one of your soundbites on stage, I like you a little less.


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taking the time out to even come here, it's not something he has to do.


Well it kind of is, unless he wants to have a different career.


And I think going to see him in concert is an opportunity in itself. There are plenty of people on here that can say that they've tried to get tickets and couldnt, or just haven't been able to go for one reason or another, so to be lucky enough to do that is an opportunity in itself.


And I do think I'm lucky. I'm very happy that I've gotten to see him several times in one year. If this was a topic about how, say, he doesn't tour America enough, I would be arguing on your side, trust me.


But again, appreciating something does not preclude me from all criticism whatsoever.


I just think you pointing out something that he's doing to try to connect with the audience and make them feel more welcome is almost redunent, his job isn't to tell storys and make witty remarks, it's to put on a show.


Well, first off, can we please stop mentioning "stories and witty remarks." I have said about 500 times already that I am not asking him to do either of those.


But second, I happen to feel that interacting with the audience and participating in stage banter IS part of "putting on a show," and what distinguishes attending a live concert from watching a tv appearance or listening to the CD.


Now some people may disagree and that would be an interesting discussion, but I don't think that means I just have to keep mum about it.



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But second, I happen to feel that interacting with the audience and participating in stage banter IS part of "putting on a show," and what distinguishes attending a live concert from watching a tv appearance or listening to the CD.


I totally agree with that and every performer knows it. They all speak to the audience to one degree or another and since Mika is exceptionally good at this kind of thing he should use it to his advantage.


I don't understand why so many people are against the idea of Mika doing something that will benefit him and his audience.

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Just as you are all allowed to go on about how Mika can do absolutely no wrong and if he comes out and squawks like a chicken for an hour that would still be the best concert ever.


oh MAN! The Aussies will never see this one :tears:


Only his bulge, stupid.


my favourite subject has come up again!

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I totally agree with that and every performer knows it. They all speak to the audience to one degree or another and since Mika is exceptionally good at this kind of thing he should use it to his advantage.


I don't understand why so many people are against the idea of Mika doing something that will benefit him and his audience.


Amen Amen Amen.

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Disagreeing is fine. I disagree all the time. I just don't like it when people think that because they don't agree with someone's opinion, that it shouldn't be discussed.


i just dun know why everytime

ppl try defending him = blind fans support him whatsoever


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Dear Jack,

I'm sorry this has gotten blown out of proportion.

I guess the way this should have started is,


I personally feel like he does talk to the audience during his shows.

In what ways do you feel like he doesn't enough?

and what do you think would better it in a way.

I'm sure you've already answered this somewhere way back, but it's late and i'm lazy.

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I don't understand why so many people are against the idea of Mika doing something that will benefit him and his audience.


Well, to be fair, I'm pretty certain it's because my initial phrasing was along the lines of "Mika, I don't like that you don't do this" rather than "Mika, this would be really great to do." :naughty:


People aren't fond of anyone saying that they don't like something that Mika does (or does not do, in this case). Apparently if anyone feels that way, they should keep it to themselves and not start threads about it. :naughty: Which is of course funny because despite being annoyed at my thread, I'm also pretty certain that if Mika did start doing what I say I want him to, everyone would love it.


Then again, I understand the desire to support him no matter what. Eh.




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Well, first off, can we please stop mentioning "stories and witty remarks." I have said about 500 times already that I am not asking him to do either of those.


I think it's a bit odd how you want to drop the whole "stories and witty remarks" bit, because isn't that what banter is to some extent?


and you can't blame him for having to recycle some of it, he's only human and can't think of new stuff for every show, he is a bit busy, and not everyone gets to see more than 1 show per tour, I'm sure he relizes that and doesn't plan on changing it up for those few.


I'm probably coming off as a bit rude at this point, and I don't want anyone to think that, I'm glad you didn't keep "mum" the point of a forum is to discuss things and if everyone always agreed with everything it would just be rather dull. I hope no one's really getting offended at all.

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what does that mean?


teehee....it is in reference to what someone (I forget who) told an Aussie (I forget who, also) who was upset that Mika has only been here once :naughty: That we should think ourselves lucky to be able to watch him on youtube :naughty:

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I think it's a bit odd how you want to drop the whole "stories and witty remarks" bit, because isn't that what banter is to some extent?


Sigh. It's not that I want him to "drop it." It's that people keep saying "how do you expect him to be constantly witty on demand without being scripted?" and I'm saying "if he wasn't scripted, he wouldn't even have to be witty." (I'm also saying I don't think his current scripted remarks are all that witty in the first place, but people are letting that one slide. :naughty:)


and you can't blame him for having to recycle some of it, he's only human and can't think of new stuff for every show, he is a bit busy


And like I also said before, he doesn't have to "think" of new stuff--he can even keep his recycled bits--it would just be nice if he was also spontaneous and engaged with the audience. I say he wouldn't need to "think" of new stuff because it's not like he needs to come up with more stories--he just needs to talk. He doesn't have to "think" of new stuff anytime he has a conversation, does he?


Dear Jack,

I'm sorry this has gotten blown out of proportion.

I guess the way this should have started is,


I personally feel like he does talk to the audience during his shows.

In what ways do you feel like he doesn't enough?

and what do you think would better it in a way.

I'm sure you've already answered this somewhere way back, but it's late and i'm lazy.


Thank you. :blush-anim-cl:


I do think that I stated it before in various places, and I'm also tired, so I'll just say:


1. I think he doesn't actually talk to and with the audience enough, rather that reciting preset stories. Other artists often do, and it's such a great experience that I wish he would also capitalize on it.

2. I don't mind if he keeps the stories, but it would make the show so much better if he would also let himself relax a bit and would talk naturally with the audience.

3. That way each audience would feel like they were not only getting a well-rehearsed show, but also sharing a moment in time with the musician and just them (the entire audience, I mean). Something that is unique to that particular time and place and that would not be repeated elsewhere. Of course each show is already unique to a degree, but this way it would be even more so.


Think of all the shows that seem to be most memorable on this board--they are usually when something funny or new happened, and Mika went off-script. I am just saying that almost all of them could be like that, and without even all that much extra effort on his part.




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Think of all the shows that seem to be most memorable on this board--they are usually when something funny or new happened, and Mika went off-script.


I think this is most reflected in the recent Salt Lake gig where he had minimal everything - and it sounded like it was the most amazing gig ever.

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Maybe I worded that wrong, I thought you meant you wanted me to stop talking about his witty remarks,

idk It's just getting late here and I'm not thinking or typing clearly, never the less I'm just gunna leave it at where it is, maybe I took what you initially said in a different way than you meant it, because now I do understand where you are coming from in some respect, though I do still stand my ground.:naughty:


anyways, that's it for me for tonite.

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2. I don't mind if he keeps the stories, but it would make the show so much better if he would also let himself relax a bit and would talk naturally with the audience.

3. That way each audience would feel like they were not only getting a well-rehearsed show, but also sharing a moment in time with the musician and just them (the entire audience, I mean). Something that is unique to that particular time and place and that would not be repeated elsewhere. Of course each show is already unique to a degree, but this way it would be even more so.


Think of all the shows that seem to be most memorable on this board--they are usually when something funny or new happened, and Mika went off-script. I am just saying that almost all of them could be like that, and without even all that much extra effort on his part.





Mika relaxing....now there's the problem. He's so energetic! I think he sometimes needs a way to control all that energy, which might explain the stories. I mean, I enjoy the stories....got a good laugh. And I'm sure people who've never experienced find them kind of comedic or cute. But I can see your point more and more as you post. I'm still fine with whatever Mika chooses to do in his shows, spontaneity or no, because I don't have money or time to see his shows in many other places than Boston, so my chances are pretty limited. So I take what I can get and I'm happy with it. He's such a good performer, and that's what I go to see...a performance. It's his show, so whatever he feels is good should work. Not really my place to say, I guess.


I do agree that shows are more memorable when something unscripted happens. It makes the gig stick out from the "crowd" and feel more special. I guess sometimes it's just luck of the draw when something like that happens, like if something goes wrong. And when I say "goes wrong" I obviously don't mean something bad happens, but for example, at our show in Boston, Mika started playing Stuck in the Middle and he messed up and stopped the whole show and said something along the lines of "When you mess up, you mess up. And you just gotta start from the beginning!" And he laughed, as did everyone else, and started the song over. It wasn't embarrassing (at least it didn't seem embarrassing) or anything, but it was cute. He played it off really well and the crowed cheered. That's the kind of thing I mean by "luck." Sometimes stuff just happens that's funny.


Regardless...he's still amazing. As I'm sure you all are aware. :naughty:

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Mika relaxing....now there's the problem. He's so energetic! I think he sometimes needs a way to control all that energy, which might explain the stories.


yeah...i would rather complain him singing and bouncing too hard

i really wanna tell him, can u control yourself a bit?

u are hurting my ears!! acoustic version ok? :sweatdrop:

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There's so much I would love to comment on, but to paraphrase

Inigo Montoya, I will just sum up. :)


Personally, I've also wondered if the "control freak" aspect of Mika's

personality is behind the scripted conversational moments of the show --

speaking as a little bit of a control freak myself, I can see that it's

something I would do if I were a performer. There would be a certain

comfort in knowing what I was going to say and when I was going to

say it, and also knowing generally what the audience reaction would be.

It would allow me to feel in control of the situation, not vulnerable...

But hearing those little speeches repeated has NOT caused me to love

him any less! :wub2:


I consider myself pretty much one of those "blind fans" Jack mentioned,

but I'm not blind enough to ignore the fact that there's always room

for improvement, even in Mika's show. I don't think anything she's

said should diminish the experience for those of you who haven't

seen Mika yet. Don't worry, Suzanne --

he's not going to change his show tomorrow or

next week, just on the strength of a few forum posts that he may or

may not ever read! :wink2:


But I understand that when you care about something you look at it

with a critical eye and often see HOW it can be improved.


For example, when my husband gets dressed for work in the mornings,

I *could* just let him leave the house wearing his green striped

shirt with brown pants, BUT because I care about him I make gagging

noises to let him know that the combination is making me sick and

he should really change before he goes to that important meeting. :thumb_yello:


I think all Jack is really doing here is offering a little constructive

criticism, an opinion, about something that

she cares about... just as I do with my hubby -- who really needs

to get better dress sense. :naughty:



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One other thing, I wanted to say:


Some would say Patrick beats him, full stop.:mf_rosetinted:


:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Oh, I forgot though... you're not a real fan... :roftl:


But speaking of PW, I keep hearing The Magic Position used in the ads

for this new movie opening tomorrow, "Definitely, Maybe." That's

gotta be a first for PW, doesn't it?



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But speaking of PW, I keep hearing The Magic Position used in the ads

for this new movie opening tomorrow, "Definitely, Maybe." That's

gotta be a first for PW, doesn't it?




oooh! Ooooh! Ooooh! OOOH! *pings around*


I heard that tonight for the first time! I was in my room scraping blush and I heard 'Magic Position', and I had a Rocky and Bullwinkle moment of "THAT VOICE! Where have I heard THAT VOICE?"

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You know, I have to admit, I was a bit obnoxious with the scripted stuff at the concert I went to. I went with someone who had basically never seen/heard him before...


You know what it's like to watch a movie with someone who's seen that movie a thousand times and insists on telling you what's going to happen? I was doing that to my friend. I was really annoyed with myself even as I was doing it, but I couldn't stop myself! I just felt compelled.


So, I would hear the first note of something or even just see the way the stage was being set up, and I would turn to my friend and say "this one's not on the album... it's called Holy Johnny..." and Mika would immediately echo my exact words and say "this one's not on the album... it's called Holy Johnny...". I pretty much did that throughout the concert. Wow. I'm an ass.

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