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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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That angelic myth that some have fallen in love with is very two-dimensional and lifeless to me. All of his so-called flaws are what make the fact that he gives a heartfelt hug to his mom and sister before greeting the anonymous adoring masses all the more meaningful.


Exactly, Christine. The stereotypical idea of "perfect" isn't perfect to me at all. It isn't human. I don't want to look up to or date anyone who has the personality of a rock. That person may never swear or get angry or leave the toilet seat up, but they also wouldn't have emotion. Emotion is human, and it comes with a lot of good and bad. That's why I love seeing Mika just be human. I get a little freaked out when I see him perform because it is SO amazing, and the shows seem SO perfect, that when he drops his mic or forgets to zip his fly, a part of me thinks "Oh thank God," maybe I'm not so imperfect myself. (I am making NO sense.) I guess it's just a connection. We're all human, even the ones that seem perfect. :wink2:


Happy Ending was probably one of THE best moments of my life. His voice soars like nothing I've ever heard, or could imagine hearing...it's the most beautiful thing. That shy, eccentric little boy transplanted from France to England, that child prodigy opera singer, that rejected-by-Simom-Cowell eager teen...here he is, in front of my eyes, evolved into a star like no other. And it makes my heart swell to think that he's only just beginning - he has so much more to give. Just amazing.


There are SO many who want a tiny sliver of him. He can't be with all of us, I was thinking. So maybe fate aligned to give me this opportunity so that I could come back and share this all with you. And that is the great community aspect of MFC. I sincerely hope that doesn't come off as cocky or braggy - he was for me and for Vancouver tonight, but I really wanted to share everything I could with you guys all over the planet. If it weren't for the MFC, I'd be diarizing every detail for my own purposes - but the MFC is here, and I want you all to see what I saw.


Awww, Mana, it is amazing how Mika has evolved and grown into such a star. Th future is going to be pretty amazing, isn't it? And you don't sound braggy at all--we're all so blessed that you're here, sharing these wonderful reviews!!


I asked if there was any chance we could meet Mika - and she said without hesitation "of course!"


It's a bit funny that Mika's mom gets to be around him 24/7, she got to raise him and is there for him every single day. And us? We would do anything for just a few minutes.


He tells us - get this - that since we didn't use our seats, he's actually going to pay us back for our tickets!! I don't know about the other gals, but being reimbursed for an experience like THAT was so no even on my radar.


He didn't offer money back for my ticket in Toronto (or my mom's or sister's). But heck, it was all worth it.


On the tray of her wheelchair were the letters A-Z. Mika noticed this - bless him! - and asked her caringly if this is how she communicates. She let out a sound that can only be described as elation and beamed at him - and he beamed right back, leaning his head on hers for a picture.

Guys, he made that girl's night, if not her year - she was over the moon, as were her sisters. What a beautful, warm, tender, brilliant young man he is. It didn't matter that she couldn't speak to him, that her way of moving isn't "normal" - he saw the effect he and his music have on her and her sisters, and devoted himself to them, even for five minutes.


That is SO amazing, I can't even tell you. Makes my heart melt, makes me love him all the more. (Mana, you're turning me into even more of a sap than I normally am!)


I said to him "Mika. I really want you to know just how much you mean to us...and how deeply your music touches us, all over the world". He beamed at me, reached out, and interlaced his fingers with mine. He looked right back into my eyes and said "thank you - that means a lot to me". I smiled, he smiled, then out I went...


OK, that made me want to cry. There are no words...


And I wish I could meet Mika's mom and tell her...what?..."Thank you for giving birth to him." Haha, I don't know, but I'm glad she has such a warm and caring spirit. Mika definitely has that, too.


The special umbrella is now with him....Andy at the Seattle concert interviewed me about fanship, joyness , fun, the umbrella and he loved it so much (Andy and MIKA love the umbrella! woow!) ,Andy interviewed me for 15 minutes and I will be featured on the next concert DVD.


Oh wow, congrats!!!! I want to see this next concert DVD SOOO badly. :mf_lustslow:


Thank you for your passionate report :tears: , but, principally, thank you for what you told him !!!! :thumb_yello:


Yes, THANK YOU for saying what we'd all like to say to him. I wish I could sit down with him for an hour and pour my heart out, but if I can't do that, I'm glad you could sum it up for me. :wink2:


I was grinning from ear to ear the whole way through...it reminded me a lot of the BG video shoot.


Is there video of "the making of"?!


You know guys, I read the news (and work retail, ugh) and sometimes--a lot of times--I get so dispirited with people and the crazy world we live in. Then I read these reports, and see how much Mika's changed our lives and brought us together and I have to say...Mika restores my faith in humanity. If there are people like this in the world, maybe we'll be OK after all. :wub2:

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Hey, G'Day All!


If I had to categorize last night's Mika concert - I would safely and easily place it in the top three experiences of my life! Definitely something I wanted to do before I died! Mika put on a show to end all shows, a momentous finale for his outstanding North American Tour. Today, the morning after, I still sit shrouded in awe. From the brilliant performance which included superior lighting and sound techniques, to the camaraderie of meeting fellow MFCers...... The icing on the cake? Meeting His Curliness himself..... who is everything I expected.. AND MORE!!!


The only thing I feel really badly about is that the box of Valentines did not arrive and so were not presented to Mika as planned. I waited until 5:30 PM, as late as possible, working until the last minute, but I guess it was not meant to be..... So I guess the next best thing will be a shipment to Brixton (?) Sorry guys, I know how hard everybody worked. I really tried.





* http://www.alteredpages.com/ap394.jpg

* http://www.theteahousetimes.com/images/Victorian%20Valentines.jpg


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Oh I'll still care about Mika. Just not sure I'll find it very useful to know that he was wearing blue skinny jeans and a white shirt on July 26, 2007. :bleh:



Ah yes, Christine, that is very important...that date was SYTYCD...

But I know he also he wore blue/white on July 29th at Fuji Rock


(not thread hijacking, am I???? oops sorry....)


still more to come...


I am still buzzing! thanks Mana for your reports! I HAVE A HIGHLY DETAILED ONE COMING SOON TOO!




tommorow will be a HUGE HUGE HUGE REPORT!





I believe it was me who posted earlier that you would be writing a book. :naughty:


I love reading the snippets so far!:wub2:

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I then turned to Mika. Hey lollipopgirl83 - I'm talking to you, Taylor - listen up!


I asked him if the skeleton has a name - and he smiled really wide and said that yes, they call it Gray Skelly.




I didn't get the chance to call him on it, but that's proof - either he (or someone on the "in") regularly reads our site, or that's one hell of a fscking coincidence, won't you say? :roftl:


:woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump:

EEEEE!!!! OMG Mana! Really?!!! This makes my day!

*spins around in happy circles*


I'm so glad you had an AMAZING time, you lucky girl, you!

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* http://i27.tinypic.com/bijg2q.jpg


Oh!! Did that happen on the show!? If it did, then i didnt see it!!



:woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump:

EEEEE!!!! OMG Mana! Really?!!! This makes my day!

*spins around in happy circles*


I'm so glad you had an AMAZING time, you lucky girl, you!


:woot_jump: That's amazing!!!! haha YAY Taylor!! And Mana obviously :lol3::huglove:

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Mana, THANKS for making me feel like i was there, with you, living everything. We have to name you our best reviewer. You can imagine how your reviews move me in so many ways..Again, thanks :)


Suzanne, we need more!!!!


its coming tonight! just need to write it all down! only one computer to use at the hotel!!


no worries hon!

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Dang, Lollipop Monkey was so thorough with her report, I don't think I can even compare. :shocked:


I do have some vids, including one where Mika shows Greg how to play washboard! :roftl: What an awesome show. I'll post more later. My sweeteart misses me, so I should pay attention to him first. :bleh:

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Dang, Lollipop Monkey was so thorough with her report, I don't think I can even compare. :shocked:


I do have some vids, including one where Mika shows Greg how to play washboard! :roftl: What an awesome show. I'll post more later. My sweeteart misses me, so I should pay attention to him first. :bleh:

aww okay!! Thanks damango!! still report though please! i would still love to read it! ! :wink2:

:huglove: im glad you had an awesome time!

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*runs around screaming*


I've been waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:




(I can't do that in real life anymore, my voice is completely dead from screaming!)




OK. Report will come, I just need to...collect myself first...:wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

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(I can't do that in real life anymore, my voice is completely dead from screaming!)




OK. Report will come, I just need to...collect myself first...:wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Hey, didn't I stand near you while we were waiting by the stage door?

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(I can't do that in real life anymore, my voice is completely dead from screaming!)




OK. Report will come, I just need to...collect myself first...:wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

I'm so proud of you for losing your fu**ing voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :punk::naughty:

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