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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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Thanks bookwurm. Great report! :thumb_yello:


It's funny hearing people talk about arriving at the venue at 7 pm, checking their coats and taking their seats. That's going to be so nice next time he comes to Toronto not having to deal with the horrendous queue business.

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It's funny hearing people talk about arriving at the venue at 7 pm, checking their coats and taking their seats. That's going to be so nice next time he comes to Toronto not having to deal with the horrendous queue business.


Sounds bittersweet, to me.

It would be so nice to have a place to put your coat when and not have to worry about that, arrive later on so your not cold, having time to actually stop and buy some merchandise, but at the same time queuing is fun for me. You meet a lot of great people and it gets me more pumped.


Love the report, bookwurm. Thanks for making us wait all day for the magic after the show.:naughty:

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Well, I'm still waiting for Andrew to e-mail me instructions on how I can send you the lollipop video without making the quality any worse, although I have to tell you, i did a terrible job >.<

I actually barely took any pictures, mostly video, and I'll post those as soon as I can :thumb_yello:


I can't wait to see videos!! And thank you so much for your review. Took me back to the Toronto show because you explained everything SO well...and now I'm wishing I could have gone to more than one show. Why didn't I get tickets to more than one and put RL on hold? :bleh: Who knows when I'll see him in concert again? *siiigh* I miss it.

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After the concert ended, we were all still riding on the wave of happiness from our moment on the stage, and it took me a moment to get back to earth. Once I did, though, I realised we'd better hurry up and get in line if we wanted an autograph...I asked my friends, and a couple of them didn't want to, but I made them come with me. :naughty: We didn't know where to go, though, so I asked a security guard, and he just laughed at me. He wasn't very nice. We got into the lobby (not the men's washroom this time) and I found this time someone who'd been at the door when we came in, and asked her where Mika would be coming out. She was so sweet, she said: 'I'm not supposed to tell you this, but he'll be out at the stage exit on Seymour.' That was where we'd gone to line up before the concert. We shoved through all the masses of people and ran over to where we saw a crowd gathering and managed to get pretty close to the front. I knew we'd be standing there for a while, so I went over the concert in my head.

Unfortunately, one of my friends who'd come with me started feeling sick. We debated whether we should all go back or all stay, and in the end two of them went back to the hotel while the other three of us stayed.

We started talking to Rani, who was next to us, and I got a few more words in with Suzanne. Everyone in the lineup was soo friendly! And I wasn't the slightest bit cold because of all the body heat, even though I was in a t-shirt.

After about 30 minutes of everyone cheering for every single person who came through the door with EQ, props, and even the band's dishes and garbage (LOL), Security came and told us that Mika would be coming out through a door further along the building. (He pronounced it MY-ka and we all yelled at him.) We got down there as fast as we could and then lined up along the wall, like they asked us to. We were pretty close to the back of the line. We waited for about another 10 minutes (it always seems longer) and THEN a security guy came up and said that 'because of chaos at the front of the line we're just going to turn the line around' and he would come out of the door behind us! It was so awesome, we were now practically at the front of the line. About 5 minutes later we realised the guy standing there in the black puffy coat was actually him. I get all breathless thinking of it now, but in the actual moment I was completely calm. I had my Live DVD ready for him to sign, and I was going to get tickets signed for my two friends who went back, but they said one item only... I felt terrible, but not for very long. :fisch: The line moved quickly, and then it was all of a sudden my turn...I opened the booklet of the DVD to the page with Yasmine's cartoon landscape on it, ready for him to sign. When I went up to him, I said: 'Thank you so much! That was the best night of my life!' It was completely honest, too. He replied, 'Aww!' and signed my booklet. Then I reached up to give him a hug.

It couldn't have lasted more than two seconds, but it was two seconds of bliss. He smelled wonderful, he had showered, and he was all soft and warm, contrasting to the cold of the night air. I can still feel his arm around me. I know it didn't mean much to him, but to me it was everything. As I walked away, I looked back, and he had already turned to the next in line, but I distinctly heard him shout, 'Cool jeans!' as I turned away again. I hadn't thought I could feel any happier, but I did.Those two words made me happier than any words I've heard before. This is a little embarassing, but I had been soooo hoping he would notice them, comment on them, for weeks before the concert. I was on top of the world, because he had distinguished me from the rest of them in that moment--and maybe I wasn't just some other fan girl that he would forget as soon as he turned his head. Every moment of that night was perfect. And today, although I was expecting to feel utterly depressed and spent, I surprised myself by retaining some of last night's euphoria, because I know that it isn't the last time it will happen. He's releasing a new album, and he's definitely going to tour again, and I will definitely be there when he does.


I didn't quote the rest of what you wrote (although i loved it all!) but I just had to quote this. I love the little things he notices, like your jeans and that after you'd been hoping he would notice...your wish was granted!


Thanks for your report!

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So we all start walking towards the Orpheum, and I remember someone saying how they were glad to finally use an umbrella? Haha... obviously I was the only person in that group that was from Vancouver.


We got quite a lot of bewildered looks from people walking by, because Suzanne was dressed to impress. Her outfit was fanstastical. :punk: oh right... and the fact that ever once in a while someone gave off a really loud "yeppeeee!!!!!



I kept on having mini spaz attacks as we were walking, and I remember telling Canuckchick that I had better calm myself before I pulled a muscle in my neck or something :blink: Somehow we got separated as we reached the orpheum, and I hung out with Canuckchick and her man, and I remember seeing StandardToaster and lollipop_monkey off in the corner, and lollipop_monkey talking on the phone (i didn't know at this point that she was to be a lollipop girl :shocked:) Omg. When I saw the table set up inside the orpheum with all the Mika merch, my excitement level went up again. I mean, even though it was a bunch of shirts and posters, the fact that I had been looking at them online and then seeing them in real life, it was the first step of what was coming, which was to see Mika in real life :stretcher:


So we figure out that there's actually a line up, so we get in line, just before the line becomes really crowded. And then StandardToaster joins us, and that's when I learn that she has left us to prepare for her role as a lollipop girl :groupwave:

Eventually, the other MFCers join us, and at around 7 they open the doors and we all walk in.


It was me who said that I was excited to be using an umbrella. Ha ha. We don't really get much rain here, just snow!! Reading all of your reports makes me so excited for when I will finally be able to share my story as well. Hopefully tonight after my little ones are in bed and I have a little extra time to type more than a few sentances I will be able to do just that.

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I think there are only a few hundred of us really. I don't know what it is about Mika but I can't imagine having this level of interest in any other artist. I'm not even interested to hear this much about the people I know. :naughty:


I wonder if it's just a collective thing. You kind of get sucked into this need for more information by hanging around other fanatics on MFC.


I do think it's partially a collective thing - we definitely all feed off each other. But it's also the draw of an intensely charismatic man. Before I found MFC, I was obsessively searching for new videos and interviews every day... rediculously so...


But you're right, without MFC keeping the interest going, giving me new tidbits each day, I might have released the obsession a little bit by now - I would have thought that I'd seen all there was to see, and now that I've been to the concert I'd probably have given it a rest.


MFC is feeding my addiction... I'm compelled to come here for my fix every night, if not several times a day. Imagine all the things I would accomplish if MFC was shut down! I'd be out there saving the world!

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THANK YOU for the amazing report--loved it, loved how you described everything--loved the jeans! (Haha, you're right! MIKA=LOVE.) :wub2: And isn't that kind of what every fan wants? To be set apart from the crowd for a second, for Mika to notice you, and say something to YOU. It may only last a second, but we can be thankful he has an insanely good memory. Now you'll forever be the fan with the "cool jeans."


:wub2: That's exactly it...the thought that he was thinking about me, just for those few seconds, and not about his work or his family or the hundreds of other fans that were lining up...*sighs*

Ok... here I go:


I couldn't believe that it was finally the day of Mika's concert... and yet, somehow, I kept on forgetting about it when I was at school (maybe my brain was trying to protect itself from exploding ) Once, one of my friends asked me if I was excited about that night, and I just sort of looked at her blankly and said "excited for what?" and then suddenly it hit me like a huge tsunami and I couldn't believe that I had forgotten what a special day it was...


I was like that too! It wasn't til the actual day came that it really sunk in...I had short bursts of excitement up until then, but nothing too big to distract me from school...it was really odd!


And then the one thing about the concert I knew... the taking off the shirt moment... :mf_lustslow: And he was up on the drum set, moving his hips side to side And the crowd was going crazy. The duel was fun, everyone was cheering like crazy. Again, the energy of this concert was AMAZING


He then told us about how he was going to go and work on the second album soon, and then he started Grace Kelly. I remember he knocked on the bass guitar at the begining, and then he said "I want to talk to you" in such a sexy way, my heart just melted. :hypo: And the crowd sang along the whole time. He went up on his M, and sang up on there too, and the song totally took me back to when I first fell in love with him... and at the end he had us all do jazzy shimmer hands, and then he went "Ching" and held out the mic to us to say "guh" I guess, that's what it sounded like most people were saying. He built that up and then he did his "Ka-Chiinnnnnnnguh!"


And then he said "Thank you Vancouver!!! You've been great!"


And then the Teddy Bear Picnic, which was really cute, except for one part in the middle where I was like ehem....:mf_boff:


And then Lollipop!!!! I tried to film the whole thing for you lollipop_monkey/Mana, but it was just so crazy! and I was doing that, and that's when I notice the audience on stage, and before I have time to realize what's happening, Mika has dissapeared into the crowd, and I was worried for him, but you could still hear him singing, and then he ends it with another "Thank you Vancouver, You've been Brilliant!" and there are big balloons everywhere, and confetti, and it's sooooooo awesome.


I'll be back later to write about the after concert experience :blink:



Aahhhh I was up on that stage....I've probably already watched your video, I could only find two :bleh:


I didn't quote the rest of what you wrote (although i loved it all!) but I just had to quote this. I love the little things he notices, like your jeans and that after you'd been hoping he would notice...your wish was granted!


Thanks for your report!


I still can't believe it! Maybe I never will...

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I do think it's partially a collective thing - we definitely all feed off each other. But it's also the draw of an intensely charismatic man. Before I found MFC, I was obsessively searching for new videos and interviews every day... rediculously so...


But you're right, without MFC keeping the interest going, giving me new tidbits each day, I might have released the obsession a little bit by now - I would have thought that I'd seen all there was to see, and now that I've been to the concert I'd probably have given it a rest.


MFC is feeding my addiction... I'm compelled to come here for my fix every night, if not several times a day. Imagine all the things I would accomplish if MFC was shut down! I'd be out there saving the world!


Amen and hallelujah sister! Actually, I've thought the exact same thing... If I put as much time and effort into trying to stop human trafficking or making poverty history or some other globally impacting thing as I do into the MFC, I might actually be doing some good. And if I put as much time and effort into my house and children as I do into the MFC, well, we'd have the cleanest house on the block and I'd be up for Mother of the Year. But I got bitten by the Mika bug and that is where my addiction is and I probably could resist, but I don't want to!


Edit: I forgot to post that I agree about the effect the MFC has on my addiction. Having a place 24/7 where I can get my fix seems to mean that the need for a fix comes more frequently and I have to spend longer on here to get the same degree of satisfaction. Hmmm. That is very sad. It won't be long before I'll be hardwired into the computer permanently and still not satisfied lol!

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Sounds bittersweet, to me.

It would be so nice to have a place to put your coat when and not have to worry about that, arrive later on so your not cold, having time to actually stop and buy some merchandise, but at the same time queuing is fun for me. You meet a lot of great people and it gets me more pumped.


I just found that I spent much more quality time with people in the UK when we weren't queuing. I'd much rather be in a pub with 50 MFCers than stood in front of a brick wall where everyone is separated and miserable because they're wet and freezing.


We had a good day queuing in Toronto but really the most fun was hanging out in a nearby supermarket, taking photos with the fruit, buying Mikey a toy shaving kit and ogling hot guys. :naughty:


Actually standing in the line was not my idea of a good time especially as it gets close to the doors opening and everyone is jockeying for position and praying that they get a decent spot. It's a lot of unneeded stress when you could be spending the day relaxing and having fun and knowing that your seats will be waiting for you when you arrive.


This is what you could be doing if you weren't standing in a queue.


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I just found that I spent much more quality time with people in the UK when we weren't queuing. I'd much rather be in a pub with 50 MFCers than stood in front of a brick wall where everyone is separated and miserable because they're wet and freezing.


We had a good day queuing in Toronto but really the most fun was hanging out in a nearby supermarket, taking photos with the fruit, buying Mikey a toy shaving kit and ogling hot guys. :naughty:


Actually standing in the line was not my idea of a good time especially as it gets close to the doors opening and everyone is jockeying for position and praying that they get a decent spot. It's a lot of unneeded stress when you could be spending the day relaxing and having fun and knowing that your seats will be waiting for you when you arrive.


This is what you could be doing if you weren't standing in a queue.



That is AWESOME!!!!

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This is what you could be doing if you weren't standing in a queue.





I remember seeing it then, but looking back, it still makes me smile. Sigh. The London branch of the MFC sure knows how to party. :punk:


I was thinking how perfect an MFC-only concert would be. Could you imagine all that energy? The craziest fans from all over the world, convening in London. It's totally a pipe dream, but man oh man would that go down in history.

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I'm back....as you know the UMBRELLA is in its rightful place!:):):wub2: :wub2:


I am half written the report and will start with first installment at 9:00pm my time. I am still shocked. no words can describe how I feel. I think the Vancouver concert was special for everyone. First time for MIKA here and I think it blew him away. There is so much to discuss and feelings I have a tough time expressing...


see you later, going to get a coffee because I am restless and too many thoughts in my head..

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Thank you for the YouTube links, Mana!! (That venue looks really cool!)


This is what you could be doing if you weren't standing in a queue.



THAT IS AWESOME!!! :punk: (Wish I could have been there!)


And I am all for an MFC-only show in London. That would be amazing.

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I was thinking how perfect an MFC-only concert would be. Could you imagine all that energy? The craziest fans from all over the world, convening in London. It's totally a pipe dream, but man oh man would that go down in history.


I don't think it has to be a pipe dream. It would just take a lot of coordination and it's a bit of a risky proposition.


I would love some sort of London convention though centred around even a public concert. We've got a bit of that now with over 70 people coming next week, but with more advanced planning on the date a lot of others overseas might be able to make it.

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So some of you know i have been gone the last two days in chicago with no internet access so i was really worried about missing this last concert. For any of you who have been gone and have had to read an ENTIRE concert thread you know it takes A LOT. Mika is the only artist who i could willingly do this to and love every minute. AMAZING reports!!!! My sister kept texting me updates but i just now had the chance to read everything for myself- i repeat- AWESOME WITH ADDED BITS OF AWESOMENESS!!!

I freaked when i heard about Cherisse but i'm glad it all worked out! lollipop_monkey-mana-'s report was a high-light read for sure! Wow down to the sizes of windows and such- you remembered a lot! I'm jealous of your dressing room though!

About Chicago...


For those who i explained my plans to...

I never got my picture in front of the house of BLUEs with the poster but i did get to see the BLUE man group and that was a great experience. I got my pic with one of them after. I had brought a small rubber smurf toy along which i had been wearing all through the trip on a necklace and taking pictures of it in famous places and some just funny places and wanted it in my pic the the blue man LOL. And the blue man - because they don't talk- stared at me really closely, looking at my smurf then me it was funny so i decided to have fun and stare at him back till my nose was almost touching his- it was funny lol but i turned and smiled just in time for the first picture so in it he's looking at me and i'm looking at the camers, but in the second we're both looking at the camera lol. Anyways I'll put more pictures stories from that on my myspace. But if anybody is suffering from not being at a mika concert and wants to have a good time and see something really cool. i highly suggest it!



And because i'm disappointed that i didn't use any smilies....


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ok here I go!!!


My adventure began on Wednesday February 14th. We left home for Calgary at at about 5:30 p.m. and after driving for nearly 2 hours and over halfway to to Calgary I realize that I have forgotten my flashing glitter heart necklaces at home. I was devastated and all I wanted to do was cry. I ordered the necklaces nearly right away after I found out that MIKA would be going to Vancouver as I wanted to blend in with the rest of the MFCer's. So right away my mind is running through every possible scenario of what I could do. I was trying to imagine every store that would possibly carry something even remotely similar, but nothing really came to mind. Then we stop at a wal-mart to buy some shampoo cause silly me forgot this too!!! Low and behold they had all of their valentines merchandise on sale to the left of the entrance and what is staring me right in the face? Tiny multi-coloured flashing heart necklaces!! So of course I bought 3 of these necklaces and of course after opening them I realize that they are meant for a child's neck. much to small for me. So here I am back to thinking.....

Not much later we arrive in Calgary, check in to our hotel and bam!! I got it. So i pulled out my nail clippers and my tooth floss. I made one that would fit me with all three hearts and most of the beads from the three little ones. I love improvising!! Oh yes, and while doing my fine little craftwork, who's on the tube? MIKA of Course on the tonight show........ That was the perfect end to my evening. zzzzzzz


Monday February 14th we wake up, get ready, and we are off to the airport. Of course I'm going nuts!!! We get on the plane and it hits me like a brick right in the middle of the forehead. I'm going to Vancouver to see MIKA!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!! It's even worse when we land and arrive at our hotel, blocks away from the Orpheum Theatre. I think by this time, my husband wanted to stuff me into a canon and send me to the moon. haha. Obviously we ended up having a bit of time to waste since we went to Vancouver a day early. So we walked to GM place met a few scalpers, bought some tickets and saw a canucks game. That was great!!! But what is running through me head but the fact that 24 hours from that moment I would be sitting in a theatre watching MIKA!!! After the game we walked back to our hotel and went to bed. What else would bring me that much closer to MIKA than to go to sleep:P


February 15th!!! The day that I have been waiting for for so long is finally here!!!!

Still yet, we have an entire day to waste away until MIKA's performance so we took another lovely walk ( this time in the beautiful Vancouver rain) to the Vancouver aquarium. I loved it all, even the lesson on sea slugs. ( something that they are still learning a lot about. haha) It's now 3:30 and time to walk back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner with other MFC'ers. We get ready and make our way to Earl's. We are the first to arrive so we waited and within about 15-20 minutes everyone started to arrive. First ellenorelle's piano teacher, then stormy weather, standard toaster & lollipopmonkey, ellenorelle and her man( and the famous umbrella of course), and then last but not least bookwurm. All I have to say is WOW, what a great bunch of people, love ya all!! Thank you for the gifts stormy weather and ellenorelle. You are so very thoughtful and appreciated. So over some small talk we all ate our dinner( or drank water) and then we were on our way. We walked a couple of blocks to the Orpheum and met up with Demango, lilmot, calicojasmine and her niece. Yet again, another great bunch of people. We wait in line for about half an hour, the doors open, and we went our own ways. Bookwurm, standard toaster, and myself all in line for merchandise. It felt as though we would never see the front of the line. People were pushing there way out of the crowd after making a purchase, but then a few more would squeeze there way in. Finally after waiting in line for a good half hour we got our merch dispite the fact that they had not had the sizes we wanted, or colours for that matter. I guess I shouldn't have expected much less since we were the last stop of the north American tour. Oh well, haha, it's showtime. The Midway state are about to take the stage....TBC

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ok here I go!!!


My adventure began on Wednesday February 14th. We left home for Calgary at at about 5:30 p.m. .....


Monday February 14th we wake up, get ready, and we are off to the airport. Of course I'm going nuts!!! We get on the plane and it hits me like a brick right in the middle of the forehead. I'm going to Vancouver to see MIKA!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!! It's even worse when we land and arrive at our hotel, blocks away from the Orpheum Theatre. I think by this time, my husband wanted to stuff me into a canon and send me to the moon. haha. Obviously we ended up having a bit of time to waste since we went to Vancouver a day early. So we walked to GM place met a few scalpers, bought some tickets and saw a canucks game. That was great!!! But what is running through me head but the fact that 24 hours from that moment I would be sitting in a theatre watching MIKA!!! After the game we walked back to our hotel and went to bed. What else would bring me that much closer to MIKA than to go to sleep:P


February 15th!!! The day that I have been waiting for for so long is finally here!!!!

Still yet, we have an entire day to waste away until MIKA's performance so we took another lovely walk ( this time in the beautiful Vancouver rain) to the Vancouver aquarium. I loved it all, even the lesson on sea slugs. ( something that they are still learning a lot about. haha) It's now 3:30 and time to walk back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner with other MFC'ers. We get ready and make our way to Earl's. We are the first to arrive so we waited and within about 15-20 minutes everyone started to arrive. First ellenorelle's piano teacher, then stormy weather, standard toaster & lollipopmonkey, ellenorelle and her man( and the famous umbrella of course), and then last but not least bookwurm. All I have to say is WOW, what a great bunch of people, love ya all!! Thank you for the gifts stormy weather and ellenorelle. You are so very thoughtful and appreciated. ....TBC


it was really a great adventure you have!!


And then the one thing about the concert I knew... the taking off the shirt moment... :mf_lustslow: And he was up on the drum set, moving his hips side to side :wub2: And the crowd was going crazy. The duel was fun, everyone was cheering like crazy. Again, the energy of this concert was AMAZING


He then told us about how he was going to go and work on the second album soon, and then he started Grace Kelly. I remember he knocked on the bass guitar at the begining, and then he said "I want to talk to you" in such a sexy way, my heart just melted. :hypo: And the crowd sang along the whole time. He went up on his M, and sang up on there too, and the song totally took me back to when I first fell in love with him... and at the end he had us all do jazzy shimmer hands, and then he went "Ching" and held out the mic to us to say "guh" I guess, that's what it sounded like most people were saying. He built that up and then he did his "Ka-Chiinnnnnnnguh!"


And then he said "Thank you Vancouver!!! You've been great!"



""he was going to go and work on the second album soon"~SO Glad to hear that!!


and what a sexy way, sexy expression face or sexy tune? to Miky ? haha, just can't see it clearly from Utube...but, that's OK, tho', never mind...


Thank for your pleasing report !!:wub2:

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