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Mika Fan From Seattle Washington


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Hey Everybody,


I discovered Mika about a year ago from channel surfing. MTV does not play any music, but durring the ending credits of some show, they had a small clip of "new artists to check out" and they played a clip of "Grace Kelly". The first time I heard it, I was like "ehhh, it was ok", but I just couldnt get the song out of my head. So, I was at the store and bought the cd the next day and have been in love ever since.


My favorite songs are "Happy Ending" and "Ring Ring". It is sooo hard to pick favorites on this cd, becuase all of them are excellent. I am recently getting into "Over My Shoulder".


Anyways, I was at the show in Seattle and the concert just re-energized me to throw the cd in the car stereo and blast it 24-7. He is an amazing performer and I was so sad to see his show end. 3 days later and I am still in a state of euphoria. I was lucky enough to be 2 rows back from the stage, but I think everyone in the venue got the same experience (thats a nice thing about smaller venues).


I'm a substitute teacher, swim instructor, I am active on the "Into the Wild" and Josh Groban message boards, and I love rollerblading (I am a big girl working on becoming a little girl - who is still beautiful! - Cheesy, I know). Anyways, I'm happy I found this site and am excited to see where Mika's career takes him. I hope he sticks around for a long time (I have friends who have not yet heard of him. I'm taking all of them to his next concert whether they have heard of him or not - I've got to spread the Mika! He's one who everyone should know).

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Hey!! Welcome to the MFC! Glad you found us! I'm also on the Josh Groban boards on the FOJG site. I'm cchristys on there......5 year member. I'm so loyal to my faves. LOL I've been slowly turning the Grobanites into Mika fans...they are coming around. LOL


Hey Everybody,


I'm a substitute teacher, swim instructor, I am active on the "Into the Wild" and Josh Groban message boards, and I love rollerblading (I am a big girl working on becoming a little girl - who is still beautiful! - Cheesy, I know). Anyways, I'm happy I found this site and am excited to see where Mika's career takes him. I hope he sticks around for a long time (I have friends who have not yet heard of him. I'm taking all of them to his next concert whether they have heard of him or not - I've got to spread the Mika! He's one who everyone should know).

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