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Hello from the States! I was praying for Johnny all by myself, now I feel at home


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Hey there!


I'm Katie from Virginia in the states. I have just fell totally crazy over Mika, lol the addiction slowly built and now it's full on!


Let's see first, because of Perez, I started listening to Winehouse and I decided, okay he's right about her, who is this good looking guy Mika?


So loved the vid for Grace Kelly and me and my coworker started watching the other videos.


I bought the CD I think in the summer and we loved it.


Then, we enjoyed the music and kept up through Perez.


WELL, then I found the DVD on Amazon.


OMG how awesome is he? The first opening of Relax is all it took. I started watching all the old interviews and videos and was immediately hooked.


I was stupid in taking so long to join the fanclub, but I had joined the mikasounds and on myspace.


My favorite song on the DVD is Holy Johnny! and I love his energy on Ring, Ring.


On the cd, it changes over time, but I really love the deep lyric songs of My Interpretation, Erase and Stuck in the Middle.


And I think my favorite interview moments is a three way tie between, the tea in Manchester, love I can't drive and the Mickey immitation. LOL


Thank you so much for everyone who puts the footage on youtube. :wub2:


Is it too late to vote for chicken???


and I think stander uppers means :lightsabre: haha!

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