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The Australian Thread: Part Ten

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:blink::boxed: *hopes he doesn't see this post*




*begins to knit a costume for JJL's audition*




Haha, dreams like that are weird. I had a crazy one once. And it totally became 100% true.

I dreamed it like a week before I got my dog, and in my dream my dog was in my house, and that I "knew" (you know how dreams are) that I had him on some crazy scheme of my mothers and he was on a "1 month trial" to see how it goes. And I was so happy, because I knew a 1 month trial meant I had him forever, because my mum would love him. Lo and behold a few days later my mum says out of them blue, after years of daily nagging "Fine, go and call if they still have that dog and we can go and get it. But only for a month. And we can see how it goes, and if you don't look after hom and he doesn't behave I'm bringing him back" ... and I didnt realise until later - BUT WHAT THE ****! And I know it wasn't just extreme dejavu, because I told a friend about it between dreaming it and it happening. But I exaggerated the story when I told her! I wish I didn't, because I could have used the message history as proof I am pyschic! I told her that my mum had allowed me to have "all the dogs", because I was really just expressing to her how crazy and unrealistic the dream was. LOL!


Parents are so crazy. My dad always says about how he was talking to someone behind him in a checkout who's friend had a sister-in-law's daughter that was a vet. Or some other random person and relation. And I'm like .."#1, why do I care? Seriously.. #2. What do you go around saying to complete strangers about me!"


Haha, dammit, you could have totally eaves dropped! :thumbdown:




*relishes in growing fame*






*gets excited about coustum*



*wipes snotty-pasito off computer*




*tapes and puts up on youtube*




*wonders what the table is for*


*puts up another table*

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Hey JJL.... no offence but can you post whore another thread and post a normal amount in here.



Its just, every time I click new posts the aussie thread is up the top, but its always you :bleh:


Threads like the halliwell, the bar, or one of the random threads can help your post count :wink2:



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I forgot to add, it gives you an arrow type point thing... click down and then drag it across what you want to screen cap... let go and it should end up on your desk top labeled something like Picture 1.png

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Just popped into the thread to take a look before I go to bed.....


I'm from Sydney as well Mellody....


I don't post that much on the MFC.....I'm a sort of stay in the background kind of girl .......even though I've been here since march last year.


Ooooh... I forgot you! Sorry!


Hey Bianca-from-Sydney,

I haven't seen you in the Aussie thread before. Seen you around, though. Cringe every time, too. Can I call you something other than "Bianca-from-Sydney"? I'm "Bianca-[originally]-from-Sydney"! That's me! You stole my persona! :crybaby: *ignores the fact that you were here first*

I think I'll call you "B". You got that, B?


*is reminded of Bianca from Melbourne who is a HP freak and has a thing for Zoe*



Is that too much info?


Just mind the bite marks I left.


Will do...


*gives Liz haggis*


This might stop you from biting Hugh...


And I'm only interested in the same things (okay, maybe not 3 *insert naughty smilie*


*signs you up for Mikaholics Anonymous.*


And Glad to see you back.


For a second there I thought I might have to venture out of the thread to find it *insert naughty smilie*



Would you turn him down if he asked?


No... I know how lazy you are...


Ooh fake nails. I couldn't do those. I tried putting on fake nails to be a witch for halloween once and it was horrible. I felt like it was going to rip my real nails off.


Welcome to my world... i have acrylic nails which really do hurt when they rip off... but they look pretty... and mine glow under UV light!


Has anyone here ever had Ichipan crepes? They do a mean Nutella crepe. (Although I usually get the cheesecake and berries one.)



If you don't know what they are, they're made by:




You watch them cook your crepe then they fill them with filling such as these:




Then they roll them up like an icecream cone:




No Scut... I live in the country, and they don't have cool things like that...


Oh and that reminds me... you were in my dream last night... along with other things that I prob shouldn't mention in here...


But there'll be pancakes and shopping when Teegs and DC come down anyway.


DC's coming too?


Zoe's coming... don't forget her...


I see that store all the time when I go to the city, but never have time to stop in.


So want to try



Some of my favourite things there




Thats only if we follow the rules of social ettique in terms of drinking and don't begin drinking until early evening...



We could forgo those rules one day


you don't start drinking till beer o'clock... but I love what people at Dad's work call beer o'cock... social debrief... gotta love those public servants...


That looks really good, I want one!!!


So I went to see a comedian tonight and the subject of war came up and he mentioned something about how he's against war but loves war video games. I can't remember the whole joke or how he worded it because he was basically saying that war video games are about previous wars. He mentioned something about this new game and saying it was a bad idea or something but it's not like they can make up a war because it wouldn't make any sense. He then said something along the lines of, "you know this Canadian and Australian war is very boring. All they're doing is throwing rocks at each other and talking in funny accents. I don know wut this war is aboot" Okay so you can't really type an accent.


It made me think of you guys haha. Then I surely thought, "I think they can do much better than throwing rocks." hahaha


I guess it's just like how New Zealand's navy can do things ours can't... like fit in a shed...


(thank you Paul McDermott!)


Yep, there's one in Melbourne Central.


We should!



We could have lunch at Crown, gamble a bit then get drunk.


Ooooh... fun!


Thats the one I always see



And I have it on good authority (my own) that the strawberry daquiri's are quite nice at crown.



Heck... we could gamble, drink and make a trip to galatic circus


What's galactic circus?


Ooh, that would be fun. Shooting each other in the dark while drunk would be amusing.


Wait... it's a game place... right?




So would playing the games (I mean, trying to shoot hoops, or dance while drunk/tipsy could have interesting effects)


And I do so love laser force (or whatever it gets called at various places)


Ooooh... lazer tag (that's what it's called here..)


The police superintendant did it against the firies and ambos...


I love the super's name... Szalajko... hehe.. when you pronounce it it sound funny... Slacko...


Okay... so I'm amusing myself here...


This splendid friday evening I am putting the finishing touches on my MM package. My mother was not so sure how the post office would like me sticking pictures (of Mr M) all over the box, so I am just going to do the sides and the inside And am sending it tomorrow!!


RBSKY put pics on the outside... though her's didn't go to another country...



Anyways.. i made a suggestion in the petition thread...

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Welcome to my world... i have acrylic nails which really do hurt when they rip off... but they look pretty... and mine glow under UV light!


It felt so weird though like when I scratched an itch. It felt like it was pulling my real nail off. Although they were cheap fake nails, but I just don't think I could do them haha. I'll just stick to my natural nails.

Btw that reminds me, have you heard of or tried that new nail polish that's like stick on? I don't know how to explain it. It's not like regular nail polish. It comes in strips that you just stick onto your nails and it already has the base coat/top coat and all that jazz on it.


Although I'm not sure how that really works. I guess it comes in the shape of your nail but everyones nails are different sizes.

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*sets up DJ box*


EDIT: only 5 more to go!!!


Until we find out what the tables are for?


*is reminded of Bianca from Melbourne who is a HP freak and has a thing for Zoe*


*wishes people would STOP STEALING HER IDENTITY*


I guess it's just like how New Zealand's navy can do things ours can't... like fit in a shed...


(thank you Paul McDermott!)




RBSKY put pics on the outside... though her's didn't go to another country...


Haha. Okay, I'm doing it. But I've got a new idea for whats going on the top, so I'll still stick to just the sides.


Btw that reminds me, have you heard of or tried that new nail polish that's like stick on? I don't know how to explain it. It's not like regular nail polish. It comes in strips that you just stick onto your nails and it already has the base coat/top coat and all that jazz on it.


:blink: WIERD!


*puts on flashy lights and disco ball*


3 TO GO!!!!



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My mum just called out in horror at the top of her lungs - "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


So I leap up and run to her ... and ..






She's turned the world sideways in Google Earth.






She gave me a HEART ATTACK over a sideways Earth...



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Never heard of it...


I assume it's like the tips nail technicians use when your own nail isn't long enough.. thye find the one that's is wide enough for your nail, and trim it...


Hmm... I guess I'll stick to my natural nail and regular nail polish... even though my nail polish doesn't stand a chance against me playing the guitar. :naughty:


*puts on flashy lights and disco ball*


3 TO GO!!!!


I'm just going to say it now, congrats! :yay:



Right off to bed now. I took the longest nap today so now I've been up all night and have to get up in a couple hours :thumbdown: for guitar 34810cp.gif and yoga. Yoga.jpg I sound artsy. :naughty: Oh and that's one of the yoga positions we have to do... I fail at it along with most of the other ones. Jen + balance = non-existent. :mf_rosetinted:

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