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The Australian Thread: Part Ten

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And I love across the universe :wub2:


It was so good.


I knew you would! Hehe, I bought the soundtrack off Itunes.


Jim Sturgess... :wub2:


*agrees*....how cute is the scene at the airport when he finally gets his girl!


I know! "Oh Jesus, I gotta go."

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I knew you would! Hehe, I bought the soundtrack off Itunes.


Jim Sturgess... :wub2:




I know! "Oh Jesus, I gotta go."

I already had the soundtracked.... *coughillegallydownloadedcough*

I got it back when I was unable to download the movie :wink2:

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Hoopla Aussies and honouraries!


I always forget who watches biggest loser BUT did you guys notice that in the weigh in room when Michelle is making her 50k announcement JJ is not there!! I think he's gone. He's totally buggered off.


and OH GOD this is so embarrassing but.....I kinda like Cosi. I think he's....cute. :lmao: saaad.


Awwwww... I must admit, Cosi doesn't have rolls of fat... he's more solid all over...


I didn't actually get to watch it... I only saw a little bit of it last night and haven't seen todays one... I think you're right about JJ... no-one was forcing him to stay...


YAY home from stupid work! Incredibly boring day. My bf called me up and put the phone to the radio - they were playing Big Girl. Thats the first time I have heard it on the radio. He called again later when they were playing Happy Ending :D


Awwww... he's well trained...


*agrees with all*




I bawled like a baby. I didn't want any Wealsley's to die....but if they had to, why couldn't it have been Percy?


Hi Everyone *waves*


I would have been quite happy for Percy to die..


Yes! Yes Thankyou! I hope you 'll all have a great Easter, throw an extra prawn on the barbie for me! Just off to get a few tubes from the esky and then I'm off to change my signature.


*exits with big smile and not singing "Waltzing Matilda"*


I don't feel like prawns... Zoe wouldn't go and get some fish today and got it later, and could only get frozen prawns... when mum made curried prawns they ended up being tough... and gross...


Heya! So..... what is everyone getting up to for Easter???


Church... Lunch with the family... that's about it...


Ahhhh he's so funny! He's my favorite on the show. I would LOVE to see a taping of that show someday. I have wanted to for a long time. I pretty much would be crying so hard from laughing the whole time. I wonder if they still tape shows or if it's all repeats now?

Anyway, watch... it probably wasn't even him, but I'm going with that it might have been him. It looked enough like him that I had to keep on looking back and I don't normally do double takes repeatedly.


I love Whose Line... and Ryan... I love his shoes especially... and I remember seeing him and Colin kissing... and thinking it was kinda hot...


I miss pay tv...


which reminds me, I saw a poster today at uni that was advertising some petition to get Jensen and Jared to Australia to do some kind of Supernatural convention, which got me thinking - ZOMG, we should advertise like that> Not like shoving pamphlets in people's hands (lol), just a poster on a bus stop or something (like that one).


Oooooooh... that's an idea... but I won't.. cause if we're doing the petition book I'm doing it...


Naked Cowboy:



I had heard about him and wanted to actually see him someday. I forgot about it when I went to the city and I crossed the road into the middle section and was taking pictures. I then ended up in a crowd just to see what all the commotion was about and bam he was in front of me. It was quite funny. Then I started taking pictures of the buildings and everyone was standing back taking pictures of him and he was near me and I wasn't really paying much attention to him at that point. I was observing though, but just acting like nothing was happening haha.



I'll post a couple more pics, my favorite ones, if anyone is interested. I don't want to fill the thread up with my pictures if no one wants to see them hahaha.


Ummm... he's not naked... that's false advertising IMO... he could claim he's the almost naked cowboy though...


Hiya, Aussies.


Happy Easter to you all!





P.S. any news on officialness?


I'm curious about that too...


Geez Kelzy, are you trying to break the MQ record now


She won't... she'd go pretty damn close though..


I would love to see a taping of it one day too.. I love how Colin and Ryan bounce off each other.. And OMG Wayne Brady is T.A.L.E.N.T.!!!!!


Wayne is also hot...


and has a nice arse...


You're crazy driving skills are no match for my crazy driving skills Misssssyyy!


Ask Zoe about her crazy driving skills...


I'm looking for John Connor. %282005.01.13-12:59:01%29terminator5050.gif a.k.a. Rainbow Sky. Asta La Vista, Baby.


*in Austrian accent* Come with me if you want to live...


I personally like how he says "Talk to the hand" in the third one...


Wow me.. MQ whorebag!!!


Whoa... tis long...


now seeing as i havent read any posts lately, this link has prolly already been posted but i just seen it and went :thumbdown"




I saw that in the newspaper in July last year... same songs and everything...


But whoo to Hason being up there!


But then, Aqua didn't even rank in there


That's disappointing...


the worst thing is i was obsessed with hanson(back in the day) like i am mika


What do you mean was?


I still am...


Hiya soy!! *waves*


Yeah, I have a verra busy weekend.


Tonight I have a whole bunch of people coming over. We're having dinner together and then watching The Passion Of The Christ.


Hope everyone is having a good day.


*wanders off again*


Hmmmm... would be a good day to watch it... did it get overcast at your place around 3pm? Did here...


My problem with Passion of the Christ is having to read all the subtitles cause the movie is in Aramaic (sp?).. or is it in Hebrew?



Actually, Apocalypto is quite good... it's all subtitles too... but interesting... I swear I've seen something like it before though...


Good Friday Greetings to you and everyone too!

I hope we aren't being Heathens today and eating meat..


Sliz!! The Passion of Christ is an excellent movie.. :boxed: but very hard to watch..

You have seen it before right??


Nope... fettucine marinara for lunch and curried prawns for dinner...


Tis very hard... not only cause you're reading the subtitles but also cause it is very bloody...


Can I just ask - why are you not allowed to eat meat on good friday?


It's not a religion thing... one of the Roman emperors (the one who converted to Christianity and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire - can't remember his name!) apparently made a deal with the fishermen in the empire and decreed that fish must be eaten on every friday of Lent...


You're also not supposed to eat meat on Ash Wednesday either...



Nope, I'm Scut the former MQ Slayer (untill Teegs claimed the title) and now the Overly Philosophical Post Slayer.


I like the sound of that...


Happy Easter Aussie Types


Do you have national holidays for good Friday and Easter Monday?


<passes mini eggs>


Yep... public holidays for Good Friday and Easter Monday...


Easter Saturday is classified as a public holiday and people get paid accodingly (doube time and a half... yay for me)... though Easter Sunday isn't classed as a public holiday... Easter Monday only gets holiday pay cause if a public holiday falls on a weekend, they move the public holiday to the monday the next week (if it's sunday) or friday (if it's saturday)... which is stupid cause people who are rostered on to work on the saturday or sunday won't usually get public holiday rates...


We don't eat meat on Good Friday as a mark of respect. Many Christians and Catholics follow this. It's a day of fasting. Seafood is allowed. I don't know the full history of it, or when it started etc.. I was just raised this way and continue doing it. I would've been told why when I was younger.. I just can't remember now!!


Same with me... though I don't ever remember being told why we eat it... found out hen I was older...


Now I'm going to bed cause I gotta work at 8:30am...


FY & GN all! :huglove:

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FY&GN, all. *upurs smilie*

And FY&GN to you...


I'm sitting here, waiting to see if I'm working tonight (since I still think that saturday midnight should be tonight :naughty:)


I asked someone and they said tomorrow, figure if their wrong (and my logicalness is right) then work will phone me to ask where I am :naughty:


Otherwise... no work


*is slack*

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I wrote my own version of Erase... :mf_rosetinted:...


"Erase" (a.k.a. "The Mika Cancellation Song")...



Btw, have any of you noticed that "Erase" and "Angels" sound exactly the same. Mika vs.

. The style is uncannily similar: the opening especially, the singing style (the verse-subchorus-chorus pattern), the musical style, the instruments, everything. :mf_rosetinted:

I have noticed that...

What do I owe you? :blink:


Did I forget some parts of it after all? :naughty:

Your first born. And your address so I can send you Mike. :naughty:

GD that's long...


I probably shouldn't be blaspheming or Good Friday, should I?

Hoopla Teegs!! MQ queen! FY&GN!!




FY&GN Scut..


Hurro JJL,


Lol Bec.. I hope they ring and you tell them they are idiots :naughty:

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I am good.. I've eaten too much chocolate already. But Markus told me he wouldn't be able to eat all of his so I'm "helping" him. :naughty:

How are you??


I'm alright, A bit pissy at my supposed friends, they went to the Harbour Festival (Which is this huge thing here, bigger then the show), they told me they were going at 2... they went at 10:30 :badmood:

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Bec,, How many hours if you do have to work?

(And I keep trying to answer in 3 words :roftl:)

six and a half... until 7 in the morning with a half hour break.


I have that shift saturday and sunday according to the roster, but whether thats tonight/tomorrow or tomorrow/sunday night remains to be seen :naughty:

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I'm alright, A bit pissy at my supposed friends, they went to the Harbour Festival (Which is this huge thing here, bigger then the show), they told me they were going at 2... they went at 10:30 :badmood:

:thumbdown: Some people.. Did you end up going at all??


six and a half... until 7 in the morning with a half hour break.


I have that shift saturday and sunday according to the roster, but whether thats tonight/tomorrow or tomorrow/sunday night remains to be seen :naughty:

That's a crappy shift! Do you get paid extra p.h. ??

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