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Please please read this with an open mind


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Very wonderful words here....


I thought I was goofy for being 31 and adoring Mika, but then I thought. I don't want to marry, kiss, chicken or anything else with the man, I would just love to sit and listen to him...lol... I find him actually deep. I am an artist so I am cheesy that way.


I don't think I can let myself get obsessed like I did with (NKOTB) when I was a little girl. I drove myself mad back then.


I know that I will never get to meet Mika, so I think that is why I don't become obsessed like a lot have become.


I don't even know if this is on topic...lol... Im still sick so forgive me.... OH and I quit smoking! 5 days so far....HAHAHA... WOOT......



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well, I understand that fans come in different ages, shapes, backgrounds, passions and interests...




just please tell me you are not the type that pokes people... if you decide to.. please make sure am not standing next to you



ha ha noooooo..I would not poke the Mika! :shocked:

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Wow, I give you mad props for being able to openly talk about this. I would never have enough guts to do this. And I agree with you 100%. I will admit I am obsessed with the man, I mean it's pretty bad. But even though I say I would flip a lid or be all goofy and weird when I meet him, if I ever do, I really don't think that would be the case. I respect him too much to do anything like that. And I defiently would not have the nerve to touch him...without asking permission first. :roftl: And yes, me and my friends joke about wanting to know where he lives but I don't think that is really anyone's busniess. Oh and btw, I do love it when he wears his lime green boxers. :naughty:


I mean I'm 16 and he is 24. I doubt I will ever get to meet him or ever get the chance to actually "be with him", as if that will ever happen. Although it would be nice. Hey at least a girl can dream, right? But in all honesty, I really just want him as my best friend, cause that would be beyond awesome!

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the issue here is this "world of fantasy" ... the "obsession" that is in my eyes, not only unhealthy for them (but hey, who am I to tell them how to live!) it also makes me feel uneasy when am around them.. as I would hate myself to be seen in any associated with that attitude :thumbdown:


First of all, I admire you for having the courage to post your thoughts so openly. :thumb_yello:


But, I've said before on here that I don't think getting caught up in the Mika Fantasy is such a bad thing.


I don't care if you're 13 or 53, this whole Mika world amounts to an escapism. To us fans, he really is "anything we like" - teenage fans have used his back story as ammunition to stand up against harassment at school. Others have said that getting into Mika has inspired them to take up the piano again. And yes, some people have an interest in him that goes beyond the music - like you'd find with any reasonably attractive celebrity.


What people think or feel or how obsessed they get really isn't an issue, IMHO. It's the behaviour that results from it that can be cause for concern.


It's one thing for adult, professional people to don costumes and face paint because they're so swept up in this delicious madness. It's another thing for fans (of any age) to disobey Mika's specific requests to move back and let him mingle.


So I guess my point is, it isn't fair to point fingers at everyone who may be a little beyond obsessed - it's the in-person behaviour that should be questioned. To me, this Mika obsession is one of the finer things in life...like a fine wine. Go ahead and enjoy; you just have to make sure to indulge responsibly.



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You know, I've been thinking about this lately; the psychology of being a fan. I have an obsessive personality, I really do. But I've also been doing yoga for 13 years, and when you do it for that long, you really move past what everyone thinks yoga is--the "exercise" and the poses--and look inside yourself and figure out who you are and what you want in life. It helps me think (and I just became a certified yoga instructor, so woo!) And it helps calm me down, and brings me back to reality.


Anyways, I am a Hanson fan as some of you have read before. I used to be an obsessed crazy fangirl. I was never the type to grab them or poke them or do anything to hurt them, but when I first saw them in concert, I sobbed, and screamed hysterically through the entire thing. (Granted I was 15 and my two friends were doing the same thing next to me, so we encouraged each other.) The MFC sort of encourages the Mika obsession in a similar way.


But the strange thing is that I thought I was over the crazy obsessiveness I had with Hanson. I still like them, but it's all about the music now. They're married, I'm happy for them, and I've calmed down. Mika's a different story. For some reason, I connected to his music, what he says in interviews, his charisma, etc, in a way that made me regress again. I'm on the MFC every day, and watching YouTube videos, and trying to find out as much as I can about him. I'd never do anything to make him uncomfortable, though. I met him this year, shook his hand, and thanked him for the best show I've ever seen. He agreed to take a picture with me, I thanked him again, and that was about it.


Still, I wish I could care less, I really do. I think part of the reason we do care as much as we do is because music touches people on such a deep emotional level, that when we connect with something that's so personal to him, we feel connected to him. He created the music, and it touches our hearts and souls. That undoubtedly creates deep emotion in the fans. And I think if someone is in any way lonely, or unhappy with their own life, they'll latch on to the hope of something more. Of being with Mika. Of being with someone that can create that emotional connection they feel when they listen to his music.


I'm not the same person I was at 15, and I have matured a lot. I'm very aware of the emotions I feel when I listen to Mika's music, and I'm sure that creates a need to know him. But I can also step back and see that becoming his best friend isn't going to happen, and isn't important. He's living his life, and I'm living mine. My role is a fan, and it's an important one. We all support him by buying his music and going to his shows, and that allows him to do what he loves. He does appreciate it, but that doesn't mean he wants to be friends with every one of us. A part of me still daydreams sometimes, but it's harmless. I've always been a daydreamer. :wink2:


I don't understand fandom psychology completely, but it does interest me. I have friends that have never become obsessed with anyone. They love bands, musicians, and actors, but to them it's just about the music, the entertainment, and not about getting to know the person or people behind it. They know their role as a fan, and are content. Obsessivness comes from discontent. At least that's my theory.

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To me, this Mika obsession is one of the finer things in life...like a fine wine. Go ahead and enjoy; you just have to make sure to indulge responsibly.




Haha, that's an awesome analogy. :mf_rosetinted:


You know those WWJD bracelets? I think all fans need to keep "WWMT" in mind when they get obsessive or weird: What Would Mika Think. If he'd be mad, or scared by something, don't do it. Respect him.


And then yes, pour yourself a glass of wine. :wink2:

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I think part of the reason we do care as much as we do is because music touches people on such a deep emotional level, that when we connect with something that's so personal to him, we feel connected to him. He created the music, and it touches our hearts and souls. That undoubtedly creates deep emotion in the fans. And I think if someone is in any way lonely, or unhappy with their own life, they'll latch on to the hope of something more. Of being with Mika. Of being with someone that can create that emotional connection they feel when they listen to his music.


Exactly! Git outta' my head, you! :naughty:


Seriously. Well said.



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Racha, Well done for expressing how you feel about this. Sometimes it's not easy to say how you feel on the MFC due to the fear of shattering someone else's views of Mika and being argued with for not seeing it "their" way. It's apparent we don't all feel the same way about him. But we all need to Live and Let Live about this issue..


I think on MFC we have Fans, Fangirls, then ZOMG Fangurls!!111


There's nothing wrong with each type, so long as we don't put each other down for feeling differently.


Behaviour is of course another matter. But as Allegra pointed out in her post, which is on the front page, alot of MFCers are used to behaving "as fans" and I think they've been told enough times that what happened there wasn't fair on others and Mika. We need to let it rest soon, before it drives people away and scares others off.


Anyway, while I understand how in the heat of the moment we can get excited and easily loose control of our sensibilities, I do believe that I would've done the same thing as you and stepped away from the chaos, had I of been there.


I'm glad you've stuck around Racha. I Hope to see you around more often..

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First of all, I admire you for having the courage to post your thoughts so openly. :thumb_yello:


But, I've said before on here that I don't think getting caught up in the Mika Fantasy is such a bad thing.


I don't care if you're 13 or 53, this whole Mika world amounts to an escapism. To us fans, he really is "anything we like" - teenage fans have used his back story as ammunition to stand up against harassment at school. Others have said that getting into Mika has inspired them to take up the piano again. And yes, some people have an interest in him that goes beyond the music - like you'd find with any reasonably attractive celebrity.


What people think or feel or how obsessed they get really isn't an issue, IMHO. It's the behaviour that results from it that can be cause for concern.


It's one thing for adult, professional people to don costumes and face paint because they're so swept up in this delicious madness. It's another thing for fans (of any age) to disobey Mika's specific requests to move back and let him mingle.


So I guess my point is, it isn't fair to point fingers at everyone who may be a little beyond obsessed - it's the in-person behaviour that should be questioned. To me, this Mika obsession is one of the finer things in life...like a fine wine. Go ahead and enjoy; you just have to make sure to indulge responsibly.




I like the points you raised here, especially your last paragraph, nicely put.

I must admit last February when I first met him, I was pretty starstruck. He's not he first celebrity I've ever met, and he equals Jeremy Brett(used to play Sherlock Holmes on UK tv) as the most genuine and sweet that I've ever met. But since having all the filming done, I certainly see things from his perspective a lot more, which is why I have the utmost respect for him and all the stuff he goes through.

I remember after the very first interview, Andy said to me,"how did that feel" and I told him a bit nerve wracking and he said "now you know how Mika feels". And it struck me that he was right, it must be pretty scarey having cameras and peoples faces right in your face when you are trying to move around, even if you have been doing it for a while.

So on that night I kept my distance for the whole evening, and when I did go into the crowd, to see if I would be able to briefly speak to him right at the end of the night, he saw me and walked through to me, I didn't approach him. Probably 'cause everyone around me was bigger than me, and it was easier for him, having longer legs and all, ha ha.

I have to admit when he turned around before he walked through to me, I caught his eyes and he looked pretty frazzled, like he wished he were somewhere else, and I felt so sorry for him. I think by that time he was ready to go home, and I really didn't blame him, I think if it were me I'd have bolted ages before.

So everything Racha pointed out, I totally agree with, and hopefully, unless this along with other recently reported events put him off altogether, if he decides to meet with us again, we can make sure it's a more pleasant encounter for him, and GIVE THE GUY SOME ROOM!

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I know how it is posting these kinds of things so kudos.

Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that I have evolved as a Mika fan since the beginning of the "obsession"

When I first discovered him, he was my means for escaping and the source of ALL my smiles. I never really believed that I would need to hunt him down, find him and marry him someday. For obvious reasons, I would never get my hopes up THAT high. It's fun thinking of Mika in real life situations, not just as a performer. That's where the element of fantasy comes in. It's no more than fun to me personally.


In Mika's presence, I am myself completely. On my own and around my friends I'm pretty pensive and wide eyed. I day dream constantly, and smile for no reason when something little amuses me. In the situations I have found myself in with Mika, I conduct myself as I always do: with respect for the person I am devoting my attention to and MYSELF. I have way to much dignity and self respect to shout out " MIKA you're hot!"

The first word I ever spoke to him was " Hi! I'm Melanie." It's no different than any other person. On the outside I was calm, cool and collected. MELLOW is the word to use. Now, that doesn't mean that on the inside I wasn't jumping up and down, hanging on every word he said. I felt it important to contain the excitment. All I did was smile ALOT at him, as I have done everytime I see him now. But I have never pinched him, fondled him or shouted at him to sign anything. lol I cannot see myself ever doing that. It's important for everyone to treat Mika as they would like to be treated. I can't imagine having people yelling commands at me like that or touching me as if I were not real. Mika doesn't see himself as we see him.


He is the dream though, when I look at him I am in awe...nothing more. I seldom say anything when I'm around him just because there are never any words...just emotions.

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You talk about life, you talk about death,

And everything in between,

Like it's nothing, and the words are easy.

You talk about me, you talk about you,

And everything I do,

Like it's something, that needs repeating.

I don't need an alibi or for you to realize,

The things we left unsaid,

Are only taking space up in our heads.

Make it my fault, win the game

Point the finger, place the blame

and toss me up and down,

It doesn't matter now.



'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again.

This is not about emotion,

I don't need a reason not to care what you say,

Or what happened in the end.

This is my interpretation,

And it don't, don't make sense.


The first two weeks turn into ten,

I hold my breath and wonder when it'll happen,

Does it really matter?

If half of what you said is true,

And half of what I didn't do could be different,

Would it make it better?

If we forget the things we know.

Would we have somewhere to go?

The only way is down, I can see that now.




It's really not such a sacrifice


If I never talk to you again,

This is not about emotion,

I don't need a reason not to care what you say,

Or what happened in the end.

This is my interpretation,

And it don't, don't make sense.


And it don't have to make no sense to you at all,

this is my

interpretation, yeah, yeah,






eh-ehm...anyway, who poked Mika in the back?



firstly thanx for sharig you thoughts here and not only with pms

I felt sorry for what has happened also before the party...the totally mad caos was a consequence of the insane disorganization.

You can't pretend that people would act in the way you want if you can easily predict what the situation is really going to be.

I'm really saddened by this division in good and bad Mikadmirers..we should help eachothers to behave in the most respectful way.

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Hey Greta :biggrin2:

I agree.. You don't have to be Einstein to know that it was going to be chaotic. I wouldn't be surprised if Mika said to himself "What have I gotten myself into?? :blink:" as he was about to enter the room. Poor guy..


But, what we have been doing since that night is dissecting the event in hindsight. Sure things could've gone differently, but unless given another chance for things to run smoothly, we won't know if this was just an unorganised, chaotic, not gone as planned one-off occurrence or how it will always be.


At least now, we all know how things could've ran better.

Sorry, I wasn't there and I may be somewhat out of line with my opinions, but I do know what disappointment feels like..


I just feel it needs to be treated as an experience rather than a tragedy soon or we won't move past it. By all means, VENT!!! I'd never tell someone not to. I just want to suggest taking a deep breath and try looking at it as a lesson learnt now.

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Anybody who has been to the party should express p.o.v. about it and others may give their observations in a rather constructive way...that's a good "case study" for future plannings




p.s: I hope the forum is not gonna crash again because I've just discovered that all I wrote yesterday some hours before the "closed" message is disappeared among with others responses!:boxed:

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I agree Greta.. (again :naughty:)

Whether we were there or not affects us all in case Mika decides to do it again, so we all need to express our PoV's..

And I lost a few posts from yesterday too.. I had asked Pink a really good question.. "Who came first - The Flying Chicken or The Flying Egg?" And I don't know if she's answered me or not :roftl:

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Also agree with you... this is not about only brixton... I think enough was said and a lot of people already expressed their experience that night..


i personally still feel grateful that I was there and get to meet many interesting people..

there are also many posts that makes me feel a little uneasy.. taking their love to an "obsessive" level that I personally can not relate to and wouldn't want to be associated with..


There are many people in here that are amazing and I enjoy most of the threads and discussions... even if I don't post in many of them..

I still enjoy it and had a blast meeting so many MFCiers in real life...


This also makes me feel uneasy. Only because I couldn't do that myself. I can't write ":mf_lustslow:OMG MIKA:mf_lustslow:" all over the MFC. It just isn't the way I express myself.. It doesn't mean I don't have moments where I think that, I just choose to keep it to myself 99% of the time. :naughty:

I guess I've learnt the lesson that things you write can come back to haunt you

*Points to embarrassing diary from when I was 16*

I shuddered when I read that years later. And I was the only one that read it..


On a forum it's there for anyone to read. Years Later.....

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This also makes me feel uneasy. Only because I couldn't do that myself. I can't write ":mf_lustslow:OMG MIKA:mf_lustslow:" all over the MFC. It just isn't the way I express myself.. It doesn't mean I don't have moments where I think that, I just choose to keep it to myself 99% of the time. :naughty:

I guess I've learnt the lesson that things you write can come back to haunt you

*Points to embarrassing diary from when I was 16*

I shuddered when I read that years later. And I was the only one that read it..


On a forum it's there for anyone to read. Years Later.....


I'm joking with myself mostly when I :mf_lustslow:


but now I almost desire that a final crash will come to delete ALL my previous entries...really, I feel so uncomfortable with the MFC posts floating all around the web at everyone's disposal to read:boxed:

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I am glad I have the oldling thread



:) Well said racha! The Oldling thread is a great place


i personally still feel grateful that I was there and get to meet many interesting people..


there are also many posts that makes me feel a little uneasy.. taking their love to an "obsessive" level that I personally can not relate to and wouldn't want to be associated with..


There are many people in here that are amazing and I enjoy most of the threads and discussions... even if I don't post in many of them..

I still enjoy it and had a blast meeting so many MFCiers in real life...



I make no secret of the shock at myself for being so old and yet getting involved in the madness of this year and last. I was NOT the old woman who was crying :roftl: :roftl:


And I salute you for mentioning the issues on here and at the gigs.

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I'm joking with myself mostly when I :mf_lustslow:


but now I almost desire that a final crash will come to delete ALL my previous entries...really, I feel so uncomfortable with the MFC posts floating all around the web at everyone's disposal to read:boxed:

I wouldn't worry!! :roftl:

I think your sarcastic moments make up for your over-zealous fangurly MIKA :mf_lustslow: moments..

:naughty: But just in case....



*official Announcement on behalf of Greta*


Greta is only a 1/2 fangurlish.

Thank you. :mf_rosetinted:

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I wouldn't worry!! :roftl:

I think your sarcastic moments make up for your over-zealous fangurly MIKA :mf_lustslow: moments..

:naughty: But just in case....



*official Announcement on behalf of Greta*


Greta is only a 1/2 fangurlish.

Thank you. :mf_rosetinted:

woah, that's make me a disturbed schizophrenic:cool:

who sing with me I've gone identity mad?!:punk:



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