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The annoying brothers/sisters thread!


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Just look at Mika, he's 24 and he still plays with his tama, and collects toys :fisch: ... he's mature at heart really though :naughty:


Hmm, I wonder what HIS sisters would say about him. A lot of guys can appear charming and normal, but if you want to get the real story, you gotta talk to the sisters.

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Haha that's true :roftl: If only my brother was more like Mika ! He can sort off look like him on the outside, but he is 100% different on the inside!


I think a lot of people would want a bro like him :naughty:


Hmm, I wonder what HIS sisters would say about him. A lot of guys can appear charming and normal, but if you want to get the real story, you gotta talk to the sisters.


Yeah true. There was a bit on youtube where Yasmine mean was saying how he could be a bit difficult or something, but they seem like the type to all get along, otherwise he wouldn't really take them around with him everywhere :bleh:

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My brother is soo annoying. I can't stand him. He's always been a lot bigger than me and when I was little he always liked to put a pillow over my face and sit on it. He though that was the funniest thing! And my sister used to be pretty annoying. I remember one time she slammed my head in the sliding door of the van we had. She's not as annoying now that she's in college though. I'm the youngest so I always got picked on by both of them

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I have an older brother but she is very annoying !

Her mood changes very often !Now she is very angry the next moment she is very happy !I wish I had a brother instead !


do you mean sister? :bleh:

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I have a little sister (Paige, 11) and a little brother (Jack, 9, I think :naughty: I'm a terrible sister, I know )

Since my sister realised that she couldn't get everything (so from 7 onwards) we've got on perfectly, with the odd argument here and there.

My brother, however, is a totally different story :sneaky2: He's a right littlke drama queen and I hate it soo much! He constantly picks on me and my little sister, is spoilt to the core, demands what he wants when he wants it, and if he doesn't get it, throws a real two-year-old tantrum. Recentlly (and heck was this embarrassing) we went to Asda for our weekly shop, and the magazine I get monthly had released its newest magazine. So I asked if I could get it and my mum agreed, since my siblings get there weekly or whatever too. My brother saw this and instantly asked for a set of pens. My mum refused since he already had pens indoors. So he begged. And begged. And begged. And when my mum refused again, in the middle of Asda he had a full on tantrum, screaming and crying. Oh, I could have died. Everyone was staring at the 8 year old (his birthday was recently) who was throwing a tantrum like a two year old. Eventually, we calmed him down. That was one of his worst.

What I hate is that he hangs around with me and my friends, much against what I want, then when something doesn't go his way, bursts into tears and goes in, complaining. I'm the one who getrs shouted out, and I 've said before I don't want him hanging about with me, but as he doesn't have many friends, he's forced on me :sneaky2:

I wish he would just be a nice brother for a change :(


Who spoiled him?


Oh you're kidding me... does he throw tantrums like that at school??? I hope your mother didn't give in and give him the pens...


I hope he eventually realises he's only embarrassing himself by doing that...


The bold bit... wonder why that is? :naughty: Not surprising at all...





My brother was very irritating as well... he used to pick on me as well... he grew out of it once he finished school and started working... He still speaks to me rudely at times but I ignore it...


My sister has her moments... she can be good value at times, but other times she can be a pain...



Scarilly enough, they're older than me...

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I'm the middle of three.

My sisters get on my nerves, but I'm sure I annoy them just as much.

Now that we're all older, we've gotten better. We don't fight as much. My younger sister and I have our occasional clashes, but you have to expect that when you share a room. Especially since I'm a neat freak and my sister's a slob.

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I can't have hot-cross buns this easter because my little brother has a wheat allergy...:crybaby:



My brother is 5. I was completely opposed to the idea of having a sibling from the second I found out my mum was pregnant--I was 10 at the time. The sad thing is, I still am. He's way more trouble than he's worth--He's just SO IRRITATING. I've never got along well with kids--him least of all. He always talks back, always whines or cries when he doesn't get his way, and never does what he's told...worst of all, he hits me and I can't hit back because I've got an unfair advantage...I know I should be more mature than that, but he brings out the worst in me! I'm always snapping at him, and I feel bad about it but I can't help it...

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