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We want Pinkunicorn123 back!


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I'm stuck somewhere wondering why her post was taken so seriously.

"What followed" was fun and banter - the location of moors, whether or not tomomi was guilty (which she obviously wasn't) and if the page could be kept open to 660th post (which it obviously wouldn't).

I think what was said to provoke Pink's response was pretty :boxed: to me looked as though she was saying that looking up people's country of origin on their public myspace = creepy stalker that is a danger to Mika's security...


But regardless, it didn't turn into an viscious argument, it was just one post in which she expressed her views, which wasn't illegal last time I checked.



Just for the record and because I happened to be around in that particular thread at that particular time when pink posted something that is now discussed as possible (or more likely impossible) cause for her ban:

I can't take back my post in the lollipop delivery thread. It's been said and at that moment I wrote what I wrote I meant it. Re-reading and thinking about it, I see that my choice of words was probably not the smartest. I know that what people did was done to help Wendi and there was no bad intention behind. I was just really upset about the way how people were listed as suspicious of having done something evil or potentially threatening. And about the fact that I found my ID among the suspects. I see that I have overreacted and now after all that trouble I wish I hadn't even looked into that thread. Apologies to those who felt addressed and offended.

As far as pinkunicorn123 and her reaction to my post are concerned:

I found it rude to be told to 'grow up' by her as I assume that I am fairly grown up already. Generally I don't appreciate to be addressed in a rude way. But I dealt with it right away in the thread and that was it. Neither did I make use of the report button, nor did I run to a mod. That's not my style.

I have no clue what the mentioned post of hers might have to do with being banned. And I don't quite understand FD's last post in that thread.


If you want it short: It wasn't me.

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Just for the record and because I happened to be around in that particular thread at that particular time when pink posted something that is now discussed as possible (or more likely impossible) cause for her ban:

I can't take back my post in the lollipop delivery thread. It's been said and at that moment I wrote what I wrote I meant it. Re-reading and thinking about it, I see that my choice of words was probably not the smartest. I know that what people did was done to help Wendi and there was no bad intention behind. I was just really upset about the way how people were listed as suspicious of having done something evil or potentially threatening. And about the fact that I found my ID among the suspects. I see that I have overreacted and now after all that trouble I wish I hadn't even looked into that thread. Apologies to those who felt addressed and offended.

As far as pinkunicorn123 and her reaction to my post are concerned:

I found it rude to be told to 'grow up' by her as I assume that I am fairly grown up already. Generally I don't appreciate to be addressed in a rude way. But I dealt with it right away in the thread and that was it. Neither did I make use of the report button, nor did I run to a mod. That's not my style.

I have no clue what the mentioned post of hers might have to do with being banned. And I don't quite understand FD's last post in that thread.


If you want it short: It wasn't me.


Don't worry- I don't think non of us would have thought of you banning Pinkunicorn123, I think she could have held in what she was telling you to "grow up", I don't think she was thinking at the time when she posted that, and I do understand that you do have your rights on this site, and I would have been a bit offended. I'm with you 100%, and if Pinkunicorn123 wasn't thinking about the post at that time, then I'm sure she's learnt her lesson now. It was just a silly mistake, and I'm sure Pinkunicorn123 is sorry. And I'm also with the mods on this, because I understand they are just trying to make this site better, but on the other hand I'm not with them because I think they took it a bit harshly and therefore banned her- but with no reason, how will all of us know if we've done the same thing wrong? How would we know what to look out for, and to think about if we are doing something wrong? Mods- you should gather every single reason to why you banned Pinkunicorn123 and really you should talk to US about it, because we have every right to protest against this.


This is my opinian, reported to you by 'Mika,I love you' Also helping the MFC to be a better place :thumb_yello:

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wtf :boxed:



won't comment further as it might denigrate the forum and result in another ban for me and even if I do think this place is turning into a <insert bad word>, I wouldn't want to be locked out of a place where I have 5000 posts people could potentially still reply to...

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I was reading Wendi's 660 thread when Pink got banned and I do think it's abit harsh as well. I mean it was resolved in the thread I thought.


Don't see why she got a lifetime ban - I didn't realise until this thread came up that that was the case. I think It's abit unfair for someone who has donated and has been on this board along time to get booted off - especially as we are still supposed to be going official aren't we. Are you saying she can't be a fanclub member then cos' I've never known a fanclub to decide who is and who isn't a member - I mean this isn't just about a forum - or to me it won't be soon. Hopefully.


I'd hate the thought that one day something I'd type could get me banned from here without really knowing the reasons why.


Makes you nervous of any topic you reply to and watch what you type in case it's taken the wrong way.


Hope it get's sorted as she seems well liked, and well I love this place and want happiness to ensue lol

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This is the second time in a couple if weeks we are speculating in why someone got banned!

I would like to write a long and detailed description on how it makes me feel.

And I would if I could use Swedish.

Anyway this is the short version:


:boxed: Not trusted as a mature person who can handle information.


:shocked: Insecure of what I can say or not say in this place.


:thumbdown: The sense of this forum as a place with a very low ceiling (It is a Swedish expression when it is hard and risky to express your opinions without being criticized, as in jumped on)






I have no clue what the mentioned post of hers might have to do with being banned. And I don't quite understand FD's last post in that thread.


I don’t understand that post either!


wtf :boxed:



won't comment further as it might denigrate the forum and result in another ban for me and even if I do think this place is turning into a <insert bad word>, I wouldn't want to be locked out of a place where I have 5000 posts people could potentially still reply to...


Good point!

And please think about the members that feel comfortable in your company and miss you!:wink2:

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Are you saying she can't be a fanclub member then cos' I've never known a fanclub to decide who is and who isn't a member - I mean this isn't just about a forum - or to me it won't be soon. Hopefully.

That's a very valid point, I hadn't thought of it that way.

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i agree, one day i can say something and the next day the mods attack me for it, i just think we need some better set rules here.

The mod and admin teams are already working on rules for future decisions.


The concern here is that their past decisions haven't been explained.

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(Tis okay... you'd do it without apologising anyway!)


I know :roftl:


Ummm.... yeah I got that... I isn't completely stoopid you know!


In my own demented way I was agreeing...


I know, I was also really just agreeing. Has anyone noticed that everyone has just been agreeing and agreeing? We are trying to have an argument here! Where are the people defending Pink's ban? WHERE ARE THEY??? :blink:


Oh, and where it said Blue Sky as the quote, it was actually me... I'm pretty sure... unless both BS and I said exactly the same thing...

Not that it matters... I'm being anal...


Yep :thumb_yello:


I am thinking perhaps, that the better term is "indefinite - until further evaluation".


I hope so.


Anyone for an impartial grievance committee to review the situation?




If Pink wants to appeal the decision then there should be an avenue for it. Preferably independent of the mod team to make it fair and have both sides heard.


But before you even think of appealing something you need a full explanation of why it happened in the first place...


Yep. When is it coming? *waits*


What thread is the "660", could you give me the link plz?




Just for the record and because I happened to be around in that particular thread at that particular time when pink posted something that is now discussed as possible (or more likely impossible) cause for her ban:

I can't take back my post in the lollipop delivery thread. It's been said and at that moment I wrote what I wrote I meant it. Re-reading and thinking about it, I see that my choice of words was probably not the smartest. I know that what people did was done to help Wendi and there was no bad intention behind. I was just really upset about the way how people were listed as suspicious of having done something evil or potentially threatening. And about the fact that I found my ID among the suspects. I see that I have overreacted and now after all that trouble I wish I hadn't even looked into that thread. Apologies to those who felt addressed and offended.

As far as pinkunicorn123 and her reaction to my post are concerned:

I found it rude to be told to 'grow up' by her as I assume that I am fairly grown up already. Generally I don't appreciate to be addressed in a rude way. But I dealt with it right away in the thread and that was it. Neither did I make use of the report button, nor did I run to a mod. That's not my style.

I have no clue what the mentioned post of hers might have to do with being banned. And I don't quite understand FD's last post in that thread.


If you want it short: It wasn't me.


:wub2: I'm so glad your here! And great to see that you understand how things can be said in the heat of the moment, and things can come across harsher than they might have been meant, this exactly what we've been saying.

So now we have both sides to the story ... but it looks like there's no story here...

Now I am just soooo confused as to WHY Pink is banned????

What is the story? :blink:


And I'm also with the mods on this, because I understand they are just trying to make this site better, but on the other hand I'm not with them because I think they took it a bit harshly and therefore banned her- but with no reason, how will all of us know if we've done the same thing wrong? How would we know what to look out for, and to think about if we are doing something wrong? Mods- you should gather every single reason to why you banned Pinkunicorn123 and really you should talk to US about it, because we have every right to protest against this.


Yep, we understand banning people is necesary, but we want to understand why they were banned :blink:

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Are you saying she can't be a fanclub member then cos' I've never known a fanclub to decide who is and who isn't a member - I mean this isn't just about a forum - or to me it won't be soon. Hopefully.


Very good point - should life-long bans even be possible for legitimate fans?


Makes you nervous of any topic you reply to and watch what you type in case it's taken the wrong way.


Exactly. Incase you might lose your ability to be a fan just because you got into an argumentative topic...


I don’t understand that post either!


I hope we/pink get an explaination soon. And I hope there is some kind of a solid reason for why she was banned, and this is not based on some kind of grudge/illegitimate reason.


A life-long ban is pretty serious, and I should think the cause of one would have to be pretty damn obvious.

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I don't really know Pinkunicorn123..and I never talked to her or something..

but I also think it isn't fair if we don't even may know what she did wrong!!..

if she doesn't even know it herself:blink: ..I really isn't fair!!!..there must be a reason for it!!..and I want to have an answer too!!..(so can you/someone put me on the list please??..:wink2:)..cause if she is banned for a good reason..she has the right to know the reason..and if we don't know it..maybe one of us makes the same "mistake" one day..without knowing it..and then she/he get banned too..:blink:..and we don't want that!!..:sad:

so please..give her and us the reason why this is happened!!..

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I added you :wink2:



I would like everyone to keep in mind that the mods didn't have anything to do with Pink getting banned for life. They're fighting in the best way that they can! That may not be publicly, but they are helping, so bothering them about it and saying that it's their fault tha tthis happened isn't right. As far as I'm concerned they're on our side :thumb_yello: This isn't a thread to go 'against the mods and what they've done to our poor pink :annoyed_h4h:' because that's NOT what happened. We just want whoever made this decision to see that we feel strongly that Pink needs to know why and see that the reason really deserves a life ban. This isn't a thread to discuss the rules of the forum as much as being a thread that just wanting Pink back. If a temporary ban is needed than that is fine, but I just feel that permanent one isn't warranted.

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I added you :wink2:



I would like everyone to keep in mind that the mods didn't have anything to do with Pink getting banned for life. They're fighting in the best way that they can! That may not be publicly, but they are helping, so bothering them about it and saying that it's their fault tha tthis happened isn't right. As far as I'm concerned they're on our side :thumb_yello:


yeah..I know..but I just want to know the reason or have an answer..:blink:..and I think that pink need to know it too..:wink2:

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I remember the first(ond only one really...) encounter I had w/ pink in a forum is that she *threw a paper ball at my head and ran away*...:roftl:




And also for everyone saying that what 'they' did was unfair isn't really right.. it wasn't all of the mods who did this.. if that makes sense :boxed:
I would like everyone to keep in mind that the mods didn't have anything to do with Pink getting banned for life. They're fighting in the best way that they can! That may not be publicly, but they are helping, so bothering them about it and saying that it's their fault tha this happened isn't right. As far as I'm concerned they're on our side :thumb_yello: This isn't a thread to go 'against the mods and what they've done to our poor pink :annoyed_h4h:' because that's NOT what happened. We just want whoever made this decision to see that we feel strongly that Pink needs to know why and see that the reason really deserves a life ban. This isn't a thread to discuss the rules of the forum as much as being a thread that just wanting Pink back. If a temporary ban is needed than that is fine, but I just feel that permanent one isn't warranted.



*instructs everyone to read "they/mods" as "person who banned Pink" (aka Freddie?) if she used it anywhere*


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yeah..I know..but I just want to know the reason or have an answer..:blink:..and I think that pink need to know it too..:wink2:


You always quote me before I edit my posts :roftl:

Yes I know that all of us want answers including Pink, but harassing the mods isn't going help. I know that you haven't necessarily, but I do believe that that has been happening because of this thread and I feel responsible. They are helping as well so bothering them isn't doing anything.

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You always quote me before I edit my posts :roftl:

Yes I know that all of us want answers including Pink, but harassing the mods isn't going help. I know that you haven't necessarily, but I do believe that that has been happening because of this thread and I feel responsible. They are helping as well so bothering them isn't doing anything.

I'm faster than you..:das:

ooh..but I'm not bothering them..:bleh:..I'm not gonna PM them or something..I'll just wait (in this thread) till they answer..:naughty:..and I understand it that they are helping us as much as they can..:wink2:..so I'm just gonna sit here till I have an answer..or something like that..:naughty::wink2:

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I'm faster than you..:das:

ooh..but I'm not bothering them..:bleh:..I'm not gonna PM them or something..I'll just wait (in this thread) till they answer..:naughty:..and I understand it that they are helping us as much as they can..:wink2:..so I'm just gonna sit here till I have an answer..or something like that..:naughty::wink2:


It's too bad it's easter :boxed: I'll have to keep leaving and coming back.

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I pmed FD and he said if he let pink back, this would be her last chance!
i emailed it to pink he she loved it! :lmao:
He acts as if she's done horrible things :blink:
i know, i read her post and it was just sarcastic!:boxed:
A lot of people think that it was something that happened in private messages.. interesting that someone would find out :naughty: I guess someone could have complained.. but I don't think that's it. Pink think's it's just the 660 post.
pink told me that too! i dont think she knows the exact reason she was banned other than that post. that brings me to the fact that they are PRIVATE messages!



I pmed FD and he said if he let pink back, this would be her last chance!
When did he tell you this, Phunk?
Um, yesterday was it? I pmed him with these smiles: :tears: and yes, he might of said that to shut me up, i dotn know!



Maybe you should take discussion of Pink's banning to the other thread to make sure no one will miss anything. :wink2:


Someone should inform her on what she has done.


I moved the conversation :naughty:

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I wanted to post a PM here - that I sent to Diana and Fred

regarding the 660 lollies and candles. I will post the following

for the moment until I can get my PM!!


It was Pink and Tomomi who were responsible - Pink did the

buying and sending - whilst Tomomi just knew what was going on.

I did not put there names in the thread as I didnt want any nasty

PM's heading their way. It was a joke - and when Pink realised that

others in the forum had received nasty things anonymously in the past

she informed me straight away. I said in my PM that as far as I was

concerned it was a joke - and was now over, and I didn't want any

consequences because of it.


If this was the reason she was banned then I find it unfair as it

was not at my request, and if you read my posts on that thread

none of them were ranting or angry. She had the decency to own up,

and apologise to both myself, and my daughters - where she could

have just not said anything and stopped sending the things, then

I would have had no idea who was sending them, and been left


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