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What annoys you?


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When people don't even try to form a sentence when they type. It's like all of a sudden you forget what punctuation and grammar are? I mean yeah, make a mistake here and there (I do it, you do it...we all have made 'type errors'), but it's not that hard to type a proper sentence.


Glad I finally got that off my back!!!

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lol actually i was thinkin about starting a thread like this, this morning! but you beat me. what annoys me is...

you know when you're sitting at an intersection and the people across from you have their blinkers on as well as the person behind them and at first they're in sync w/ each other but then slowly they go slightly off then comopletely opposite...:furious: that just makes me angry...:naughty: kinda random i know!

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-People who talk, continuously and at full volume in the movie theater...but I'm always too chicken to tell them to shut up so I sit there, loathing them the whole time.

-People with big cars who think they own the road

-Smoking sections (seriously, do they think the smoke knows there's a sign there?)


-People who say things like "I'm not homophobic, it just grosses me out to see two guys kissing!" (uh...that IS homophobia my dear)


I'm sure I'll think of more! :roftl:

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There are a few things that annoy me, though usually I try and let them just roll off my back, but you can only take so much. I will list the top two for right now:


1.) The fact that I spent $2,099 (not sure what that is in pounds) on a gaming tower and now my computer freezes after only 10 months and I have to go 1 1/2 hours away just to get it fixed.


2.) When you meet someone online and think that you have made a new friend and all of a sudden they stop IMing you and they don't have the guts to tell you but just stop answering your messages. That one really hurts. :emot-sad:


I know they are both kind of superficial but there they are.

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At the very moment my stupid printer is annoying me.:mad3: I just hate it when it stops in the middle of printing and I have to start all over again...and of course it doesn't work as it is supposed to, oh no. Damn I hate it. If it dies again I'm throwing it out of the window.:throw:

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I can't stand it when I hear people eat.. hahah. Not very handy actually, especially not in the cantine. I die there:naughty:


And I hate my neighbour for not saying hi back to me.

I hate riding om my bike in the rain.

And what reaaally annoys me are those groups of boys hanging around in the city and making comments:sneaky2:

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tony blair


high school musical

my brothers

green cars


oranges(they make me sick)


the list goes on...

:lmfao: I only read yours now! thats a good one, your list is very specific:naughty:

green cars?!:naughty:



High school musicl!!!!!!!!you don't know jow much that annoys me!!!:sneaky2:

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