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:roftl: Oh My! This is taking a very psychodelic turn:roftl:




Caz, that was great !!:lmao::lmao:

It's getting interesting....and weird....:naughty::naughty:

But it's great anyway !!


xDDD Poor Johnny boy goes a bit mental lol.

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Damn right!!! :punk:


Its a rubbish stag party btw .. wheres the beer :shocked::roftl:


Some details .. 1) its in the contract that Jerry and Mika have to approve what is posted before it goes on here , 2) this is has gone on for weeeekssss now , 8 weeks of this alone was dealing with lawyers and the contratcs :shocked:


I thought that would be the hold up, we ALL know what lawyers are like :sneaky2:

And it's such a BIG thing it has to be done as right as it can be.

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lmaoooo!!! Mika's reply should be "yeah that picture of me at the top should really go!" :roftl:




Mika: "Yeaaaaah that shirt wasnt flattering on my abs."

Jerry: "but the fanclub--"

Mika: "And that hat made me look a bit...Tim burton-esque"

Jerry: "your fans-"

Mika: "They are SO not going to be official with that kind of attitude towards my abs, I need to go the gym."

Jerry: "FANCL--"

Mika: *starts doings tummy crunches*

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Later in the day, after John managed to buy a new scanner and got it sent to him that very day due to emergency reasons and having a Priest by the name of Johnny exorcise the room in which Jerry had farted in, John was in pretty good spirits. The computer was working, the scanner was new and better, Mika was away somewhere and Jerry had learned the alphabet. He approached the living room and flopped on the sofa accompanied with a huge, weight-lifting sigh and started to read the newspaper.

As he kept flipping the pages he kept hearing a small vibrating noise but thought nothing of it. He was skimming the pages when his eyes briefly met the name "MIKA". He flipped the page back in urgency and read the article. Apparently, Mika had gone to India to learn yoga and yogic flying, and had gone alone. John was shocked to learn of this, went to grab the phone but saw something out of the corner of his eye.


There was Mika, in tight, hot pink lycra leggings and a white tank top, complete with pink headband....legs crossed, eyes shut and...levitating.


John: :shocked:


John rubbed his eyes in absolute shock and slowly approached the flying Mika, which was also where the vibrating noise was coming from. He tried to speak but words failed him. He even heard frequent crashes in the office no doubt created by Jerry, as his yells are clearly heard, but that did not distract him. Mika, who was meant to be in India, was flying in his living room.


John jumped back in shock as Mika's eyes opened. He smiled cheekily.


Mika: Whaddya think, John?

John: ...I....I....I'm not quite sure...

Mika: Ah come on, a little bit of Yogic flying isn't scary! *closes eyes again*

John: ...A little bit of what?

Mika: LITTLE BIT OF LOVE! Little bit of love, little bit of love...

John: MIKA.

Mika: Oh, right, sorry. I should be centered, calm...huummmmm....

John: But...you...apparently you're in India?

Mika: I am.


There is a very silent pause with only the tiny vibrations being heard. John keeps staring in disbelief.


John: I'm so confused.

Mika: *giggles*

John: *cocks head to one side* :blink: I don't understand.

Mika: I am in India...but because I am so centered, my 6th Sense has opened up and with the power of my mind -

John: I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYMORE, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYMORE! *puts hands to ears, eyes are firmly shut and starts running round the room* LALA LALALALA LALALA LAAAA!!!!

Mika: JOHN! I'm not going to do anything sick!!!

John: *stops, slowly opens his eyes and takes his hands away* Good.

Mika: With the power of my mind I can send messages. So here I am.

John: So...you're in my head.

Mika: Yes.

John: So basically....you're messing with my head.

Mika: Indeedy I am! *stares evilly at John and grins devilishly*

John: *gulps*


John starts to hear some scuttling behind him. Nervously he turns around, but there's nothing to find. Some more scuttling occurs in the room and John starts to shake in fear. What was happening? Mika starts to laugh as shadows occupy the room and suddenly....


All is black, apart from the flying Mika and John.


They hear a crash in what should be the kitchen and then...


Girl: HEY! WHAT'S the big ideaaaa?

John: Hey, MIKA!


John tries to ask Mika what is happening but before he knows, colour explodes from nowhere and all of a sudden they are transported into the Lollipop Music Video, the rainbow floor below him moving like a treadmill and a confused John finds it hard to keep up with Lollipop Girl, while Mika continues to levitate and laugh. John narrowly avoids the dropping and popping up sweets and he starts to scream in absolute terror and can't quite take the happiness and insanity.

John then lands on the old granny in bed and the baby wolves start to snif him. He squeals in a high pitched voice as the granny starts to drool, and starts to make a go for him, but John ends up falling from the edge of the bed and begins to fall with Lollipop Girl, hitting and bumping into things along the way.

He lands into the sea but unlike Lollipop Girl who is rescued by the fish, John isn't a very strong swimmer and starts to splash around gasping for air, and is then chased by hungry piranah's, and take a huge chunk out of his clothes. Meanwhile he is still screaming like a girl and Mika is still laughing.

John is then transported back to the rainbow like treadmill and is completely out of breath. He is now crawling on the floor, his face red and eyes bloodhot, his clothes torn, scratched and holed. He is then engulfed in total darkness and finds himseld once again next to Lollipop Girl. He sits down next to her catching his breath while she says her verse, random Las Vegas type words appearing behind them.

Before he knows it, the scenary has changed into the digestive system and John is being sucked upwards, going through the intestines and stomach, the enzymes and acid attacking him, his clothes becoming more torn, random bald patches appear on his head and screams in complete agony.

He gets pulled out of it, reeking of human organs, and sees a wolf rapping to him.


John: :shocked:


colour explodes once again and he finds himself trapped between Big Girls on the rainbow treadmill, absolutely gasping for air and eventually collapsing. The wolf picks him up and is sitting next to Lollipop Girl on the wolf's head.

The Music Video comes to an end and John is back in his normal living, looking a complete state and finding it difficult to remember how to use his lungs. He feels very much like how Alice in Wonderland must have felt.

Jerry comes in running in after all the commotion. He opens the door.


Jerry: JOHN! OMG WHAT HAP - FECKIN' HELL WHAT'S THAT SMELL?!?!?!!? *pinches nose*

John: :furious:

Jerry: John....?

John: :furious:

Jerry: Um....if it makes you feel any better........I learned how to write my name today....


John continues to stare.


Jerry: Dude, what the hell happened?

John: DON'T YOU SEE HIM?!?!?!

Jerry: Who?

John: MIKA!!!!!!!! In the corner of the room, levitating in a ghastly aerobics outfit?!?!

Jerry: *back away slowly but sees the newspaper, and catches a glimpse of the headline* Um...no...he's in India apparently...doing...yoga...

John: I think I've gone completely mad.

Jerry: *is silenced. Walks around John and finds the TV remote* Let's erm...let's put the tele on, shall we?


*The television flicks onto a music channel, and Mika's "Lollipop" is playing. John has a nervous breakdown*


John: TURN IT OFF!!!! TURN IT F***ING OFF!!!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Jerry: But John, it's Mika!



John runs out of the room and into the kitchen. Jerry hears the drawers opening and hastily follows John, deeply concerned.


John: Where are the knives?!?! WHERE ARE THE KNIVES?!?!?!

Jerry: They're uh..uhm...I'M NOT TELLING YOU!!!!!

John: *finds a smoothy machine maker and uses the contraption next to it which helps squeeze the fruit, but puts his head in between it* BRAIN JUICE, WHO WANTS SOME BRAIN JUICE???? *squeezes*

Jerry: :yikes:


wow!!! that`s great! a bit scary but i love it!!

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Mika: "Yeaaaaah that shirt wasnt flattering on my abs."

Jerry: "but the fanclub--"

Mika: "And that hat made me look a bit...Tim burton-esque"

Jerry: "your fans-"

Mika: "They are SO not going to be official with that kind of attitude towards my abs, I need to go the gym."

Jerry: "FANCL--"

Mika: *starts doings tummy crunches*


:roftl: :roftl:

someone's been reading my scripts LOL!

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Errrrrrrr I love stag parties!! :punk:


we ARE offical .....


We are just wating for Mika via Jerry to post the offical details :punk:



YEAH:yay: :yay: Thats brilliant news!! Thank u FD and all the MFC crew for all youve done...and ofcourse MIKA & Jerry:thumb_yello:

Waiting for their post:biggrin2:

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I really hope that he's not doing this:roftl:

lmaoooo!!! Mika's reply should be "yeah that picture of me at the top should really go!" :roftl:


Oh yea, totally:naughty: .

The picture sucks, and so do the colours. It should all look nice and professional as we said, "work like" so we can browse to our hearts' content.

A few of cleverly placed Excel sheets, a few pie charts....




Mika: "Yeaaaaah that shirt wasnt flattering on my abs."

Jerry: "but the fanclub--"

Mika: "And that hat made me look a bit...Tim burton-esque"

Jerry: "your fans-"

Mika: "They are SO not going to be official with that kind of attitude towards my abs, I need to go the gym."

Jerry: "FANCL--"

Mika: *starts doings tummy crunches*



Oh my, this is too funny for words. Guys, you're really amazing me.You should all go into comedy or something.:thumb_yello:

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Mika: "Yeaaaaah that shirt wasnt flattering on my abs."

Jerry: "but the fanclub--"

Mika: "And that hat made me look a bit...Tim burton-esque"

Jerry: "your fans-"

Mika: "They are SO not going to be official with that kind of attitude towards my abs, I need to go the gym."

Jerry: "FANCL--"

Mika: *starts doings tummy crunches*




mika looking himself on the mirror for hours and hours

and working out all day!! droll!!!

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:lmfao: Actually I only read half but my mom called me away :sneaky2: *goes back to reading*


:roftl: well you're doing really well!



Oh yea, totally:naughty: .

The picture sucks, and so do the colours. It should all look nice and professional as we said, "work like" so we can browse to our hearts' content.

A few of cleverly placed Excel sheets, a few pie charts....


Oh my, this is too funny for words. Guys, you're really amazing me.You should all go into comedy or something.:thumb_yello:


Excel Sheets? Pie Charts?! What for?! I don't MIND the orange, i just don't like the lines lol xDDD

and glad you're liking our stuff Sara! I think you learned one or two things about your fanclub friends these past few days :thumb_yello:

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Mika: "Yeaaaaah that shirt wasnt flattering on my abs."

Jerry: "but the fanclub--"

Mika: "And that hat made me look a bit...Tim burton-esque"

Jerry: "your fans-"

Mika: "They are SO not going to be official with that kind of attitude towards my abs, I need to go the gym."

Jerry: "FANCL--"

Mika: *starts doings tummy crunches*


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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Excel Sheets? Pie Charts?! What for?! I don't MIND the orange, i just don't like the lines lol xDDD

and glad you're liking our stuff Sara! I think you learned one or two things about your fanclub friends these past few days :thumb_yello:


We said it would make it much better so people can be on MFC at work, without risking a heart attack every time someone walks past them, or being fired:roftl: :roftl:.

You're trying to be discrete, just to get your fix, opening the window as small as you can, in the corner of the screen while you cover with your body, hoping nobody is coming, when suddenly your boss turns up and then this mega-bright-ridiculous-picture-ladden-orange- page just loads in front of you.......NOT good:naughty:.

So we said that it would make things a lot easier if it looked "worklike".

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