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Is Mika Suddenly Changing Now?


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But we all change. All of the time.

Just if I go and get a new haircut or wear a new shirt, not that many people care. :tears:

Really though, we only know the Mika that he has let us see, there may be many "versions".

This is just one look, and I can guarantee there will be many more before Mika runs out of steam, so either get used to it or just go with the flow.

I would care....:wub2:


I agree with you...we all evolve and try different looks and clothes etc. A lot depends on what we are doing and how we feel when we get up in the morning...

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It's not about the clothes.

In the past, he just didn't care how he did dress like for interviews (or at least he pretended not to care), and now he's all neat, wearing polos and suits everytime he appears somewhere.

He would play on tv, now he looks bloody serious to me.

Of course, that's normal, he's got really famous and must be careful about everything he says or does now. But, sorry, I cant helped thinking he's changed. And again, I don't mean the clothes.

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He did seem a bit more "smart" but his shirt was bright orange! Maybe we should wait and see what he is wearing if we get pics from this Lebanese thing tonight, I think the new hair won't last either, it will soon grow (even though I love it now) and we will be talking about something else. I just hope there are not "people" trying to change him as that is the Mika I love, the one who does it for himself and nobody else, I personally don't think he would be pushed into anything he is not comfortable with.

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Honestly, I think Mika is still Mika, and if he didn't change himself slightly from time to time, that would get boring,and he'd be restricting himself.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with him doing things a little differently every now and again. The more versatile Mika is the better in my opinion!


We need to let him change and grow and be Mika, rather than just do what we expect and stay forever the same..


And he is still very young, he has a full career to go through.

And remember he said for his next album, expect the unexpected...


I can't wait!:D

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Breana, I understand what you're saying. However, this IS only one moment and when we see him again he could be the Mika we all "know". I doubt Mika's personality has changed but I do prefer his older look. I, too, prefer the longer hair, prefer the older clothing style but this is only one interview and we should try to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was also on his holiday too.

Let's try to wait it out before judgements are created, yes? :thumb_yello:

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Okay, this actually started in the thread about Mika's hair and it was a bit off topic so I decided to make a thread. Well, as we know, Mika has made a llot of changes since 2007, (sara, his hair, his songs.) and of coarse, change can be good. But is he changing too much? I just dont think Mika seems like himself lately, I mean when i saw those pictures of him with a polo shirt on i was thinking "Who the hell is this and where did he put Mika?":shocked: It seems like everyone has different oppinions on this, but lack for a better phrase, Mika seems...well....less "weird." Mika has always been my inspiration, not so much his music, although i obviously love it, but more his clothing and his "I do what I want" attitude made me love him. Every day when someone would post a new picture of Meeks, I would just be like "wow, he is SOOOO brilliant" But now he seems well.....almost too "normal." say that I am overreacting to this, but I can't help expressing my oppinion (as you all know) So who agrees with me?

*agrees completely* he's goning witht he flow, next thing we know he'll be on msn and facebook saying "heyy babee hoow aarree yoou hunn? </3333"

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oh and another thing,

how is getting a hair cut and wearing a t-shirt that isn't his regular clothes a change really?!

I mean, if people think something as small as the colour of his t-shirt and the length of his hair are changes, then I dunno how ye'll cope as he changes throughout his career...


really, it's better to be open minded about him, let him have freedom to change when he wants to and all that:wink2:

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to answer you who are talking about how you dont care about his clothing, well i do. i understand he wears them once and awhile, but im just saying, im worrying if it will become a daily thing. and IT DOES matter to me what mika wears because to me, what a person wears somehow expresses their personality, yes, that is arguable, but that is just my oppinion and i dont want mika to become plain. this is just me expressing my oppinion of how mika is changing, not complaining that he has changd.


I understand where you're coming from but I don't think you should base your fear that Mika is changing on one polo shirt (that happens to be peach with a heart on it, which isn't exactly typical male attire IMO, but that's besides the point).


It's always a sign that we're having a dearth of Mika exposure when everyone reads so much into one single public appearance. Nobody thought "OMG Mika is turning into Johnny Depp" because of what he wore to the Grammys since we probably saw him at least 3 times that week and he looked different each time.


Mika puts together different looks. His hair cut doesn't mean he's suddenly a prep school grad. It's just how he chose to style it and what he wore one day. The next time we see him it will be something different and when he's on stage you can be guaranteed he will be unrecognizable to polo shirt Mika no matter how long or short his hair is.


Having said that, I've thought for a long time now that "weird" Mika is more or less an image he wants to project and not necessarily what he's all about on a personal level. If you watch what he wears in his daily life it is actually quite neutral and subdued compared to anything he wears for public appearances, especially on stage.


Of course we all choose to express ourselves in different ways depending on the occasion and the people we're seeing, but if you're expecting Mika to be "weird" 24/7 you're probably going to be disappointed.

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I also was thinking about this a few days ago. But I think it's because Mika is still too young. He's growing up. I always knew he won't be like this forever. I think he'll always be that person that 'Does what he wants and doesn't care about what everybody else think'. Maybe his personallity is not changing. Maybe some of his acttitudes are changing. I think it's just the outside what is changing.

I hope you understand what i want to say.


(Sorry for my english:blush-anim-cl: )

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Breana, I understand what you're saying. However, this IS only one moment and when we see him again he could be the Mika we all "know". I doubt Mika's personality has changed but I do prefer his older look. I, too, prefer the longer hair, prefer the older clothing style but this is only one interview and we should try to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was also on his holiday too.

Let's try to wait it out before judgements are created, yes? :thumb_yello:

no judgements are created, we all have seen present and past mika have we not? He's basicvally the bow wearing, suspender flicking, guy. And when he changes it's like...he's starting to blend, and he WILL (and that's a fact) lose fans if he changes his personality. If the personality is gone, than the music will change and a whole new group will evolve. His ego will no doubtedly boost to a level to match with the stars of today liek rihanna, avril, akon etc etc. We like him for who he is and yes, seeing some of his newer outfits IS different and is NOT the same. She is entitled to make a thread of something we are all noticing and that the fact it is changing is concerning to a 13 year old who idolizes him.



i say be yourself.

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This is quite interesting. Because I have thought about it and it was one of the first things that popped into my head when I saw the poloshirt photos. I think it was kind of inevitable that he becomes more "normal" and less "weird" - although I tried to convince myself that it wasn't.


I'm not sure how I feel about those changes. I'm sure he'll never change completely simply because he LIKES being different and it seems like he will go out of his way to be that way. I love that about him and I love that he won't conform. But there will always be things about Mika that will never change and I know he'll always be an inspiration if not because of what he is now then because of his background, his story, the choices he's made... I guess we'll have to wait til the second album to REALY find out how much he's changed. (no pressure Mika :mf_rosetinted:)

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I also was thinking about this a few days ago. But I think it's because Mika is still too young. He's growing up. I always knew he won't be like this forever. I think he'll always be that person that 'Does what he wants and doesn't care about what everybody else think'. Maybe his personallity is not changing. Maybe some of his acttitudes are changing. I think it's just the outside what is changing.

I hope you understand what i want to say.


(Sorry for my english:blush-anim-cl: )

I agree, I think his personality is still the same, but his attitudes, would be different, I mean I'm sure his life is very different now that he's sort of made it.

But something as simple as his outfit or hair is far from a worrying change in him...he is still Mika:wink2:

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I understand where you're coming from but I don't think you should base your fear that Mika is changing on one polo shirt (that happens to be peach with a heart on it, which isn't exactly typical male attire IMO, but that's besides the point).


It's always a sign that we're having a dearth of Mika exposure when everyone reads so much into one single public appearance. Nobody thought "OMG Mika is turning into Johnny Depp" because of what he wore to the Grammys since we probably saw him at least 3 times that week and he looked different each time.


Mika puts together different looks. His hair cut doesn't mean he's suddenly a prep school grad. It's just how he chose to style it and what he wore one day. The next time we see him it will be something different and when he's on stage you can be guaranteed he will be unrecognizable to polo shirt Mika no matter how long or short his hair is.


Having said that, I've thought for a long time now that "weird" Mika is more or less an image he wants to project and not necessarily what he's all about on a personal level. If you watch what he wears in his daily life it is actually quite neutral and subdued compared to anything he wears for public appearances, especially on stage.

Of course we all choose to express ourselves in different ways depending on the occasion and the people we're seeing, but if you're expecting Mika to be "weird" 24/7 you're probably going to be disappointed.


Uh...noo, he wears basically what he wears in public in privacy like that rocket shirt and funky glasses we've all seen a million times of him going to the airport. It's a typical "mika" look. Yeah, he dresses up for awrwad shows but it's bringing his style to another level. Like the grammy's psch yeah we can all see him wearing that normally but it was a bit more...done up, i believe. What i believe is we're not expecting anything of mika. we've grown to seen mika be himself etc and seeing him a bit different is just atad alarming. Of course we wont go into hyper action and move to london and force him into red skinny jeans, but it's just...we'll keep a look out and yeah if he starts chanign his music, it will turn some people off.

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It's always a sign that we're having a dearth of Mika exposure when everyone reads so much into one single public appearance. Nobody thought "OMG Mika is turning into Johnny Depp" because of what he wore to the Grammys since we probably saw him at least 3 times that week and he looked different each time.


Mika puts together different looks. His hair cut doesn't mean he's suddenly a prep school grad. It's just how he chose to style it and what he wore one day. The next time we see him it will be something different and when he's on stage you can be guaranteed he will be unrecognizable to polo shirt Mika no matter how long or short his hair is.


Having said that, I've thought for a long time now that "weird" Mika is more or less an image he wants to project and not necessarily what he's all about on a personal level. If you watch what he wears in his daily life it is actually quite neutral and subdued compared to anything he wears for public appearances, especially on stage.


Of course we all choose to express ourselves in different ways depending on the occasion and the people we're seeing, but if you're expecting Mika to be "weird" 24/7 you're probably going to be disappointed.



All very true, Christine. It would be his behaviour, not his looks that would have to change for me to think less of Mika, I think.

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I think we're all paranoid. If he had been wearing the orange polo and still had his old hair would any of us even have noticed?

I didn't even notice the orange shirt?!?!


Really, I don't understand the fuss about that at all! his hair, ok yes its different and we do notice, but the t-shirt!?! thats taking it too far I think...its a t-shirt! he can wear what he wants when he wants..........


poor Mika..:blink:

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