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Pick up the nearest book to you, and go to pg.25...

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"It was what he had been waiting for all these years, but when he had deciphered the signal pattern sitting alone in his small dark room, a coldness had gripped him and squeezed his heart."


Yay !

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Three books in a pile:


1) Father said, "Just try and keep your nose out of other people's business".


2) To do this, we will use two techniques: meditation, and deep breathing.


3) As former Yahoo! CMO Cammie Dunaway states, "You want to be connecting at the very senior levels of the organization, and you also want to be connecting in with the engineers and scientists who are doing a lot of work on the front lines."

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Oh thank-you! I'd been wondering where my debit card had gone and there it was in this book.


25... He smelled the beer immediately, and it struck him as a sour smell.




41... She couldn't wait to sink her teeth in.




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Oh thank-you! I'd been wondering where my debit card had gone and there it was in this book.


That's so funny... I actually found something very important in one of those books as well. Thought I'd lost it.

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That's so funny... I actually found something very important in one of those books as well. Thought I'd lost it.



Ha. If Mika were to look at the book I have right now.


Pg. 24 "Kind of a weird place for them to be"

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Candide did not take courage, but followed the old woman to a decayed house, where she gave him a pot of pomatum to anoint his sores, showed him a very neat little bed, with a suit of clothes hanging up, and left him something to eat and drink.



Mine didn't work. Damn you Voltaire...


I have two others sitting here, but one's a play so I don't think that counts.


The other quote is:

I want to go home.


Well I am already here so I don't think that one worked either.

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A book {in english} near me?..a school selection of tales by the overrated Hemingway :bored: "The Nick Adams Stories":yay:


pg 25..


"All right", George said. "What you going to do with us afterward?"

"That'll depend" Max said. "That's one of those things you never know at the time".


:naughty: someone is thinking how to make profit from the MFC :newyear:



{edit: + my age}


"Well bright boy", Max said, looking into the mirror, "why don't you say something?"






i also think that h is overrated


the first book in english near me, page 25, first line is:




The moment Denny bends over, his wigs falls off and lands in the

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I'm working on my linguistic presentation, so it kinda doesn't give any sense to read what it says in the book right next to me :roftl:

"qu'est-ce qu'une unité grammaticale?" I'd love to know the answer... :naughty:

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hi :wink2:


Dom Juan...35 "Ah ! qu'elles sont amoureuses, et ces lèvres appétissantes! Pour moi, je suis ravi, et je n'ai jamais vu une si charmante personne."


I tried to translate in english : "Ah! They love, and these lips appetizing! For me, I'm delighted, And I have never seen such a charming person."

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Page 25 "For a body to putrefy in a grave there needs to be enough moisture to allow tissue breakdown both from autolysis and from the action of micro-organisms, usually starting in the ileocaecal region of the intestine." :blink:


Page 47 "Why do birds never fall off their perches when sleeping?"


From "Why don't penguins feet freeze? and 114 other questions" :)

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Page 25 "For a body to putrefy in a grave there needs to be enough moisture to allow tissue breakdown both from autolysis and from the action of micro-organisms, usually starting in the ileocaecal region of the intestine." :blink:


Wtf??!! Wendi, what are you reading!!? :roftl:

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Wtf??!! Wendi, what are you reading!!? :roftl:


Its meant to be one of those books with random questions in it - but

on page 25 its part of the answer to someone asking why a deceased

relative was still perfectly intact when dug up 30 years later :shocked:




And what I want to know is...why do birds never fall off their perches while sleeping?? :naughty:


Its to do with clever tendons in their legs, and birds can

also cling to the perch after death because of the tendon set-up!! :bleh:

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the closest book to mee was 20th century ghosts by Joe Hill.

ok its more like a paragraph. but it all ties in:



'He said that most horror and fantasy was worse than awful: exhausted, creatively bankrupt imitations of what was **** to begin with. He said sometimes he went for months without coming across a single fresh idea, a single memorable character, a single striking sentence'

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i just bought the original Frankenstein today so...

pg 25:

I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, posessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans.


hmm, appropiate i think:mf_rosetinted:


pg 17:

I passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva.


ok, that has nothing to do with me since i dont know where Geneva is and i dont planon going there:naughty:

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nearest book to me was a Biology book:naughty:


Page 25- "Phosphalids are essential components of membranes- both the plasma membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm and all the membranes inside cells."


Page 14- "In the cytoplasm of cells, large numbers of chemical reactions take place."




*So I went to grab the first fiction book I had near me...*:naughty:


Page 25- "The night the rain began, we had a lovely, lovely love-feast."


Page 14- "My mother-huh! What did she know?"


Thank you!:punk:

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the nearest book is "Blutgier" and the first complete sentence on p. 25 is "Bin ich wirklich." (I really am.)


pg. 23 (my age) says: "Ihre Fingernägel waren lang und französisch manikürt, ihre falschen Wimpern perfekt." (Her fingernails were long and done with french manicure, her fake eyelashes were perfect.)



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