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The Australian Thread: Part Thirteen

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The Aussie Mikamites official logo:







The Aussie Mikamites are proudly sponsored by: MIKACARD








Team Mascot and hero: RAFFA

Theme song: Destiny’s Childs “Survivor”







Welcome to our home.


Please... come in...


As you walk through the hallways you will see that the walls are adorned with various photos of Mika, Mikamite family photos and various other paraphernalia. We take pride in our extensive Mika collection.




We have a lovely seating and entertainment area equipped with butterfly lounges and beanbags, where you can sit, relax and have a chat with friends.




This room is filled with glitter (shot from two large glitter cannons). This room is designed specifically for those who simply wish to roll around in glitter. Remember: Glitter makes everything better.

Bubbles provided by Happikali’s goat.




Like every good Aussie household, we have a Pool Room. However, since we are particularly thpethial... we have an actual pool table (the deluxe Prince model).




The Healing & Recuperation Centre is for those not feeling well. In this sanctuary they may get much needed rest.

Healing services are available and provided by the Aussie Medicine Woman who has a vast array of healing substances. These include scorpion and snake venom; eye of koala; tooth of croc. Other specimens and medicines are strictly top secret.




Those who are misbehaving will be banished to the cat pee corner for an indefinite period.




As the name suggests, this is a special built, custom made padded room which is used in extreme situations only.




Details of the contents and the exact reason for the dungeon have never been revealed. There have been various sightings of certain persons enclosed in the dungeon, but who can say whether this is fact or fiction?




Leads directly to the Butterfly Bar and back. For those who wish to make a more interesting entrance. Because doors are so boring.




As you walk outside you will find Happikali’s verandah (with a view to the Australian bush). This is THE place to be. Many any excellent night has been had on the verandah. This is officially the number one best gig site in Australia.

Use of the poles is permitted on special occasions only.

Rumour has it Mika will play an exclusive gig here during his tour of Oz.



You will see parked in the driveway a bright pink bus with one large Converse Hi-Top shoe attached to it’s roof. This bus is the Mikamites mode of transport, and will be used during the Aussie Mikamites Dream Tour of Oz.











Happikali’s goat.

A star in her own right. Can often be seen touring the world with Mika. Has her own manager.

Is famous for making bubbles using her rear end. Looks FAB in a pair of braces.








Camel Extraordinaire (and a bit of a princess). Beloved pet and best friend of Rainbow Sky.

His hump is an esky for storing beer and other beverages.

Dreams of being a movie star one day. Has modelled with Hugh Jackman, and starred in short film Jewel Of The Sahara with Gerard Butler.

Is available for rides at parties. Please phone Rainbow Sky for details.



Beware of bringing other animals onto the property.

Happikali may string them up without notice and use them for her jewellery making business.





There are two adjoining restaurants on our property:







Where the only thing on the menu is diet coke and a pizza please.







Visit Subway for a never-ending supply of Mika cookies. Special points are awarded to those who film their purchases and put their video on You Tube.







#1. Rainbow Sky

#2. happikali

#3. FlamingoCrumbles

#4. Dangerous Kat

#5. Blue Sky

#6. Marty

#7. nagnoo94

#8. Michelle 2

#9. celticjules

#10. soangel

#11. born4mika

#12. nico collard

#13. deconstruction

#14. Scut Monkey

#15. Black Milk

#16. S2_redshiftlove

#17. Jolene

#18. mouselle

#19. PamRam

#20. Walzing Matilda

#21. Cranberries

#22. Pamelalala

#23. Emily 4 mika

#24. Mika is so sxc

#25. mollydog

#26. sweet-dreams

#27. wooden_sox

#28. lyraucia

#29. babyblue

#30. ZoZo The Terrible

#31. kristy5188

#32. Kelzy

#33. pinkoranges

#34. armande

#35. themetalmunchkin

#36. afazza

#37. MeekoInkah

#38. quatzxice

#39. chickadee

#40. Sweet Knees

#41. Aaurora

#42. senyorita12003

#43. Ju-Ju Lea

#44. M!Ka RoX mY sOx

#45. Minda

#46 Oakie Doke

#47. kobiiiii

#48. Kateus

#49. mikas #1 fan

#50. riverbasil

#51. tiffany loves mika

#52. Tanya K

#53. xx_emily_x



#1. FreddiesDouble

#2. Steph

#3. helen

#4. LeighHodgson (my supplier)

#5. Wendi

#6. RosinaKiwi

#7. greta

#8. Mika4Life13

#9. artsyfartsy17

#10. englishrose

#11. PhotoJenic

#12. LA_fashionista

#13. charlottechristy

#14. elanorelle

#15. silver



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P.S. Who is superstitious about the number thirteen?


*cue discussion here*


For the record, I'm not.


RBSKY :scot:

Haha ... for the record ... I'm not either ... hehe .. it's my birth date ... :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


Rightio .... been up ALL NIGHT ... & am now going to bed .... :naughty:


G'night all ... :wub2:


P.S. Silv ... I answered your question in part 12 ... :wink2:


See y'all later !! :huglove:

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:roftl: DC was awake a while ago... hmm... Kelz'll be up in a couple hours .. they'll all be sooo jealous i made first page


:shocked: I missed your 20,000th post - belated congrats :yay:

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Haha ... for the record ... I'm not either ... hehe .. it's my birth date ... :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


Rightio .... been up ALL NIGHT ... & am now going to bed .... :naughty:


G'night all ... :wub2:


P.S. Silv ... I answered your question in part 12 ... :wink2:


See y'all later !! :huglove:


The day is over - HK has gone to bed :sleep_1:

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I went to MQ in the last thread and got there and it was closed!




Quoting Kelz

"ZOMG!!!11111 *Squeals and faints*


Jen.. It's called "Ghost"


It's definitely a cat. The noise on your roof is a possum/racoon and the LSD you stole off that homeless dude earlier yesterday is to blame.

But seriously, for a second, the night plays tricks on our hearing.

Flash some cleavage out your window,.. If you don't suddenly get a sturker peering in through your window (ft. heavy breathing, fogginess and licking) then you're stressing over nothing.."



Dang it! That man told me it was candy! Maybe that's why he said the brand name was 'Trippin' :naughty:

What an obvious name to that movie. :naughty:


Apparently my mom thinks it was a tom cat around last night howling for a mate because my cat seemed to be interested in where the noise was coming from. And errr I don't know if I want to do that because 1. I don't want to lure people and 2. that would be sketchy because if I do it in one window they'd have to climb up on the roof but if I do it in the other two... well... they either have a high ladder or they can levitate. :shocked:



"Meaning, the person on your roof is Kelzy..."


OMG :lmfao: why did I think of this?! KELZ!! You're the stalker aren't you? :sneaky2: *zhhz*

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So many things to say that I'll probably forget half of them.


Umm, nice to know you're still alive Jen!


Not superstitious about 13.


Silver, I thought you were describing me when I was a teenager. Serious, studious and dull. As one of the characters in "A Chorus Line" says when asked about her mother..."She was middle-aged and frumpy." "Who's isn't?" replies one of the other girls. "At 14 she was middle-aged and frumpy!" cue laughter. Well that's me. I've not yet named my inner teenager, although I confess I just like the idea of an inner teenager more than someone telling me I'm having a mid-life crisis or something. I've said this before but I'd never joined a fan-club before, I'm not usually into drooling over pics of people or even getting that excited about musicians. Well, not to this extent anyway!


Can't remember what else I wanted to say... bye!

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Umm, nice to know you're still alive Jen!


Umm? :naughty:


Yeah me too. :bleh: It was really the wrong night for my cat to decide to get wild. :thumbdown:


Whatever ended up on the roof still baffles mom and I though because my room is higher off the ground so I dunno. Whatever managed to get up there mysteriously made it's way up to my room first. :blink: I wonder if there's some raccoon or something out there with wings. :naughty: Maybe a raccoon drank some Redbull. :lmfao:

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Umm? :naughty:


Yeah me too. :bleh: It was really the wrong night for my cat to decide to get wild. :thumbdown:


Whatever ended up on the roof still baffles mom and I though because my room is higher off the ground so I dunno. Whatever managed to get up there mysteriously made it's way up to my room first. :blink: I wonder if there's some raccoon or something out there with wings. :naughty: Maybe a raccoon drank some Redbull. :lmfao:


Sorry, the ummm was just cos i couldn't work out where to start, not cos I'm not genuinely happy you're ok!

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Sorry, the ummm was just cos i couldn't work out where to start, not cos I'm not genuinely happy you're ok!


:naughty: I figured I'd tease a lil. :wink2:

I have a feeling I'll be out earlier tonight. I'm getting together with a friend tomorrow and I also mom helped me make a drink tonight and alcohol seems makes me a bit sleepy but I guess it doesn't help that I don't have stuff like that until pretty late at night. :naughty:

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From part 12:

Silver: I've been thinking about this whole fangurly phenomenon because I am experiencing the same thing myself. And as you know I am a mature and rational adult and all this drooling over men is just not me at all.


I have realised that in my teenage years I was very dull and serious and concentrated on studying. I think what we are witnessing is my inner teenager manifesting herself after all these years of denial. She's the one who's started going to gigs and joining fanclubs (well only MFC actually), voting for Mika without even knowing what she's voting for , and striking up internet relationships with people of dubious character (I shan't name names) . (She's even made me grow my, I mean our, hair long ).


I give you my inner teenager Dances With Bananas


I've just always been a music freak.. *gives you a dancing carrot* DancingCarrot.gif

englishrose: Meaning, the person on your roof is Kelzy...
SSshhhhh .. I'm sturking for all of us!


englishrose: EEEEK! She won tickets to the PREMIERE of Shine A Light?!! Does that mean she'll see/meet the Stones????
Ohh Wouldn't that be fricken awesome!!!


Silver: Kelzy - I don't know quite how to put this - but you don't need a bed for .. er . I know that may shock you.
True, but it's Patrick Swayze and RBSKY..

I assumed laziness of the swayziness.. (how lame)


Silver: My parents moved while I was at college. I came back at end of term to find a note pinned to the door saying "Have moved to new house".
This may come as a shock to you, but sometimes parents don't move house and instead they hide behind the couch and watch as you read the note they've just pinned there because THEY DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE..




Part 13 now:

P.S. Who is superstitious about the number thirteen?


I'm not suspicious of it. But, I'm a witch.

The fear of the number 13 has alot to do with women and witches.

DC was awake a while ago... hmm... Kelz'll be up in a couple hours .. they'll all be sooo jealous i made first page

Good Morning Missy :wub2:


Dang it! That man told me it was candy! Maybe that's why he said the brand name was 'Trippin'

:roftl: You should try the other candy he's got.. it's called "FanGurl." It's so good you'll squee.

What an obvious name to that movie.

True.. It should've been called "Making Bow Chicka Wah Wah ft. Clay."


Apparently my mom thinks it was a tom cat around last night howling for a mate because my cat seemed to be interested in where the noise was coming from. And errr I don't know if I want to do that because 1. I don't want to lure people and 2. that would be sketchy because if I do it in one window they'd have to climb up on the roof but if I do it in the other two... well... they either have a high ladder or they can levitate.

If your cat was going nuts then it was most likely 99% a tom cat.

OMG why did I think of this?! KELZ!! You're the stalker aren't you? *zhhz*

No it's not me!!!! I swear!!! WELOVE.gif


Good Afternooonnk Everyone.

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:roftl: You should try the other candy he's got.. it's called "FanGurl." It's so good you'll squee.


True.. It should've been called "Making Bow Chicka Wah Wah ft. Clay."



If your cat was going nuts then it was most likely 99% a tom cat.


No it's not me!!!! I swear!!! WELOVE.gif


Good Afternooonnk Everyone.


Well, he had some candy called shutyomouth but that sounded like it tasted sour so I decided to try Trippin :naughty:


:lmfao: Maaake a youtube video and call it that please hahahaha.


She seemed to have been going nuts because she dragged a toy out of hiding, but she came into my room and heard the cat and looked over trying to figure out where it was coming from.


Ahhh Picture9.png Oh all right it wasn't you. WELOVE.gif AHHH Picture9.png



*subscribes and goes back to sturking*


*pokes you*


*kicks you like an 8 year old*


*tapes 'spank me' sign onto yer bum*

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Well dammit! Who makes a new thread at 5am on a Saturday morning? That is just mental


Dances says you can have an extra picture seeing as we posted at the end of the last one.




oi! I took that screenshot! :naughty:


Rightio .... been up ALL NIGHT ... & am now going to bed ....


You are freaking crazy!


I wonder if there's some raccoon or something out there with wings. Maybe a raccoon drank some Redbull. :lmfao:




*gives you a dancing carrot* DancingCarrot.gif


*steals dancing carrot*


This may come as a shock to you, but sometimes parents don't move house and instead they hide behind the couch and watch as you read the note they've just pinned there because THEY DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE..




*runs off to catch up on old thread*


Oh, and 13? Nooo, 14's the one you've got to be careful of ... dodgy number 14 :sneaky2: *shakes fist at #14*

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Can't be here long, have to get a (alomst 5yo) ready to go play footy in front of 40,000 people at half time of the Eagles/Adelaide match. Look out for the little kid pretending to be an aeroplane and not watching where the football is or what on earth is happening around him. (I am a proud mummy, aren't I!)


Should be very entertaining.....




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WTF! We are such cheaters :naughty: page 178?


I have realised that in my teenage years I was very dull and serious and concentrated on studying.


:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:


Nice to meet you, Dances.


EEEEK! She won tickets to the PREMIERE of Shine A Light?!! Does that mean she'll see/meet the Stones????


Nooooo, I don't think so. Not in Perth :naughty: She doesn't even know really what kind of level of formality it is supposed to be, just that we have to be there at so and so time to get our names checked off the guest list. Awesome.


Where is Inaloo? It sounds far away, is it far away? Jolene? CD?


*rins away screaming and tugging at hair*




My parents moved while I was at college. I came back at end of term to find a note pinned to the door saying "Have moved to new house".


Hahaha! Didn't talk to your parents much then?


I saw a house for sale on my street for $14,000. Seriously. It says something like "Forced sale by owner: $14,000" WTF? :blink:




Can't be here long, have to get a (alomst 5yo) ready to go play footy in front of 40,000 people at half time of the Eagles/Adelaide match. Look out for the little kid pretending to be an aeroplane and not watching where the football is or what on earth is happening around him. (I am a proud mummy, aren't I!)


Should be very entertaining.....


Ahhh, that is so adorable!

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