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The Australian Thread: Part Thirteen

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Bec knows all *insert mystical music*




*smiles mystically then frowns*



I could be wrong though.... but thats my bet.


And ST, I was awakae at 10am.... but I was back asleep by the time it took me to march into the lounge room, turn off the Jonas brother song my sister was blasting :thumbdown: and then crawl back to bed :naughty:



Hello all..... I just had a very yummy bagel... tempted to have another one

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Hello fellow Aussies! I'm back after being out at toddler music this morning (with my toddler of course:naughty:), I'm currently watching David Tennant on The Friday Night Project on youtube and eating lunch... yummy combo!

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They certainly do!

I still say you're more of a perv though :naughty:

Can't beat a nice piece of Wensleydale (ask Wallace and Gromit)


That's unnatural*shudder*

I couldn't ever give up chocolate.. I just moderate my intake :bleh:


Hi-ho Bananas - away




My own smilie




Thanku Thanku Kelzeee

You're welcome Dances :roftl:


Good morning, Aussies. I expect that half of you are still asleep.

I wasn't asleep, but still in bed.

Neither do I. We make up a class of extra Mika-deprived people.

Look on the bright side, You can watch it on youtube :mf_rosetinted:


*smiles mystically then frowns*



I could be wrong though.... but thats my bet.


And ST, I was awakae at 10am.... but I was back asleep by the time it took me to march into the lounge room, turn off the Jonas brother song my sister was blasting and then crawl back to bed



Hello all..... I just had a very yummy bagel... tempted to have another one

Afternoon Bec.

I'm Having Lunch with Coldplay today.. (damn smiley limit) *Punk*

It's on Musicmax.. They have a thing for slow music clips..

Currently granny's doing some cool moves.. awesome clip.

Hello fellow Aussies! I'm back after being out at toddler music this morning (with my toddler of course), I'm currently watching David Tennant on The Friday Night Project on youtube and eating lunch... yummy combo!

Good Afternoon!



There's an update about us going to Ireland now. It's being postponed due to common sense :naughty: Instead we have some ideas for New Years. If you want to know more, or post some ideas, head to AMF.. Events section..

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Get outta there you....and where's my entrance?


*groans when she sees that Tanya's back*

You mean I have to maim myself in some way again every time I come in here...?


OK, well in the spirit of what the grads did today: *runs through thread screaming wearing absolutely nothing but paint*


You'd better check missy...coz I see all!!!!


Gee, that's encouraging...


I love their new CD


It is love.


Spare me....just take up permanent residency there and be done with it!!!! Dirty girl.



*sets up camp in perv corner*

*pervs away*





You forget, OkD...there is a big difference between you and I. It's about two feet of difference, actually.


Me too!

And what's with the dim grey? Is this a new trend? Will it be staying? And more importantly; are you doing each paragraph separately?

*shrugs* Felt like it.

Except I keep forgetting, so I have to go back and edit all my posts.

Yes, yes, I'm doing it the annoying way...


Are we talking about Labarynth? Because I'm pretty sure they do.


It's Labyrinth *slap*I need to watch that movie again. I wasn't such a pervert when I was 13.




Was that a joke?


Tyra & Mika!!!

Great siggy!


Damn, I missed it.


hello everyone took me a long time to realize i live in Australia, but now that i remember...YAY

i like cheese


lol i only watch neighbours because i love marco

but now but now i feel so sick

too much excitement


goodnight everybody i gotta sleep gotta leave u all behind and sleep sleep sleep

i tried to make it make sense but i give up im too tired



Haha, welcome to the Aussie thread. You'll fit right in...


Yeah, but sence makes more sense to me, and I've been doing it too long now, so it's stuck :tongue2:


I make the most cents of all! Hahahahahaha...


very long quote lol

ummm i want my name to be kipper or ted...or something like that :)


Can I call you Kip?


Hi I'm JJL,


*points to massive factory behind her*


That's the factory, only the most :das:, :mf_lustslow:, :punk: place in the world... that and it's chockablock full of chocolate!


So are you a Queenslander? Cause I'm like the only one... and well it can get kinda lonely....


So anyway MM how are you?





...and Paul Stanley (for me)....Bono (for Kelz & Teegs)....and Chris Martin (for ER)....wow, look at that list....we're not just nuts we're insane!!!! We've all got a thing for guys old enough to be our dads or grandfathers in some cases:naughty:....except for Mika of course!

Oi! He's not THAT...*googles*


He's only...almost twice my age...


But what do you want me to do? There are no 16-year-old celebrities who aren't Miley Cyrus. However old she is. I could spam this thread with pictures of Zac Efron....

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Oi! He's not THAT...*googles*


He's only...almost twice my age...


But what do you want me to do? There are no 16-year-old celebrities who aren't Miley Cyrus. However old she is. I could spam this thread with pictures of Zac Efron....


Ooooh, please. Feel free to restrain yourself!:blink:

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It's being postponed due to common sense




Ooh, I haven't been doing this lately...




OK, well in the spirit of what the grads did today: *runs through thread screaming wearing absolutely nothing but paint*




You forget, OkD...there is a big difference between you and I. It's about two feet of difference, actually.



Well, I'd like to see you trying t explain that to the 2 cannibals going without lunch :sad:


*shrugs* Felt like it.

Except I keep forgetting, so I have to go back and edit all my posts.

Yes, yes, I'm doing it the annoying way...


Well good!


It's Labyrinth *slap*I need to watch that movie again. I wasn't such a pervert when I was 13.


I can never spell that stupid word. I did change it about 30 times and then just gave up.

I got it for my birthday last year :fisch:


I make the most cents of all! Hahahahahaha...


I think I will actually be spelling it like this from now on.


Ooooh, please. Feel free to restrain yourself!




Aww, shucks. Who doesn't love Zac?


Actually, there's a guy at my school who looks EXACTLY like him, it's a bit scary.


You should stalk/photoshoot him.


All right. Question Aussies...


Has Blackpool ever been shown on the ABC here in Australia? Please, please, please, if anybody knows, put me out of my misery...


I have no idea, but I have a friend who would definately know. But she's not online.




The serial has been shown abroad in several countries, including:

Australia's ABC from November 30, 2005.
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Her name is KIP! It hurts my brain to have two MMs on MFC



Oh yeah, and pica_mika was going to study abroad there wasn't she? That must be coming up soon?


Well... now it is........ KM






You missed your 1234th post!!!!




Yes, but slightly less retarded.


Retarded fish are totally hot :roftl:


im a sydo, when i went to queensland i got so brown i couldnt recognise myself..lol i like queensland

and mmm i wish i owned a chocolate factory..i wish i was chocolate so i can eat myself

only some chocolate though, mainly reeeaaalllyyy dark chocolate, so dark its black and tastes like...realllyy dark chocolate lol

mmm i love dark chocolate

oooooooooo and coffee i loooveee coffee mmmm




Although you like QLD... *loves you just as much as everyone else*


*also offers employment in the Factory*


OMG JJL is that you:shocked:...*pinches self to see if she's awake*...*pinches JJL for being gone for so long* :wink2: Have you still got my Johnny Depp hidden away in your factory?


*rubs black and blue pinch bruise* Owch :sneaky2:


Your Johnny Depp???


He's all mine :das:


Good morning, Aussies. I expect that half of you are still asleep.



Neither do I. We make up a class of extra Mika-deprived people.


I iz a part of that class... *plots to make friends with someone who has cable*


*Remember she already has a friend with cable*


*will ambush in the near future*


Hello fellow Aussies! I'm back after being out at toddler music this morning (with my toddler of course), I'm currently watching David Tennant on The Friday Night Project on youtube and eating lunch... yummy combo!


I have to work when there is toddler music on... it's quite early... so I'm not really that chirpy... unless I'm going out after work... So if not I headache easily :naughty:




OK, well in the spirit of what the grads did today: *runs through thread screaming wearing absolutely nothing but paint*[/color]


Ohhh :das: *films and places on Youtube*


*sets up camp in perv corner*

*pervs away*


*Joins camp Perve*


*doesn't even know what she's perving on... but it's perving*








*attacks back*


Oi! He's not THAT...*googles*


He's only...almost twice my age...


But what do you want me to do? There are no 16-year-old celebrities who aren't Miley Cyrus. However old she is. I could spam this thread with pictures of Zac Efron....


Eugh... 16 year old celebrities... there's a reason why there isn't any of them... most of them are just finishing up puberty... it can get pretty cringy

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This is why I hate Facebook.


It only lets me upload 5 pictures at a time. It takes 4 hours to load those 5 pictures. And then 70% of the time at the end of the 4 hours it either acts like I did nothing or it gives me 5 blank pictures of nothing.



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Dunno, but quite a few months ago she came in here because she was going to Queensland and we were trying to find people who live in Queensland *shrug*


Retarded fish are totally hot :roftl:





I need to go into uni I think. Crap. They are trying to make me pay them THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for no good reason. They sent me a letter saying "OooooOOOooohhh, you did owe us $100, but because you didn't pay it, now it's THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS!" But it's absolute crap to start with because I didn't know I had to pay any $100, AND it says it's $50 for school fees (??) and $50 for guild fees - AND I'M NO MEMBER OF THE GUILD! If I was a freaking member of the guild I would definately not have been paying full price for everything all year. Dammit, if they are going to make me pay for that (x3) when I haven't even been getting any of the discounts...

And it's the last day of exams today, so I don't know if student services will be open after today? :boxed: But I sooo don't want to travel for 2 hours just to argue and lose and pay $300. But I also don't want them to re-multiply that by another 3 for no logical reason.

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Dunno, but quite a few months ago she came in here because she was going to Queensland and we were trying to find people who live in Queensland *shrug*







I need to go into uni I think. Crap. They are trying to make me pay them THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for no good reason. They sent me a letter saying "OooooOOOooohhh, you did owe us $100, but because you didn't pay it, now it's THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS!" But it's absolute crap to start with because I didn't know I had to pay any $100, AND it says it's $50 for school fees (??) and $50 for guild fees - AND I'M NO MEMBER OF THE GUILD! If I was a freaking member of the guild I would definately not have been paying full price for everything all year. Dammit, if they are going to make me pay for that (x3) when I haven't even been getting any of the discounts...

And it's the last day of exams today, so I don't know if student services will be open after today? :boxed: But I sooo don't want to travel for 2 hours just to argue and lose and pay $300. But I also don't want them to re-multiply that by another 3 for no logical reason.


At ECU, you had to pay the guild fee whether you wanted to be a member or not or got any benefits or not etc etc etc Rather sucked actually.

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Well, I'd like to see you trying t explain that to the 2 cannibals going without lunch :sad:




Well good!




I can never spell that stupid word. I did change it about 30 times and then just gave up.

I got it for my birthday last year :fisch:




I think I will actually be spelling it like this from now on.








You should stalk/photoshoot him.




I have no idea, but I have a friend who would definately know. But she's not online.




The serial has been shown abroad in several countries, including:

Australia's ABC from November 30, 2005.


Naturally, i've missed it. *sigh* Why am I always so late to discover all these things?

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Hello fellow Aussies! I'm back after being out at toddler music this morning (with my toddler of course:naughty:), I'm currently watching David Tennant on The Friday Night Project on youtube and eating lunch... yummy combo!

Which one: the first time he was on the show or the second time? Gotta love Justin and Alan. :naughty:

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Can I join you guys on this tour that may (or may not) happen...or is it just for you guys that have been on here for ages?


Sure! It's for everyone!


It actually started when Bec said she'd like to do a road trip... then I said I'd go on it... and it went from there... now we're going to ride in the Priscilla bus with a big arse high top on the roof...


Copyright doesn't count if you don't sell it!


Apparently it does... I'm sure Mika has copyrighted his name after the Belgian Mika thing... besides, I don't wanna get sued by some weirdo who isn't even famous out of her own country...


Besides, I'm sure Pizza Hut and Mastercard don't want their logos shown off with some strange English singer's name...


Are we talking about Labarynth? Because I'm pretty sure they do.


No... course not.


hello everyone took me a long time to realize i live in Australia, but now that i remember...YAY

i like cheese


Hey there! Welcome!


Damn, you're a New South Welshman, I was hoping we'd have a new recruit for the Victorians since we're being outnumbered.


Oh yeah!!! We're still kicking arse!


Hiya !!!


Mika photo-shot my boobs ..... be jealous .... be very, very jealous !!!!!




HAHA OKD !!! Of course he didn't silly !!! Just an old joke about a girl who used to post on mfc ages ago ... her siggy said "Mika signed my boobs, be jealous"


As if we were... we got a pic of him looking at Becs...


Dan O'Connor!!


*gives RBSKY a bib*


very long quote lol

ummm i want my name to be kipper or ted...or something like that


Okay... Ted it is!


Hi I'm JJL,


*points to massive factory behind her*


That's the factory, only the most :das:, :mf_lustslow:, :punk: place in the world... that and it's chockablock full of chocolate!


So are you a Queenslander? Cause I'm like the only one... and well it can get kinda lonely....


So anyway MM how are you?






I know I'm not the only QLD-er (We won state of origin last night) But, It seems like it


Yeah yeah...


I had to display a QLD hat in my classroom yesterday...


Wasn't there another one "Mika remembered me, he loved my tama and touched my boob... oh it's love"?


Yeah... they were, like, totally BFFs...


Hello Beautiful People


Hoopla Kelz!


Hey guys,

Just noticed on the TV guide that Channel [V] have a Mika concert on [V] Live, this Saturday at 5.00pm. It doesn't say what concert... last time they put on one from Brixton, but it could be anything.



B. xo


Ooooooh! Bec? DC?


I recorded the Jools show and and then the stupid DVD recorder had a hissy fit...again...that's the second time I've lost a Mika DVD...I think it's trying to tell me something because it doesn't happen with anything else!


If you ask the right person they might be able to supply you with some Mikaporn... :fisch:


...and Paul Stanley (for me)....Bono (for Kelz & Teegs)....and Chris Martin (for ER)....wow, look at that list....we're not just nuts we're insane!!!! We've all got a thing for guys old enough to be our dads or grandfathers in some cases....except for Mika of course!


And Bruce Campbell! And Paul McDermott! :das:


Good morning, Aussies. I expect that half of you are still asleep.



Neither do I. We make up a class of extra Mika-deprived people.




I was up at 6:30am...


It's Labyrinth *slap*I need to watch that movie again. I wasn't such a pervert when I was 13.


Oh yeah... he says quite a dirty line... about becoming her slave... :das:


But what do you want me to do? There are no 16-year-old celebrities who aren't Miley Cyrus. However old she is. I could spam this thread with pictures of Zac Efron....


Erm, tempting as that is, no.


All right. Question Aussies...


Has Blackpool ever been shown on the ABC here in Australia? Please, please, please, if anybody knows, put me out of my misery...


I was going to say ABC but someone beat me to it...

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Which one: the first time he was on the show or the second time? Gotta love Justin and Alan. :naughty:


second time. have yet to watch the first time, as I found all these other little interesting doctor who and david tennant snippets and have been happily whiling away the afternoon watching them....

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Piggy: "Heyyy, what you doin'?"



Piggy: "Okay, that's better, now, let me have a look."



Piggy: ":blink: What's this? 'Mika Fan Club'? That's the strangest way I've ever seen anyone spell my name!"



Piggy: "Right, if your not going to worship me, you're not going to worship anyone, bitch!"

(At this point I did have to remove him from my computer because he did proceed to start ripping off my keys one by one)


Apparently it does... I'm sure Mika has copyrighted his name after the Belgian Mika thing... besides, I don't wanna get sued by some weirdo who isn't even famous out of her own country...


Besides, I'm sure Pizza Hut and Mastercard don't want their logos shown off with some strange English singer's name...


But if your not making money off it it doesn't count. :bleh:


Hoopla Teegs!!!!!!!!!


Howdy :cowboy: Everyone!!!!!

Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave...


NegraArcoIris (3 weeks ago)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Whats wrong with you girl? Who cares about an annoying little brother when you have Jareth standing in front of you wearing reeeealy tight tights!!!!!

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