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THE HOTSEAT 6/15 dcdeb

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Hi there! I've got one...


Since you're a grown-up Mikafan, I'd really like to know what you like best about our Mister M :wub2: anything: looks, talent, character etc What's the first thing that comes up to your mind whenever Mika is concerned?


What I like best about him is the way he can write songs that make

me FEEL something. Not just happy, although certainly his music

makes me very happy! But some tunes

make me feel sad or melancholy... the music just makes me FEEL. It

touches me -- every song touches me in some way. I

don't get that from every song I hear.


And of course I think he's adorable :wub2: I would be lying if I

didn't mention that. And when I've met him he's seemed like a

very genuine, sincere person. But truly that's secondary.


I hate slugs so so so SO much. That picture scarred me for life. :tears:


Yeh I cant recover from that .. :boxed:


I'm so sorry my dearhearts... I had no idea. I'll never post such

nasty images again. :crybaby:



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You've been a mod for as long as I can remember... Was there a time you had enough of being a mod or had enough from the mfc all together?


And then the most important question (the other one was just a warm-up:naughty:):

What do you like best? Tiramisu or chocolate mousse? :D

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You've been a mod for as long as I can remember... Was there a time you had enough of being a mod or had enough from the mfc all together?


Hey Droopsy! I've only been a mod since about the end of last July. So not

quite a year. Happikali and nico_collard and I all started as

mods at the same time.


Overall, I enjoy being a mod, although it's certainly had its

exasperating moments... same with the MFC. But when I get too

upset or frustrated, I take my dog for a walk to get a little

perspective and then I feel much better. :)


And then the most important question (the other one was just a warm-up:naughty:):

What do you like best? Tiramisu or chocolate mousse? :D


Gotta be tiramisu. :thumb_yello:



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A slug! We have slugs that like to mate right near our front door --

the biggest slugs I've ever seen. They crawl up the side of the house

and then give off this gross slime thread -- two of them will

entwine themselves in this really gross little sex dance, spinning down

the side of the house. Ick. And then of course they are all around the

front door. I take the dog out at night in my bare feet sometimes, and

if I forget to look down.... squiiiiiiiiissssssssh! Ewwww. Oh! I even

have visual aids! See the photo!


ETA: Hmmm... the photo didn't upload... I'll try again in a separate post.

Wouldn't want to deprive you of the visual!








Thank you for that visual, Deb.


Those are the largest slugs i think i've ever seen.


Stepping on the slugs gettin' steamy...:puke:

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Hiya Deb :wink2: my questions...


What's your greatest fear ?

1 million dollar or a free tour with Mika ( with him in his home car and everything :naughty: ) ?

The best destination for a vacation ?

What's the naughtiest you've done when you was a child ?

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What I like best about him is the way he can write songs that make

me FEEL something. Not just happy, although certainly his music

makes me very happy! But some tunes

make me feel sad or melancholy... the music just makes me FEEL. It

touches me -- every song touches me in some way. I

don't get that from every song I hear.


And of course I think he's adorable :wub2: I would be lying if I

didn't mention that. And when I've met him he's seemed like a

very genuine, sincere person. But truly that's secondary.






:blink:Thank you. It's exactly the same for me. :wink2:

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Makes me think I still have to give you that tiramisu recipe ;)


Anyway ...erm...


What does your son think of your Mika-obsession?

And why this addiction to Mickey Mouse? :naughty:


Hey yeah! I forgot about that recipe!


My son thinks I'm nutz. But I think most teenage boys think that

of their moms, don't they? Doesn't matter. I probably am nutz.

Or will be soon... ready for the padded room. :wink2:


Mickey Mouse? Well... what can I say? I <3 Mickey.


I think I must have had a deprived childhood... and am now trying to

fix it, by visiting Disney World multiple times a year.



What's your greatest fear ?

1 million dollar or a free tour with Mika ( with him in his home car and everything :naughty: ) ?

The best destination for a vacation ?

What's the naughtiest you've done when you was a child ?


Greatest fear? That something awful will happen to my son. Especially

now that he's learning to drive. :shocked:


A million dollars or a tour with Mika... That's a tough one. I don't

really need a million dollars, I'm happy with what I have. BUT...

If I choose the tour with Mika then I'll NEED the million dollars, since

my family will clearly disown me and I won't have anywhere to live

once the tour is over. Hmmm... I'd have to choose wisely...


Best destination for a vacation? Disney World in Orlando OR London.

Of course.


Naughtiest thing as a child? I was a pretty good kid -- I was more

accident prone, than naughty, I think. I did things like put my arm

through the wringer on our old-fashioned washing machine, or pulled

my mum's hot iron down off of the ironing board onto

myself because I wanted to iron my dolly's clothes. Probably the naughtiest

thing I did was I ran away when I was about 6 to go visit a neighbor

who had a beautiful Weimaraner that I wanted to play with. My mom

had no idea where I was for hours... I think I may have gotten spanked

for that one :(



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