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THE HOTSEAT 6/15 dcdeb

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OOH, OOH, I get to be first:roftl:

Hello Deb, I'll bet you're expecting a deep philisophical question from me, are'nt ya?

No chance!!!:naughty:

What would you say if Mika offered you a PA job, BUT, you had to give up all your work to do with Disney to have it?

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What is something about you that nobody here knows?


What would you do if you found a scorpion walking across your head?


What's the grossest thing you have ever stepped on?


What's your favorite color of crayon?


What is your favorite scent?


What if your favorite brand/flavor of chips?


What would you do if you woke up and found yourself on stage with Mika while he was singing Grace Kelly?


What kind of shampoo do you you use?



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Thank you ladies! I was so pathetic, wasn't I? Bumping my own thread? :naughty:


OOH, OOH, I get to be first:roftl:

Hello Deb, I'll bet you're expecting a deep philisophical question from me, are'nt ya?




No chance!!!:naughty:


What would you say if Mika offered you a PA job, BUT, you had to give up all your work to do with Disney to have it?


Rose, I never know WHAT to expect from you! LOL!


I can say, without hesitation, I would drop EVERYTHING if Mika offered

me a PA job! Actually, if Mika offered me just about ANY job! (You

know, of course, that this is my secret fantasy, right?)


Hiya Deb :huglove:


What is your favourite hairdye shade?


Favourite girls name?


What personality traits annoy you most/please you?


Wendy! :wub2:


Hairdye? Hmm... I'm not into dying my hair, unless it was just for

fun -- and then it would have to be PINK! Definitely.


Girl's name? Julie, or a variation, like Julietta, Julianna...


Personality traits: My favorite trait in a person is the ability to

laugh at things, and especially, at themselves. I think that sees

you through so much in life. I also admire people with integrity --

people who follow through on their promises.


Hey deb, I really want to know how you found the MFC and what made you decide to join.


I first heard Mika in January 2007, and so I Googled him looking for

more info, and specifically mp3's. I stumbled across mikafanclub.com.

I started reading -- was sucked in by personalities like Freddiesdouble

and babspanky and others. They were fun to read, and I wanted

to join in, especially the more I heard and read about Mika -- I wanted

to be a part of this group that seemed to share my interest in him

and his music. I was in the midst of working on the revision of my book

so I really didn't have the time, but after about a month of lurking, I

started with a few posts. Next thing I knew... I was a full-fledged

member! :shocked: I still can't believe how this whole thing has




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Hiya Deb !!! :wub2:


Sooooo ..... I hope this is ok ... :naughty:.... Rightio, the old perrenial, inevitable Aussie question a la ROVE ........


For $20 AUS ...... Who would you turn gay for ??!!! :bleh:



(keeping in mind that the Aussie dollar is strong right now :wink2:)

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:yay: A few more questions!


What is something about you that nobody here knows?


Hmm... there are actually so many things... :naughty: What can I tell

you that's juicy? Seriously, I'm a good sharer, so people here

probably know more about me than they want to!


Let's see... Did you know: I've been to Egypt twice,

have ridden a camel and crawled around inside the pyramids?

I've ridden in a hot air balloon? I met Lady Diana? My middle name is

Jane? OK, that's boring -- but the things that are really juicy that

no one knows about will probably have to stay that way! After all, this is

a PUBLIC forum! :roftl:


What would you do if you found a scorpion walking across your head?
I would probably freak out, causing it

to sting me repeatedly and bring on my instant death!

I'm normally pretty calm about bugs and such,

but I think a scorpion would definitely cause me to panic!


What's the grossest thing you have ever stepped on?


A slug! We have slugs that like to mate right near our front door --

the biggest slugs I've ever seen. They crawl up the side of the house

and then give off this gross slime thread -- two of them will

entwine themselves in this really gross little sex dance, spinning down

the side of the house. Ick. And then of course they are all around the

front door. I take the dog out at night in my bare feet sometimes, and

if I forget to look down.... squiiiiiiiiissssssssh! Ewwww. Oh! I even

have visual aids! See the photo!


ETA: Hmmm... the photo didn't upload... I'll try again in a separate post.

Wouldn't want to deprive you of the visual!



What's your favorite color of crayon?

Hmmm... I think periwinkle blue. Or cornflower blue. I love blue, almost

all shades of it!


What is your favorite scent?

Tough to choose -- I really love lily of the valley, and also lavender.

And this will sound odd, but I also really love the way my dog smells

-- not when he's godawful dirty, but maybe a week or so after

he's had a bath. He's not all perfumey, and he's not really doggy --

he just smells good, like Dexter (that's his name).


What if your favorite brand/flavor of chips?
I have been known to eat waaaaaaaaay too many

Cool Ranch Doritos at one sitting...


What would you do if you woke up and found yourself on stage with Mika while he was singing Grace Kelly?

What would I DO? Probably what I would do is run off stage and

wait for him to finish so that I could have a proper chat with him later.


What kind of shampoo do you use?
Whatever was cheapest at the store. I'm not fussy.


Hey Deb.


If you had the chance to have a drink with Mika or Perez Hilton, who would you choose? (It can't be both, they got in a fight the night before and hate each other).:naughty:


LOL! It would have to be Mika, hands down. Perez, I love you man, but

I mean... it's Mika!


1.Your fave perfume?

2.Your lucky number?

3.Who's your fave actor?

4.What do you think about chicken? :lmfao:


Fave perfume: Cool Water by Davidoff

Lucky number: 9. Not sure why, it just always has been.

Fave Actor: Al Pacino. Love Johnny Depp, too. But I've loved Al Pacino

since I was about 16. (That would be about 100 years ago :wink2:)

Chicken? To paraphrase a line from a Seinfeld episode: Debbie likes her

chicken spicy. :das:



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Sooooo ..... I hope this is ok ... :naughty:.... Rightio, the old perrenial, inevitable Aussie question a la ROVE ........


For $20 AUS ...... Who would you turn gay for ??!!!



(keeping in mind that the Aussie dollar is strong right now


HK! Trust you! :naughty:


OK. For real: Angelina Jolie -- and it might not even take $20! I think she's

gorgeous. :wub2: There's also an American actress named Sela

Ward -- not that I've given this much thought, or anything... :blush-anim-cl:


BTW, I really like Rove, too...




are you ONLINE NOW???:shocked:


Yes. Hehe.


okok that was not the main question.....


why have you decided to be on the hot chair now?


i have no other questions for you...i'm still a bit sleepy!:bleh:


LOL! I told Kate I'd do it when the second round of Hot Seat came

up and she put me on the list, maybe a month ago... this just happened

to be the date.


It seems that there were supposed to be others earlier in June, but

people forgot about it. I think it's a fun thing, so I don't mind trying to

stir up some interest in it again! :thumb_yello:



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ok then!:thumb_yello:

i will think about something within today...something juicy........:naughty:




My life is an open book! I have no juicy secrets! :wink2:


I better get to bed so I'm prepared to answer...



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OK then dcdeb:


Which country you haven't yet been to would you most like to visit?


Which four people would you invite for dinner (apart from Mika - he's coming anyway :wink2:)


Wallet or purse?


What''s your favourite book?

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no questions


CIAO to my favourite SUPER moderator



Ciao bellissima! :italia:


che schifoooooooooooo debra

ma sei matta???



:naughty: Was that a Hot Seat question for me?


OK then dcdeb:


Which country you haven't yet been to would you most like to visit?


Which four people would you invite for dinner (apart from Mika - he's coming anyway :wink2:)


Wallet or purse?


What''s your favourite book?


OK, I think I'm allowed to still answer even though technically my "day"

is up... because I don't see a new Hot Seat yet...


Country -- Tough to choose, because there are several, but I'll say



4 People? Well, if Mika *were* going to be there, I wouldn't want to

invite anyone else! But OK, today my choices would be: Elton John,

Tim Curry, J.K. Rowling, and my old friend Bill who I haven't heard from

in years and who I miss terribly... *sigh*


Wallet. Definitely.


Fave book? That changes every time I read a book, just about :wink2:

But at the moment it's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.



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Urghhhh Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


<hides eyes behind fingers>


That sluggy picture uurghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :shocked:


:naughty: That's not even the grossest one! I can't find the one

I really wanted to post!



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HK! Trust you! :naughty:


OK. For real: Angelina Jolie -- and it might not even take $20! I think she's

gorgeous. :wub2: There's also an American actress named Sela

Ward -- not that I've given this much thought, or anything... :blush-anim-cl:


BTW, I really like Rove, too...




Heheheh .... :thumb_yello: ... .... & I daresay you are in great company there Deb !! :das:


Here you go !!!




PS. .... I 'thought' I posted this several hours ago , I had checked 'preview post' ... & then forgot to click 'submit' .... :bleh:

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Hi there! I've got one...


Since you're a grown-up Mikafan, I'd really like to know what you like best about our Mister M :wub2: anything: looks, talent, character etc What's the first thing that comes up to your mind whenever Mika is concerned?

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