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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Ick, Google says I need to download a program .. which I can't :boxed:


Okay, here's an even stupider question: You know when you write a letter, and you put an address in the top right ... is that the writer's address or the person the letter is to's address? :naughty::blink:

this is on the envelope?


if its on the envelope, then in the top left corner, (or left might just be here) you put yoour address

and in the center you put the persons adress you are sending it to

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Bow down before your ruler, worthless slaves!


Hello to you too :P


:shocked: Are you sure you're not me? I'm pretty much into exactly the same music, give or take a couple.



I listen to the same stuff too. I find that a lot of people on here listen to similar music...but we are here because of a common love for a musician, soooo...


Sure, check your PM box. :thumb_yello:


Any other takers? :das:


Checked--thank you so much!


for normal people..


True dat.


"Does Oooh, know you what is recreation? A barrier of text and take it that you translate in all the languages, then behind in English, and you see how degraded it can you taken." :naughty:


*gives you gold star*




Take a look in the mirror and cry :tears:


Lord, what you're doin' to me...!


I realised I never mentioned all the bands/music I grew up listening too..

First thing I remember is age 2 and having a KISS posted on my wall and listening to the Dynasty album all the time.. After that, it was The Beatles, Elvis, Rolling Stones, John "Cougar" Mellencamp, Smokie etc.. Then, by choice, I got into Cyndi Lauper, Culture Club, Michael Jackson, Madoona, etc.. Next I got brainwashed by my godparents and started listening to Alice Cooper and Meatloaf.. Then, around about the age of 11 I got full on into the Hair Metal :naughty: (Again, technically, since KISS are hair metal)

And, as a bonus.. Here's 3 songs that I loooovveed to dance around the bedroom too when I was 6 ish... *zhhz*





In the Talk Show thread, today's question was 'what was your fave band as a child?'

Basically I listened to whatever my parents listened to, but I picked out some favourites...After some thought, I realised that what I loved most was Jeff Buckley and the Kinks. I love me as a kid.

When I hit about 9 or 10 I remember liking Dido, the Beatles, and various Chili Peppers/Coldplay songs my dad had put on mixes.

Then I succumbed to peer pressure and started liking Avril Lavigne and Ashlee Simpson, etc, but I grew out of that pretty quick...


Btw Kelz, I quite like that 'Rainy Night' song...


....and by the time they get to the top of the effing tree they won't have the energy to do anything:naughty:


D: Well THAT'S encouraging...maybe I'll just become a nun and spare myself the trouble...


While rain is fantastic and all that, for my own mental health I can't wait till winter is properly over - the cold temperatures, overcast skies and less daylight hours depress me. I love long summer days when it's 8.30pm and the sun hasn't set yet and it's so hot all you can do is laze around or swim. There's also the fact that summer always marks a few months off from school so that's another reason why I can't wait for it. :cheerful_h4h:


I f*cking hate everything to do with winter. Except snow, for like, the first day. But after a week of not being able to go anywhere in a car and likely no electricity, I get pretty sick of it. I need my sun...:(


:shocked:.....geez, it's all go at your place isn't it:naughty:...hows about sudoku?


Yeah, but there's no point if there's no Mike to go with it is there?


He-Man is da bomb!


That he is! In all his badly animated glory!


I might... I need to finish the Martin/Mika one first... I plan on doing it during school hols...




That he is... he's hot... so's Alex O'Loughlin... he's Aussie... I only know cause I copied it for Margaret (MegPL)... And she should be getting a special parcel sometime soon...


Yesssss. I didn't think much of him until I watched Bend It Like Beckam with my (pervy) friend a little while ago...dunno what I was on until then...Phwoar!



And one for Rosie...




OMG, that's amazing...*daydreams about a bed made of cake*










*should MQ*





Hey all. Thanks for the congrats on the job and the cake.:das:

What's new? (besides Teegs' cake obsession?)


That reminded me of Dudley from HP..."Shan't!"


I am up early, because I don't want to get caught completely off-guard when I have to start getting up early for my job, which I start on Wednesday.


Already got into it with one of the roommates...


"What kind of bitch gets up at a quarter to 6 in the morning?!"


"What kind of bitch bitches about another bitch getting up at a quarter to 6 in the morning?!"(:naughty:)


I was trying to be quiet, but I have to pee when I wake up, just like every other human on the planet, and I'm not going to let it sit until a more convienent time, I'm going to flush it down. It's not my fault she's got the ears (and the face) of a bat.



I think I'm the kind of bitch who bitches about another bitch getting up at quarter to 6 in the morning...provided, that is, that she wakes me up, which she won't. My alarm clock tries and fails every time.


I'm off to bed (yes, I have been lurking). I've got no school tomorrow! But I still have to go in for parent/teacher/student interviews.


Goodnight lovelies!


Hmmmm...have to work on your evil exits, missy...:P


:roftl: Hahaha !!! *loves the blonde hair flying reference* :naughty:


Ummmm ... 'tis nearly midnight, sitting by the fire in the lounge room ( or living room, whatever you call it there) ... on the lappy. with the TV on in the background , about to ft. fabulous, old 1940's B/W movies ... chatting to you !!! :cheerful_h4h: .... you know .... just the usual ... hehe :wink2:

I read that as 'setting fire to the living room' the first time round...


"Wow...you Aussies have some, um, interesting midnight customs..."


Geez.....sounds insane!


Networking is time-consuming.:thumbdown:


HTML!!!!WHOOO!!!!! Loads of fun.:punk:


EDIT* Mmmm....went downstairs to sit on the bike rack to drink tea, smoke a cig, and watch the earlybirds go to class. It's nice and overcast this morning, which means today will be freezing all through to lunch. I forgot why it's good to wake up early...you get that happy beginning of the day quiet. The construction workers are just getting set up, there's steam coming out of pipes on the roofs of the dorms because people are getting their morning showers done, and the mountains a few miles away are still half-covered with mist. Ahhh.....:wub2:


I love the quality that morning sunlight has. It's so special.

I don't mind people smoking around me if it's baccy...but I can't stand the smell of straights...It makes me gag.


Stupid question: How do you edit a PDF file? I need to change some sentences, but I caaaan't :crybaby: And it goes munted if you try and copy it into work or something :blink:

OMG! Aussies use the word munt? Or munter? As in, hideously ugly person? I learned that one in England...

*misses England*

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After some thought, I realised that what I loved most was Jeff Buckley and the Kinks. I love me as a kid.

You know, the Kinks are, like, the Kooks favourite band :das: Luke did a duet with that Ray Davies guy at V :original:

OMG! Aussies use the word munt? Or munter? As in, hideously ugly person? I learned that one in England...

*misses England*

Hmm, I'm not sure. Well, I wasn't calling a batch of writing a hideously ugly person, but you could call a hideously ugly person munted. Although, I wouldn't be inclined to cut the word munted down to munt as you do here. Perhaps these are different words... :smth:

Courtesy of Urban Dictionary:


Broken, not workable for its origanal purpose.

A boat full of holes is munted.


John howard is really munted.


stuffed up, wrecked.

I munted my drawing.

This picture is munted


To be completely ruined, destroyed indefintely.

Your TV's munted as all hell.


to put it simply, ****ed. covers everything.

1. "this piece of **** stereo is really munted now."

2. "yeah, sorry bout that, i was well munted last night"

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You know, the Kinks are, like, the Kooks favourite band :das: Luke did a duet with that Ray Davies guy at V :original:




Hmm, I'm not sure. Well, I wasn't calling a batch of writing a hideously ugly person, but you could call a hideously ugly person munted. Although, I wouldn't be inclined to cut the word munted down to munt as you do here. Perhaps these are different words... :smth:


Courtesy of Urban Dictionary:


Broken, not workable for its origanal purpose.

A boat full of holes is munted.


John howard is really munted.



stuffed up, wrecked.

I munted my drawing.

This picture is munted



To be completely ruined, destroyed indefintely.

Your TV's munted as all hell.



to put it simply, ****ed. covers everything.

1. "this piece of **** stereo is really munted now."

2. "yeah, sorry bout that, i was well munted last night"



Ahhhh, so that explains why they named themselves something that was bound to get confused every time with the Kinks...:rolls_eyes:


Well, I've never actually heard munt used on its own. But yeah, in England, a munter is a really ugly person. But it probably has slightly different meanings based on which part of the country you're in...

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Ahhhh, so that explains why they named themselves something that was bound to get confused every time with the Kinks...:rolls_eyes:


Well, I've never actually heard munt used on its own. But yeah, in England, a munter is a really ugly person. But it probably has slightly different meanings based on which part of the country you're in...


Yes :naughty:


Hmm, yeah, this 'munter' sounds like a form of munted that has been .. er, munted a bit. :naughty:

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I'm trying to find sh!t to build computers... completely from scratch...

*points to shed*

If only you lived closer.. I have plenty of scraps.

"What kind of bitch bitches about another bitch getting up at a quarter to 6 in the morning?!"


It's not my fault she's got the ears (and the face) of a bat.


Zut alors! Babelfish! C'est cheating.

Babelfish n'aime pas votre phrase :naughty:

Crocs, sharks, drop bears snakes - no worries. Funnel web spiders - she's on her own

But the bigger spiders are so cute.

No such thing as an accidental post whore

And I keep saying, if people are going to post whore in The Aussie Thread, then please inject some quality to the posts. :naughty:

Mind you, I could do it with one of my sponges - they're always like foam rubber anyway

:roftl: *Hopes you aren't cooking my birthday cake*

I was considering never going to australia.


*hears woop-woops and weep-de-weep-wops*

:tears: You. Must. Come. To. Oz. *hissy fits*

Good morning all.....


Its a uni day today ft 2 hour gap in the middle (luckily an hour of that gets spent having lunch with a friend).


What is everyone else up to today?

Feeling good today. Finally.. Not quite over it, but definitely on the up..

Who's the friend? Huh? Huh??? Some hot uni guy I should know about?? :das:

Good morning, Australia. (ft. Bert Newton )

And his toupee... *zhhz*

I haven't, actually. We moved house so often in the last few years that I've lost track of where most of my CD's are - they're probably still scattered in various boxes in the garage. Since I have most of my music ripped to my computer I haven't bothered to look for them. So hunting down and alphabetising my CD collection could still be a rainy day plan.

I alphabetised mine once.. But they're no longer in order.. Must do it one day too ft. CDO.:naughty:

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Gosh, now I feel old. I saw Tori Amos in concert years ago when I was at Uni.

Just in case DC misses it..


Also, my laptop was still screwing up minus update, so it went off to the computer shop and I'm still minus it.

The update must've really screwed with it then.. Another reason why I don't install them.. :naughty:

But yesterday I got the record player to work! And yeah, it was just the "pushing the needle to the right to make it start spinning" thing. Wooo!

Of course it was.. :wink2: I had a 'push needle to the right' record player when I was a kid, so it was my first thought.. Although my current record player doesn't have that.. I just switch it on.. it's weird to me. :naughty:

And then after I got a bit sick of Shine On/Come on Over over and over I went through ym dad's records, but I couldn't find anything I recognised at all, except for Abbey Road, so I put that on Happy now, Beatle-maniacs?


This is for Tanya. I don't know if you missed that part. Do you know who Tanya is? Tanya can't understand that

True, but did you get the part where I said "I don't do it" :naughty: I have a video capture card so all mine goes in through that..

Which probably involves more stuffing around than one of these programs.. *zhhz*

Ahh! I hate you! That was my joke! I totally came up with that joke! Grrrr. Joke stealer.

Pfffffffttt!! Sufferrrrrrgh!

Finally! I understand!

Jeez Louise, I stood no chance of getting that one.

Yeah, you were a bit slow on getting that one..


Brillaint! Knew you would


Stupid question: How do you edit a PDF file? I need to change some sentences, but I caaaan't And it goes munted if you try and copy it into work or something



Or any other free online PDF editor.

Lord, what you're doin' to me...!

I have spent all my years in believing you

But I just can't get no relief :hair:

In the Talk Show thread, today's question was 'what was your fave band as a child?'

Basically I listened to whatever my parents listened to, but I picked out some favourites...After some thought, I realised that what I loved most was Jeff Buckley and the Kinks. I love me as a kid.

When I hit about 9 or 10 I remember liking Dido, the Beatles, and various Chili Peppers/Coldplay songs my dad had put on mixes.

Then I succumbed to peer pressure and started liking Avril Lavigne and Ashlee Simpson, etc, but I grew out of that pretty quick..

I liked all my parents stuff too. Part of that was because they had lots of records and I had a record player.. :naughty:

Btw Kelz, I quite like that 'Rainy Night' song...

Yay! It's a good song..

Strange, now I understand my fascination with rainy nights..

D: Well THAT'S encouraging...maybe I'll just become a nun and spare myself the trouble...

But half the fun of finding the right guy is dumping all the wrong ones beforehand. :naughty:

Yeah, but there's no point if there's no Mike to go with it is there?

Mike makes Sudoku worth playing.

That he is! In all his badly animated glory!

He Man was my hero.. *pbs*


Hmmmm...have to work on your evil exits, missy...:P

"See you tomorrow, unless you've all finally burnt in hell.."

(in which case say hi to Tanya..)

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NOOOOOO!!!! *hates summer with a vengeance*




I don't know how people can hate summer... actually... I hate it at times (when I'm working or my fan dies, or Im suffering major salt water allergies and can't beach it)... but most times I love it :wink2:


Winter depresses me and makes me sick


Finally! I understand!

Jeez Louise, I stood no chance of getting that one.



You were very KFSOBL in understanding it :wink2:


*points to shed*

If only you lived closer.. I have plenty of scraps.



Feeling good today. Finally.. Not quite over it, but definitely on the up..

Who's the friend? Huh? Huh??? Some hot uni guy I should know about?? :das:




*points to own shed*


Before I used to point to the cupboard outside my room... but I stole that to hang my clothes in... so they all went to the shed... anyways lots of scraps there if Teegs lived closer


(the tv goes in the cupboard in my room, but since it died, I'm thinking of replacing it with another chest of drawers since mine are always overflowing... because it would be easier for me to get a new chest of drawers than to get rid/stop buying clothes.)


And glad your feeling better..... I'm guessing that this means next monday arabic film with scut and monday after birthday meet up are looking up to? :das:



And No... no hot uni guy. One of my education friends, and some of her piano friends.


She's coming to see Something With Numbers with me in November (I need to send her the info), and hopefully another friend from uni is (their both local), and I'm going to see a friend of hers band support some band on the 3rd of Oct...

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And then after I got a bit sick of Shine On/Come on Over over and over I went through ym dad's records, but I couldn't find anything I recognised at all, except for Abbey Road, so I put that on :naughty: Happy now, Beatle-maniacs?


Very. :naughty:


Abbey Road is one of my favourites. 'Oh! Darling' is a favourite of mine. And I love Ringo's 'Octopus's Garden'. That album has some amazing harmony work.


Hmmmm...have to work on your evil exits, missy...:P


Indeed. Any suggestions?

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The update must've really screwed with it then.. Another reason why I don't install them..


Eurgh. Well it's good anyway, they are hopefully going to fix all the other crap that's wrong with it too :naughty:


True, but did you get the part where I said "I don't do it" I have a video capture card so all mine goes in through that..

Which probably involves more stuffing around than one of these programs.. *zhhz*

I got it, but I think you're missing the part where I demanded something of you/the general thread :smth:




Or any other free online PDF editor.


Brilliant! Google only found me downloading ones :sneaky2:


You were very KFSOBL in understanding it








Yes, I KFSOBL'd on that one :naughty:


I'm thinking of replacing it with another chest of drawers since mine are always overflowing... because it would be easier for me to get a new chest of drawers than to get rid/stop buying clothes.






Abbey Road is one of my favourites. 'Oh! Darling' is a favourites of mine. And I love Ringo's 'Octopus's Garden'. That album has some amazing harmony work.


:cheerful_h4h: Oh yeah, so I forgot to say - the Beatles wrote that song??! I did a thingy to it for an assembly in year three *pbs*

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I don't know how people can hate summer... actually... I hate it at times (when I'm working or my fan dies, or Im suffering major salt water allergies and can't beach it)... but most times I love it :wink2:


Winter depresses me and makes me sick

I love summer, except for the "Omfg it's 40 degrees and I'm sweating so much I can't function" moments.. But when it's around 30 degrees I love it.

I don't mind sunny winter days.. But I'd like it more if it didn't feel like winter lasted 8 months. :naughty:

*points to own shed*


Before I used to point to the cupboard outside my room... but I stole that to hang my clothes in... so they all went to the shed... anyways lots of scraps there if Teegs lived closer


(the tv goes in the cupboard in my room, but since it died, I'm thinking of replacing it with another chest of drawers since mine are always overflowing... because it would be easier for me to get a new chest of drawers than to get rid/stop buying clothes.)

:naughty: Noice.. I really need to donate some clothes to the salvos. I have that problem where the drawers are full and the washing's done.. and all the clothes I wear stay in the basket..


And, I'm sure we could rent our shed out as a fully furnished flat. Heather, you wanna move in?? :naughty:

And glad your feeling better..... I'm guessing that this means next monday arabic film with scut and monday after birthday meet up are looking up to? :das:

I'm going to say maybeyesh :das:

And No... no hot uni guy. One of my education friends, and some of her piano friends.

Would she make a hot guy if you got her a sex change?? :smth:

She's coming to see Something With Numbers with me in November (I need to send her the info), and hopefully another friend from uni is (their both local), and I'm going to see a friend of hers band support some band on the 3rd of Oct...

Sounds like fun!

Indeed. Any suggestions?

I made a suggestion in my MQ.. you shunned it.. :tears:

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You laugh but I bet faced with the same choice you'd make the same decision...


Now I just need to measure my cupboard, and move the tiny 2 drawer chest of drawers which I use as a tv stand ft drawers filled with dvds and bath stuff (which I cannot use) etc to the other cupboard, so that I can fit a much bigger chest of drawers in there


I love summer, except for the "Omfg it's 40 degrees and I'm sweating so much I can't function" moments.. But when it's around 30 degrees I love it.

I don't mind sunny winter days.. But I'd like it more if it didn't feel like winter lasted 8 months. :naughty:


:naughty: Noice.. I really need to donate some clothes to the salvos. I have that problem where the drawers are full and the washing's done.. and all the clothes I wear stay in the basket..


And, I'm sure we could rent our shed out as a fully furnished flat. Heather, you wanna move in?? :naughty:


I'm going to say maybeyesh :das:


Would she make a hot guy if you got her a sex change?? :smth:


Sounds like fun!




Those 40 degree days I hit the inside pool ft no scorching sun... other days its the beach...ft sunscreen of course...


And sunny winter days are good... so are sunny spring days.


Winter goes on too long.



Sister becster gets any clothes I can bear to part with, which is normally not that many. I find that even if I dont wear anything for awhile, there will be a day when I just want to wear it *cue purple woolen dress I decided I wanted to wear today* and so I keep it....


I tried to squeeze clothes in yesterday because instead of my standard one basket, there were two baskets of clothes on my floor. Now we're back to one and the basket of dirty clothes waiting to be washed (and full drawers)... so yes... need more space.



My grandma (yes lesbian one) used to live in our shed... it used to be basically a furnished flat... and then she moved out and we went back to dumping our stuff in it, though its got a sofa bed in it that brother becster v.2 and friends use when they doing the ultra cool "shed drinking" *zhhz*



Maybeyesh sounds good :das:... better than maybeno



Your obssessed with me and hot guys at uni aren't you melz?



I'm hoping it will be fun, brought the ticket today, now have to go to the venue to pick it up

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No I didn't. *points up*



Oh, now you acknowledge me.. :rolls_eyes:


Good evening (?) Aussies :punk:


My cake not good enough for you then Kelzy :sneaky2:


But I think I've got time to practise before your birthday :naughty:

Good Morning Ho! :wub2:

Oh, I love rubber cakes..

You have 11 days. :naughty:

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I love summer, except for the "Omfg it's 40 degrees and I'm sweating so much I can't function" moments.. But when it's around 30 degrees I love it.


Ahh, me too!


You laugh but I bet faced with the same choice you'd make the same decision...


Now I just need to measure my cupboard, and move the tiny 2 drawer chest of drawers which I use as a tv stand ft drawers filled with dvds and bath stuff (which I cannot use) etc to the other cupboard, so that I can fit a much bigger chest of drawers in there




My grandma (yes lesbian one) used to live in our shed... it used to be basically a furnished flat... and then she moved out and we went back to dumping our stuff in it, though its got a sofa bed in it that brother becster v.2 and friends use when they doing the ultra cool "shed drinking" *zhhz*


Grandma Brown, is it? :naughty:


Random Question:

I need to send a letter to these people, and I was just writing down the address and then I got thuroughly confused with the PO box bit. Do I just write the second line?


CWA of WA Contact Information


Telephone: 08 9321 6041 Fax 08 9321 6024

email: cwaofwa@iinet.net.au \

1174 Hay St. West Perth, Western Australia 6005

PO Box 97, West Perth 6872

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I got it, but I think you're missing the part where I demanded something of you/the general thread :smth:

I got that, but did you get the part where I don't care. :thumb_yello::naughty:


Brilliant! Google only found me downloading ones

Ha! You know it's only because I know how to use google.


We do it to torment you. It's fun. :wink2:

Those 40 degree days I hit the inside pool ft no scorching sun... other days its the beach...ft sunscreen of course...


And sunny winter days are good... so are sunny spring days.


Winter goes on too long.

If we had a beach here I would. But it's an hour away.. and normally I can't be bothered driving that far. But, the pools are good.


Sister becster gets any clothes I can bear to part with, which is normally not that many. I find that even if I dont wear anything for awhile, there will be a day when I just want to wear it *cue purple woolen dress I decided I wanted to wear today* and so I keep it....


I tried to squeeze clothes in yesterday because instead of my standard one basket, there were two baskets of clothes on my floor. Now we're back to one and the basket of dirty clothes waiting to be washed (and full drawers)... so yes... need more space.

Photoshoot purple woolen dress??

I'm the same. I have "I'll wear it again one day" clothes everywhere.. I can't hand me down to Sister Melzy.. she's too fussy. Kobiii happily steals my clothes though. Ok, tonight I definitely put washing away.. *makes mental note not to procrastinate about it later.*

My grandma (yes lesbian one)


used to live in our shed... it used to be basically a furnished flat... and then she moved out and we went back to dumping our stuff in it, though its got a sofa bed in it that brother becster v.2 and friends use when they doing the ultra cool "shed drinking" *zhhz*

Uncle Melzy owns this house and he's talked about living in the shed a few times.. Unfortunately he's not a lesbian.. Well, actually.. maybe..

Maybeyesh sounds good ... better than maybeno

It does :das:

And, it's "Maybenohnoh" :naughty:

Your obssessed with me and hot guys at uni aren't you melz?

I just assume your uni should have hot guys.. What's wrong with that? :smth:

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Random Question:

I need to send a letter to these people, and I was just writing down the address and then I got thuroughly confused with the PO box bit. Do I just write the second line?


Physical address: 1174 Hay St. West Perth, Western Australia 6005

Postal Address: PO Box 97, West Perth 6872

*insert red flashy lights on either side* :naughty:

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Twatty's quote dropped off for some reason.....I'm really good at sudoku too :crybaby:


Crocs, sharks, drop bears snakes - no worries. Funnel web spiders - she's on her own


Is ok Silver, we will protect you :wink2:


NOOOOOO!!!! *hates summer with a vengeance*

*high fives*



I had an exam today. So I consciously didn't come on MFC last night, not that it made any difference, I'm really quite skilled at finding ways of procrastinating.


True....look up procrastination in the dictionary and there's a pic of you!


This is for Tanya. I don't know if you missed that part. Do you know who Tanya is? Tanya can't understand that :insane:


Someone obviously does not want the kooks:bleh:



He's still stupid :naughty:


Well, they do say that dogs take after their owners:wink2:


D: Well THAT'S encouraging...maybe I'll just become a nun and spare myself the trouble...


:lmfao:....you wouldn't last five minutes



"See you tomorrow, unless you've all finally burnt in hell.." (in which case say hi to Tanya..)


Don't worry, I have plenty of asbestos suits to go around....I carry extras

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I got that, but did you get the part where I don't care.


Ah, no, I must have missed it :naughty:


Ha! You know it's only because I know how to use google.




We do it to torment you. It's fun.





Physical address: 1174 Hay St. West Perth, Western Australia 6005

Postal Address: PO Box 97, West Perth 6872

*insert red flashy lights on either side*


Cooliosis! :naughty: Should I write CWA above the PO box stuff, or not?


True....look up procrastination in the dictionary and there's a pic of you!




Someone obviously does not want the kooks


More like; someone is obsviously too used to Tanya being absent :fisch:


Well, they do say that dogs take after their owners




It's 4.38! Trains started again 8 minutes ago! The first train should be arriving at my station very soon! I'm gonna print this letter and go and find somewhere that sells envelopes/stamps :naughty: After someone tells me if I should write CWA above the PO box bit :naughty:

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Twatty's quote dropped off for some reason.....I'm really good at sudoku too

:shocked: How often have you let Mike come over to your place??

Someone obviously does not want the kooks:bleh:

She does.. She sooooooooooo desperately does.. :naughty:

Don't worry, I have plenty of asbestos suits to go around....I carry extras

You would.. evil woman..

goood morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:

Good Evening!

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goood morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:


Gooood late afternoon/evening!!!! :punk:


She does.. She sooooooooooo desperately does.. :naughty:


:roftl: *pbs*

*starts humming do you wanna*

*notices she is in a library*


*waits for someone to answer her envelope-writing dilemma*

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